Page 1289 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 23 August 1989

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Tuggeranong and Belconnen. The Government is concerned that the Canberra Times decision will disrupt the orderly progress of the many projects that I have mentioned, not only in Civic, but elsewhere.

The Government's concern is that the effect of the Canberra Times decision has been to send a very strong anti-development message to people and organisations who might otherwise have invested in the ACT economy. That will give comfort to some people, those who are anti-economic development, those who are anti-jobs, those who are anti-worker. Also, potential ACT industries with their accompanying employment diversification opportunities could well be lost.

Employment opportunities in the construction industry are undoubtedly contracting. While some contraction was expected after the completion of Parliament House, loss of other employment opportunities will exacerbate the problems of that industry. The Government sympathises with the union view that, rather than have further reductions in activity, there should be a genuine attempt to replace some of the jobs displaced with the Parliament's completion.

The problems that I have mentioned are hopefully of a short-term duration as the Government will shortly be bringing forward proposals for a new land and leasing Act and a new planning Act. In the interim, however, the Government is canvassing all options that will restore the balance between orderly development in the ACT and yet retain the integrity of our planning arrangements.

To that end, we are seeking legal advice as to the extent of the problems arising from the Canberra Times decision. Also, we are developing options that address the problems I have identified and that are legally available to us. I foreshadow that I shall be bringing those options before the Assembly shortly. I wish to stress that any action we may take will be fully open to public scrutiny and subject to appropriate legal process. I ask the Assembly to be supportive of the Government's efforts to promote the ACT economy. To that end the Government will see endorsement of its efforts to limit business regulation as far as is practicable.

In conclusion, I would like to ask the business community not to be discouraged by the problems that we are discussing today. I would say, with emphasis, that this Government is committed to the removal of obstacles to the development of an effective private sector economy in the ACT, and we are confident that we will have the support of part of the opposition - as demonstrated by the Leader of the Opposition's motion, which we support - in our endeavours to ensure a thriving and developing private sector in the Australian Capital Territory.

DR KINLOCH (5.47): I was not altogether sure how some of the comments from Minister Whalan fitted the motion, but,

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