Page 988 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 26 July 1989

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amendments. I seek leave to move the amendments circulated in Mr Whalan's name.

Leave granted.

MS FOLLETT: I move the following amendments:

(a) Paragraph (1) after "select committee" insert ", consisting of Mr Jensen, Mrs Nolan and Ms Maher,"; and

(b) Paragraph (6) omit "November 1989", substitute "1990".

Mr Speaker, I do not propose to speak at any length on this matter, because it seems there is broad agreement on it, except to say, on Mr Jensen's point about the date of reporting by the committee, that, as he has acknowledged, the mere fact of making the reporting date 1990 does in no way tie down the committee to waiting until that time to report; it would be quite at liberty to report before that time if it were able and if it wished.

So I think it is not a bad idea to give it an extra couple of months, particularly around November when I expect this Assembly to be very busy, and particularly given the likelihood that the Assembly will have some sort of a break over Christmas and New Year. There is no conspiracy, no plot, involved in changing the date to 1990; it is just a matter that we consider might be more convenient to the committee.

MR DUBY (4.04): I wish to speak to the amendment. I am speaking in favour of it. I do not know whether I am speaking out of turn, to be honest. I would just like to reinforce the words of the Chief Minister about the reporting date. The simple fact is that we have a plethora of committees which are very understaffed. At this stage I do not think it is fair on those hardworking persons to expect them to be able to apply their full abilities, in the very responsible fashion that we know they can, to the work that is being required. This November reporting date is simply and plainly too early. As the Chief Minister said, if it is possible we can bring down an earlier report, but November is simply too early. Honestly, I would urge people on the other side of the house to change the reporting date.

MR JENSEN (4.05): Mr Speaker, I will not take much time in this. All I want to say is that, while I acknowledge the statements made by both the Chief Minister and Mr Duby, I think it also is important to remember that there are a lot of people out there at the moment who are hurting very badly in this situation, and the longer this matter is delayed the longer that situation can go on. That was my concern. You will recall that the original motion that I put up to refer it to the standing committee said that it would be 60 days. When I put my amendment in to that motion I extended that period to make it almost a three-

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