Page 2970 - Week 13 - Thursday, 23 November 1989

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Recommendation (2)

the Treasury, as a matter of priority, examine methods of reporting agency transfers in accordance with section 8 of the Appropriation Bill;

the reporting include how often that section of the Appropriation Bill was used and for what purposes; and

such reports be included with the quarterly financial reports to be tabled in the Legislative Assembly (paragraph 2.23). Government Response

While it is possible for receipts and expenditures incurred under these appropriation arrangements to be included in financial reports, the development of the necessary systems capability to achieve that objective will take some time. Currently, the Governments highest priority in this area is the timely production of the quarterly financial statements. Significant financial management resources are being devoted to ensure that objective is met. The Government will investigate the possibility of introducing a reporting arrangement as part of the 1990-91 Budget Papers. The Governments review of the Budget Papers will take into account recent innovations by the Commonwealth to publish estimates of receipts which may in effect be credited to appropriations, that is, Table 7 of the Commonwealths Budget Paper No. 2.

Recommendation (3)

rent and associated costs be allocated to the relevant agency and, where possible, allocated to particular programs; and

superannuation costs be allocated to particular programs (paragraph 2.26). Government Response

Arrangements are in hand to identify ongoing rent of office space and associated accommodation costs against specific programs for inclusion in the 1990-91 Budget. However, once-only expenditure for any major relocation work impacting on more than one program will continue to be shown against the Agency Planning and Resource Management Program (Program 23) for the Office of City Management.

In 1989-90, those agencies which are making employer superannuation contributions to the Consolidated Fund are those which, prior to self government, made similar contributions to the Commonwealth Consolidated Revenue Fund. These contributions are being retained in the ACT Consolidated Fund to provide for future liabilities. In general, these agencies are of a commercial or quasi-commercial nature with significant own source receipts.


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