Page 802 - Week 05 - Thursday, 6 July 1989

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this far in the Assembly to get off the hook, as has been said by the Government members opposite. The Rally does not feel it is on the hook. The Rally has tried to be restrained.

I now read in text the statutory declaration of Elisabeth Frances Daly:

I, Elisabeth Frances Daly of 24 Willis Street, Evatt in the Australian Capital Territory, invalid pensioner, do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows:

1. I have personally known Geoffrey Da Deppo of 36 Monkman Street, Chapman since 1974.

2. I recently asked him to sponsor me in the Miss Australia Quest and I have had a number of meetings with him and many telephone conversations.

3. My brother Christopher Daly has been employed casually at a city restaurant/wine bar known as De Depot.

4. In August 1988 I said words to the effect to Geoffrey Da Deppo, "How's business" and he said, "Great - I've got the casino". I said, "How long have you had that?" and he said, "Since the beginning of July". He then said, "Don't tell anyone".

5. On 28 June 1989 I telephoned Mr Da Deppo on his telephone number -

and I will not read this out in the house, Mr Speaker -

some time after 1.30 pm. I said, "I'm concerned about the lack of time to sell tickets for a fashion parade at De Depot". He said, "Don't worry I can get people there, Paul Whalan's coming. I've got to look after my $100,000 investment". I said, "Really?".

On 11 May 1989 I was at De Depots when Geoffrey Da Deppo said among other things words to the effect that my friend Paul Whalan will be Chief Minister within 12 months.

That is the end of the statutory declaration dated 6 July 1989. Mr Speaker, I had to spend the entire break going out with a legal colleague to take that statutory declaration from Elisabeth Daly. It should not be the job of any member of this Assembly to do that.

Those are the actual facts put to the Rally which precipitated a reasoned question. I will go back to the question, Mr Speaker, that was asked of the Deputy Chief Minister. This statutory declaration jelled down in this Assembly to this fairly reasonable question:

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