Page 2952 - Week 13 - Thursday, 23 November 1989

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also, Mr Speaker, I find it absolutely remarkable that a motion of censure - or what was the "slap the wrist" word we wound up using once before - - -

A member: Admonishment.

MR DUBY: The "admonishment" or "reprimand" had to spell out in full detail exactly where the person being so admonished, reprimanded or censured had fallen down in the game.

Mr Humphries: We are not moving the motion yet.

MR DUBY: But the point of the matter is, though - - -

Mr Humphries: Wait until 5 December.

MR DUBY: I know Mr Humphries, but the fact of the matter is that the people of the ACT are going to want to know what is the basis of this. I think if we had a fair dinkum motion of no confidence, something which indicated that the persons involved in this motion had the guts to put it on the line, then we could let people know what it was all about and let the community debate the matter for two weeks, until 5 December. I have not got a calendar on me, but I assume - - -

Mr Humphries: It is 12 days.

MR DUBY: Well, the Act requires that the matter can be put in seven days, and I suppose in a lot of ways I am intrigued, if it is a matter of such importance, why this no-confidence motion is not being heard as quickly and as appropriately as possible. What we do have now, of course, is 12 days of hiatus in government with senior public servants - look at them - sitting here in the Assembly - - -

Mrs Nolan: We have had six months.

Mr Humphries: We have had six months of it already.

MR DUBY: They are sitting in the Assembly quaking, worrying about their futures, wondering what is going to happen to their programs. I dare say they are sitting up there in their offices now, slowly but surely, page by page, tearing up the very budget papers that we passed today. The simple fact is that they will not know what is going to happen, because - Lord knows - to date, I believe, we have not had any indication from the people who have moved this motion as to what exactly the heck they are going to do. It seems to be that it is just a matter of personal pique.

Mr Wood: We have not had one good reason yet, have we?

MR SPEAKER: Order! Mr Moore, if you wish to leave the chamber to address members in the gallery, you may do so.

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