Page 2369 - Week 11 - Thursday, 2 November 1989

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requirements. So, hopefully, we will consider and look forward to some changes in that process.

The committee is also strongly of the view that the development of performance indicators in the measurement of performance is essential to the Assembly's ability to monitor and assess program delivery. The committee expects that a greater amount of information regarding performance indicators and performance measurements will be included in next year's budget.

At this stage, I think it is appropriate to read into the record the first recommendation, which I think relates specifically to this matter. It is on page 4, for those who wish to follow it. It states:

2.10 The Committee recommends that:

. agencies provide additional supporting information to future Estimates Committees at the time of introduction of an Appropriation Bill;

. this information must, at minimum, include detailed breakdowns of the following items:

. grants

. repairs and maintenance

. minor new works

. minor plant and equipment

. other operating costs

. major plant and equipment

. other capital acquisitions; and

. this information must also be available at a sub-program level.

Mr Speaker, that particular requirement and recommendation was included because we were concerned that some officials were not always able to provide the information requested by members at the public hearing. Given that much of the information would have been used to formulate the budget, it was a trifle disturbing at times because of that.

As a result of a request from Treasury to all agencies, specific supplementary data were provided. However, because this was generally supplied following agencies' hearings, the agencies were not examined on the information provided to the committee at that particular stage. That was unfortunate, and I think it had quite a lot to do with the nature of the timing process for the committee procedures. Next year, Mr Speaker, I am sure that that particular matter will be improved, as members will have information before they go down into the Estimates Committee hearings and will be able to ask questions in a little more detail.

The committee notes that a significant proportion of the expenditure proposals contained in the appropriation budget are classified as grants to the public sector. These are principally to the Departments of Education and Community Services and Health, the ACT Institute of TAFE and the

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