Page 2019 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 24 October 1989

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I think it is a shame - a shame on the Federal Government - that this Bill has not been brought to fruition before this. I always remember Henry Ford's statement: "You can take all my factories and all my machinery away, but take my people away and I am finished". He understood that it was the workers who built his cars, not his machinery and not his buildings.

It is the workers who hold this country up. All the other people have learnt to get the tax lurks and so on, but all the workers have got is their labour to withdraw. When they withdraw it we have people like Mr Kaine insulting them and complaining about the fact that they feel they have rights. That is all they have got, Mr Kaine; nothing else but their right to withdraw their labour and I support them in that right.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Bill agreed to in principle.

Detail Stage

Clause 1.

Debate (on motion by Mr Stefaniak) adjourned.


Motion (by Ms Follett) proposed:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.

Recyclable Milk Bottles

MR MOORE (10.00): The topic that I would like to raise tonight is milk bottles. A new one-litre milk bottle is being introduced through Shop-Rite Supermarkets. It is claimed that this is a recyclable milk bottle, and indeed it is, because glass can be melted down. However, I am delighted to see today that the Owl Supermarket has, perhaps because of the pressure from Shop-Rite, reintroduced the 600ml milk bottle, the returnable, recyclable milk bottle.

When we look at recycling we really should be looking at the two levels. The returnable, recyclable 600ml milk bottle gets used about 20 times before it is melted down. It uses a tremendous amount less energy. I think it is a great opportunity for us in this Assembly to encourage recycling and a community awareness of the different levels

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