Page 1766 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 17 October 1989
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Sports Sponsorship
Mr Kaine asked the Chief Minister, without notice, on 28 September 1989:
... on 7 September it was reported in the media that "a Federal Government committee has questioned the ACT Assembly's decision to ban tobacco company sponsorship of sports". Could you tell me when, if ever, that matter came up before this chamber and, if there is such a ban intended, who made the decision.
Ms Follett: The answer to Mr Kaine's question is as follows: The media report referred to appears to relate to an inquiry by the House of Representatives Standing Committee on Finance and Public Administration into sports funding and administration. That committee has been examining sponsorship of sport by the tobacco and brewing industries and took evidence from officers of the ACT Administration on 7 September 1989.
That evidence covered, among other matters, the long-established ACT policy banning the display of tobacco products and signage at grounds leased from the ACT Government, and the likely impact that the establishment of a health promotion fund, proposed by the Government in the interim statement on the budget on 25 July 1989 could have in the area of sports sponsorship. While legislative controls were discussed to some extent, at no stage was it stated that the ACT Assembly had made a decision of the nature referred to in Mr Kaine's question.
In the 1989-90 ACT budget the Government has confirmed that it will establish a health promotion fund in the ACT funded from an increase in the tobacco licence fees. This will be used to support health promotion companies, to buy out existing tobacco company sponsorship of sports and to actively promote healthier lifestyles.
Ms Follett: On 27 September 1989, Dr Kinloch asked whether I could advise the Assembly of the results of my inquiries concerning alleged TAB credit betting at the Molonglo Tavern subagency. Dr Kinloch's question arises from an earlier answer of mine to a question without notice which appeared in the Legislative Assembly Hansard of 6 July 1989 in which I undertook to provide further information on this matter.
My answer is that I am advised that the ACT Gaming and Liquor Authority has commenced legal action against both the proprietors of the Molonglo Tavern and the punter alleged to have made the bets, seeking to recover the amount owing. Neither defendant has paid any money to the authority in relation to its claim.
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