Page 1708 - Week 08 - Thursday, 28 September 1989

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34. 18 October 1988

FAS Development wrote a submission to the Joint Subcommittee of the variations to the Plan of the City of Canberra and provided details of the process of the land release, valuations and costs.

35. 9 January 1989

FAS Development wrote to the lessee about supply of power to the site and agrees that the costs should be borne by the Commonwealth.

36. 16 January 1989

NCDC advised that application for Design and Siting indicates that lessee is going to exceed the maximum permitted gross floor area.

37. 27 January 1989

Urban Infrastructure Division requested to finance the additional cost of providing underground cabling, a planning requirement of the NC DC.

38. 30 January 1989

ACTED advised that the cost of supplying underground cabling would be $46,360.

39. 20 February 1989

Lessee requested approval to display waterfowl and perhaps other animals in the future.

40. 22 February 1989

Urban Infrastructure confirm that they will meet the additional cost of underground cabling.

41. 22 March 1989

Submission received from the lessee on the installation of a brewhouse at the trout farm.

Environmental Protection advised that the Lessee would be required to obtain a licence to discharge water before the project could proceed.


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