Page 899 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 25 July 1989

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Another report, by Dr Watson of the CSIRO, stated:

...the development of alternative termiticides is slow. None of the alternative termiticides for which full evaluation is available offers long-term protection comparable to that given by cyclodines...

Cyclodines include such things as Aldrin, dieldrin, chlordane and heptachlor, which are chemicals I understand it is proposed should be banned under this legislation.

The Minister, as I have said, gave some confusing indications. In her presentation speech she caused unnecessary concern by omitting to mention that pest control companies can indeed get licences to use organochlorides to control termites. Secondly, we find the Minister being quoted in the Canberra Times on 1 July in the way I have indicated, stating that organochlorides would be banned under the legislation. There was no mention made there of the fact that pesticide companies would be permitted to use organochlorides.

Finally, the Minister informed the Assembly, in the answer to the question by Mrs Nolan which I mentioned before, that pest control companies were to be exempt from the provisions of the Bill. I will quote what she said. She was asked by Mrs Nolan:

Why has the Minister failed to consult with the Environmental and Pest Managers Association of the ACT over its proposed pesticides legislation? Does the Minister not realise that this organisation represents many, if not all, the pest control companies in the ACT and that these companies are amongst the biggest users of pesticides in the ACT?

The Minister's reply was:

Mrs Nolan was not at the briefing. If she had heard the briefing, she would have been told that they are exempt from the Bill.

Her words were "exempt from the Bill". She further said, "They are not in this particular Bill".

That is clearly not true. This Bill goes to the use of pesticides - all pesticides - in the ACT. It is simply untrue to say that there is no application or effect on pest control companies when their product, or the product they use principally, is affected by legislation such as this. That is totally preposterous, with respect. No products other than organochlorides are registered in Australian States for controlling termites in building under construction. In spite of our cold climate, apparently termite activity in the ACT is severe. That is one of the reasons why the major centre in Australia for termite control is found at the CSIRO establishment at Black Mountain.

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