Page 1319 - Week 07 - Thursday, 24 August 1989

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means of fettering, which could make it unworkable. I urge the Chief Minister to administer the Act taking into account the spirit in which it has been drafted and the spirit in which it is being proposed. And that, Mr Speaker, is what the Residents Rally is also proposing to do, in the spirit in which it was drafted, particularly in relation to the need to monitor any sort of power that is being provided to our police force.

The Rally also fully supports the bipartisan acceptance of the need to consider the underlying problems that have resulted in this Bill being brought forward to the Assembly in the first place. We look forward to the Social Policy Committee's deliberations in examining this matter carefully. I also make the suggestion that to effect a major improvement in this area, that is, social behaviour, there will be a need for an increased police presence. However, I would also suggest that it is not just a matter of police presence in these areas but the way in which the police provide that presence.

It is important to ensure that there be an improvement in the relationship between the youth of our city and the police, and I am sure that when we in the ACT have control of the police, we will see that sufficient funds are provided to ensure that this form of community policing is fully established.

Let me turn for a moment to an issue raised by Mr Humphries. He referred to the need for places for young people of our city to gather safely. I noted with interest the other day - in fact it was a Monday or a Tuesday - when driving past the City Youth Centre at 6 o'clock in the evening, that it was in darkness. At 6 o'clock in the evening, a youth centre built at some considerable expense to the taxpayers of this country was in darkness. I encourage the Government to look carefully at the situation. There is not much point in having such facilities for our young people if they are not available to be used. It is a bit like having a casualty department in a hospital open only for a short period of time. I would suggest that it is very critical and it is very important that you look at it.

Mr Berry may think it is funny, but I suggest that, if you are going to spend money on those sorts of facilities, you make sure that they are utilised by the young people of this fair city of ours. I trust that Mr Berry will look carefully at this matter when looking at the current budget.

On that matter, Mr Speaker, I refer to another proposal, placed before both the Federal and ACT governments, to establish a joint user facility in the Tuggeranong Valley for judo club and gymnastics. In my discussions with these people, it became clear to me that this facility would remove the large waiting list they have for providing places for young people to gather and encourage them in

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