Page 369 - Week 03 - Thursday, 1 June 1989

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by the service; to upgrade its telephone facilities; and to translate pamphlets for its home and community care services into several languages.

Mr Speaker, the Southside Community Services Inc. will receive funding of $4,600 to purchase a photocopier. A non-recurrent grant of $23,600 has been approved to extend the funding of the volunteer coordinator's salary from mid-April to the end of December 1989. A grant of $8,500 has been approved for the Belconnen Community Service Inc. to purchase a computer package, consisting of a computer, computer furniture, training, a printer and software.

The Woden Community Service will receive a grant of $13,000 to enable this service to purchase a demountable office for use by its HACC staff and to purchase a wheelchair for use by its special care transport service. Members will remember that I have already expressed my support for the Commonwealth-funded community options project under the sponsorship of the ACT Council on the Ageing.

I was pleased to announce, as part of the latest HACC package, a grant of $12,280 for the Migrant Resource Centre of the ACT, to extend the pilot community options worker's salary from mid-May to the end of September 1989, when it is expected that the ongoing community options project will be established. A sum of $2,820 has also been approved to assist in the provision of the service.

I also announced a number of small grants which will make a big difference to the organisations concerned. The Canberra Senior Citizens Club will receive funding totalling $250 to purchase furniture for use by the welfare officers. The Woden Senior Citizens Club will receive funds of $1,500 for the purchase of a typewriter and furniture for use in the welfare officer's office.

A $1,000 grant has been approved to enable Koomarri to purchase some additional furniture for use by its support worker who assists people with intellectual disabilities living in the community. The Uniting Church Mirinjani day care centre has received approval for a $4,000 equipment and furniture grant. This will include funds to provide curtains in the day care centre. Lastly, $60,000 has been made available for a project that will assist all HACC services and their clients. The money will be used to employ a consultant to design a set of training packages to assist service providers to help provide even better HACC services.

Mr Speaker, while funding packages are the main thrust of HACC, also considerable work is being done in my department on a wide range of HACC issues, including monitoring of services, information provision and policy development. A major review of the program on a national scale was completed in January 1989 and the report "First Triennial Review of the Home and Community Care Program" was released in March this year. The report came up with 50

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