Page 2577 - Week 12 - Wednesday, 15 November 1989

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In this regard, since I took responsibility for the portfolio, the role of the steering committee was endorsed and its membership was expanded to include trade union representation. In August the report was received and the Government invited public comment. The Government took into account comments made in the many submissions in the consultations. That is something the Liberal Party would not have had to worry about because it would not have been consulting.

The Government's decision was announced on 31 October and essentially my commitment is to ensure that a high-level, high-quality service for the Territory and the surrounding New South Wales region is maintained. There are good opportunities for education, research and quality assurance and there is recruiting for the best available health professionals and other workers.

A comprehensive and accessible hospital system will prevail and there will be unnecessary avoidance of duplication. There will be enhanced public use of the Acton Peninsula and there will be savings in excess of $5m annually. The Government is now moving ahead quickly. Processes to ensure full, ongoing consultation with staff trade unions and the general community on planning, design and implementation are being developed.

Mr Humphries: Make a decision on the board then. Announce a decision today, Wayne.

MR BERRY: Mr Humphries said earlier that I, as Minister, had attacked the board. There has been no attack on the board by this Government. The credibility of the board has been raised by the Liberal Party. It has been responsible for making a public scandal out of this. It has tried to develop a public scandal, create a frenzy and then feed off it. It is common knowledge that it is an interim hospitals board. I am sure Mr Humphries has read the Kearney report; he will see this fact in there. The Government is required to make a decision about that board. I indicated in a statement in this Assembly in October that a decision on the future community consultative arrangements for health and community services, including hospitals, would be held over until the Government had formulated its plan for the restructuring of the ACT public hospitals.

Mr Humphries: Have you done that yet?

MR BERRY: The plan has been announced, Gary, or were you not listening that day either? The Government is currently considering a range of community consultative options. No decision has yet been made. It is essential that the Government properly consider all options and move in the most appropriate direction to meet the challenges of the future. The Government is addressing this issue quickly, and I expect to be in a position to announce a decision around the end of November. But whether he likes it or not, Mr Humphries has to recognise that it is a Government

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