Page 2763 - Week 13 - Tuesday, 21 November 1989

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Those undecided were evenly distributed. Our ANOP researchers say they've never had such a huge gender difference on any subject in any poll conducted around Australia.

Here is the information supplied by Ken Begg, chief of staff, Capital 7, 6 January 1989. This is taken from the ANOP CAP 7 opinion poll and 1,200 voters were polled - quite a significant proportion in the ACT. The question was: are you in favour of the sale or hire of X-rated videos in the ACT?

The result read as follows:

37% in favour

51% against

12% undecided


47% in favour

41% against


28% in favour

62% against


50% in favour

39% against


25% in favour

63% against

That is a very startling revelation there - quite a significant poll.

Perhaps one of the interesting things that has come up in this debate on this particular Bill is the opposition within the industry itself. I think that is perhaps worth bringing to members' attention. I briefly quote from the Canberra Times on Sunday, 12 November 1989. A report by Philip Hobbs says:

The ACT Government's Bill to tax the sale and distribution of X-rated videos, already in danger of defeat, has received another setback - from the industry itself.

The industry says that the Bill is hopelessly inadequate and will open the floodgates to anyone who pays the $50 licensing fee proposed in the legislation.

The Australian Video Industry Association, which met in Canberra on Friday, says it expects at least 300 distributors of X-rated videos will try to set up in the ACT unless the legislation is amended.

It goes on to say, about halfway through the report:

The manager of Leisuremail, Gerry Hercus, said, "The Bill literally encourages illegal operators interstate to relocate in the ACT.

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