Page 1705 - Week 08 - Thursday, 28 September 1989

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2C October 1987

Draft development conditions forwarded to relevant Branches (Technical Service, Mater, Traffic and Transport Land Management and Forests) for comment. Draft development conditions were also forwarded to the Australian Valuation Office for advice as to the current site value.

8. 23 November 1987 & 4 December 1987

Responses to draft policy plan referred to NCDC.

9. 9 December 1987

Australian Valuation Office recommend an unimproved value for the block, as at 1 December 1987, to be ;200,000 or an annual rental of $20,000.00

10. 16 December 1987

ACT Forests advised that the proposed site would remove approximately 6 hectares of productive forest from the Commercial estate. The value of the revenue lost to the Forestry Trust Account, $59,400, would have to be paid up front by the proponent on acceptance of a lease offer.

11. 22 December 1987

Amended lease development conditions received from the National Capital Development Commission.

12. 4 January 1988

The Director Commercial/Industrial Development Bureau conveyed the lessees request for modification of the lease conditions regarding sewerage connection costs and the payment for access road and existing landscaping.

13. 15 January 1988

NCDC provided final lease development conditions.

14. 18 January 1988

Mr Da Deppo was offered a lease over the site subject to a series of conditions.

NCDC addressed Mr Da Deppos request of 4 January 1988. Lease development conditions remain unchanged.


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