Page 947 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 26 July 1989

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Mr Speaker, this motion takes the Assembly back to our second sitting day when amendments to standing orders were being made and when we were still learning how we were to operate in this Assembly. I do not propose to take up a large amount of time of the house on this matter, particularly because I think it is important that we get through some other private members business. Therefore, Mr Speaker, I ask that, without any further debate, the matter be put to the vote.

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Mr Whalan: Why do you not move that Carmel Maher be added to the committee?

MR JENSEN: Yes, Mr Speaker. I seek leave to move that Ms Maher be added to the Social Policy Committee.

Leave granted.

Motion (by Mr Jensen) agreed to:

That Ms Maher be appointed to the Standing Committee on Social Policy.


MR JENSEN (12.00): Pursuant to notice, I move:

That the Standing Committee on Planning, Development and Infrastructure -

(1) prepares drafting instructions before the last day of sitting in 1989 to give effect to Part IV of the Australian Capital Territory (Planning and Land Management) Act 1988; and

(2) invites comment from the Joint Parliamentary Committee on the ACT, the Interim Territory Planning Authority, the National Capital Planning Authority, the ACT Administration, registered political parties (whether represented in this Assembly or not) and such organisations or members of the public who wish to make representations on this issue.

Mr Speaker, the Rally has proposed this motion today to ensure that drafting instructions are prepared after due public consultation so that the major issue of planning for the ACT and the format for the Territory Planning Authority are fully aired in the public arena before they are put into law. The motion proposes to refer these matters to a standing committee, which I would suggest is an appropriate forum to consider them.

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