Page 995 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 26 July 1989
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I know, from having been involved in this area, that there are frequent problems, both with dealing with problems that arise as a result of things that have happened in an attempt to limit liability and other things of that kind and also the preventive measures that are taken by organisations such as this, including very significant insurance premiums such that these organisations are sometimes too concerned with legal issues and not concerned enough with the question of preventing bushfires occurring. So in that respect I think this move is a very positive one, and I support it.
MR KAINE (Leader of the Opposition) (4.28), in reply: Mr Speaker, I would just like to respond to the question raised by Mr Duby. I can assure the house I have no knowledge of any litigation that is even in anybody's mind at the moment in this area, and that was not the purpose for my bringing this forward. My purpose is simply the fact that in my opinion these firefighters need the protection that this amendment will provide for them in the future. I would certainly not be party to introducing any legislation in an attempt to subvert any litigation that might have been in train.
Mr Duby: It was not suggested, Mr Kaine.
MR KAINE: No, I understand that. I understand your caution, too.
Question resolved in the affirmative.
Motion, as amended, agreed to.
MRS NOLAN (4.29): Mr Speaker, pursuant to notice, I move:
That the resolution of appointment of the Standing Committee on Social Policy be amended by omitting paragraph (1) and substituting the following paragraph -
"(1) A standing committee on Social Policy be appointed to examine and report on matters concerning community and health services, housing, welfare, education and social justice issues -
(a) as are referred to it by the Assembly; and
(b) as are considered by the committee to be matters of concern to the community.".
This motion in relation to the widening of the terms of reference of the Standing Committee on Social Policy is one that bears importance to the effectiveness of that committee. Under the conditions specified by the current terms of reference for the committee, the committee can
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