Page 591 - Week 04 - Thursday, 29 June 1989

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"One of Mr Redleys subordinates has been involved in a back finance deal for a Braddon development for aged persons units and was in fact departmental spokesman when the house at 10 Murray Cresent was demolished for APUs. The same official purchased land in Canberra Avenue which is likely to be rezoned as we all know.,,

I do not understand this allegation. As First Assistant Secretary of the Legislation and Legal Services Division and previously the Legislation and Regulation Division, the Community Affairs Division, and the Policy and Program Coordination Division, none of my subordinates, insofar as I was aware, had anything to do with Braddon Aged Persons Units, land in Canberra Avenue or was Departmental Spokesperson for Aged Persons Units in Murray Cresent. At no stage during my Public service career was I ever Head of the Lands or Development Divisions of the Department.

I believe it is grossly unfair on ordinary citizens of the Territory for their names and reputations to be besmirched in the manner which has been perpetrated by Mr Collaery. I believe the Assembly needs to have established a Privileges committee or some other process which will enable any person aggrieved by an Assembly member to have that grievance looked at and the opportunity to have their reputation restored. I also believe it is incumbent on the Assembly to provide some public redress of my grievance now by, at least, requiring an explanation from Mr Collaery as to the motivation for his actions in seeking to undermine my reputation and credibility.

I have sent a copy of this letter to each member of the Legislative Assembly and to the Secretary, Chief Ministers Department.

Yours sincerely


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