Page 1207 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 23 August 1989

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concerned that these people are in serious strife. They are taking in a highly toxic substance which is removed from the bloodstream by the kidneys. We all know that, as we get older, the kidneys do not function as well as they did when we were younger. Also bladder problems, I must add. The point is that our aged people in their twilight years are being subjected to having a chemical added to the water supply that supposedly helps decay rates in children. It certainly does not help the aged in our community who put their teeth by the side of the bed at night. There is no benefit to these people whatsoever. Their teeth are not being affected, but their bodies certainly are, and this is something that we must be aware of.

If we are taking a health measure in our community, we should not accept that one person might be adversely affected by it. So I repeat that all of the aged in our community are being affected by this highly toxic, cumulative poison, and that is not on. We find, at the other end of the scale, that a breastfed baby gets very little of the fluoride that mum accumulates in her body. There is a health barrier for that child, and fluoride is prevented from crossing the barrier.

So mum drinks lots of fluoride; they measure the milk excreted and find a very, very low percentage of fluoride. There is a protection within the body to prevent the child being damaged by this highly toxic poison. That is okay, but what about the trend within our society to take the bub from the breast because mum has to go back to work or whatever and to use formulas? The formula is mixed with fluoridated water and, weight for size or age of the bub, the concentration of fluoride is 50 to 100 times the dosage that is supposed to be acceptable for adults. So there is another problem.

I have not done the research, and I dare say no-one else has, but we have just had Red Nose Day, publicising cot deaths. Is fluoride associated with that? That is a preposterous suggestion but maybe it needs researching. The thing is that at a young age we have got a problem, at an old age we have got a problem, now let us see about the members of the community in between.

I have shown all members this little warning and I will just raise it again for those who have the eyes to see. That is a presentation of fluoride poisoning. It shows mottling of the teeth. We hear from the Dental Association, "It is only a presentation of mottled teeth; that does not really matter", but what I am saying is that when you get a mottling of the teeth that is a sign that that body has been poisoned by an overdose of fluoride. The situation is that of course we get a little lady who does not smile with an open mouth.

I will just show that again. You can see that lass. That is the way she smiles, with mouth closed. She is not prepared, at the age of eight, to have anyone see her

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