Page 1134 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 22 August 1989

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Consultative Committee on Education

MR KAINE: I direct a question to the Minister for Industry, Employment and Education. I understand that he has established a broad based committee to advise him on the administration of the ACT government schools system. Could he tell us who the members of that broad based committee are; how many times it has me; and on what matters it has advised the Minister up to this point.

MR WHALAN: The members of the consultative committee, Mr Speaker, include a chairperson, representatives of parents, nominated by the ACT Council of Parents and Citizens Associations and also by the Canberra Preschool Society, members nominated by the ACT Teachers Federation and the Public Sector Union. In addition to those, there are two student representatives nominated by the ACT Secondary Students Council.

The advisory committee was only recently established. It has met on one occasion, and will meet for the second time next week. The issue which it considered at its first meeting was a very detailed examination, over several hours, of the background to the Government's budget statement, in which Treasury officials provided detailed explanations relating to the bases upon which the Government presented its statement. It included a very lengthy discussion on the role of the Commonwealth Grants Commission and its impact on budgeting in the ACT. Then followed a detailed examination of the way in which the Government's budget statement related to ACT education.

MR KAINE: I wish to ask a supplementary question. Mr Speaker, I thought my question was quite specific. I did not want to know what organisations were represented; I asked who the members of the committee were. I wonder whether the Minister could tell us who those people are.

MR WHALAN: The chairman, Mr Speaker, is Mr Alan Burnett from the Australian National University. The Teachers Federation representatives include - - -

A member: Rosemary Richards.

MR WHALAN: No, it is not Rosemary Richards. Audrey Duke is one of them. I am sorry that I do not have the comprehensive list here with me, Mr Speaker. If there is any particular purpose to this line of questioning, I will make the full list available after question time.

Mr Kaine: I think the question is plain enough, Mr Speaker. I think the Minister knows why I asked it, too.

MR WHALAN: It will probably be of more benefit to the Assembly if I make the full list available. It is quite a lengthy list of people who are on the committee, and we can be more accurate in that.

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