Page 1196 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 22 August 1989

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and the Abolish Self Government Coalition in the Assembly.

Ms Follett: The answer to the member's question is as follows:

The Government did not approach the question of staffing on the basis of provision for political parties. Rather, it intended to provide a basic entitlement to each member to support them in their Assembly duties. The Government proposal for back bench members was generous by any reasonable comparison - for example, with entitlements in the Northern Territory or Tasmanian Assemblies.

The Government also proposed modest extra provision for the additional workload and responsibilities of the various office holders.

Persistent representations from several parties led the Government to increase the staffing allowed for back bench members and to provide a staffing allocation, including dedicated keyboard resources, to the major parties.

The cost of all staff allocations for Assembly members and office holders is as follows -

ACT Executive 548,769
Speaker of the Legislative  94,908
Leader of the Opposition 137,861
Liberal Party 118,583
Residents Rally Party 184,936
Abolish Self Government Coalition  31,693
ALP (Non-Executive)  31,693
No Self Government Party  86,890

Community Mediation Service
(Question No. 4)

Mr Moore asked the Attorney-General, upon notice, on 30 May 1989:

Why was the proposed 1988-89 budget allowance for a Community Mediation Service dropped from the final budget allocations.

Ms Follett: The answer to the member's question is as follows:

Decisions about priorities for 1988-89 Commonwealth budget allocations were not the responsibility of the ACT Government.

The proposed Community Mediation Service is now operational on a pilot basis under the title of Conflict Resolution Service. It is administered by volunteers and uses the

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