Page 128 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 24 May 1989

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streetscape heritage and the heritage of our built environment. We also have to be concerned about other forms of heritage within the ACT.

Let me tell you a little about an area on Blundell's Flat near Condor Creek in the area of Uriarra. There is a small picnic ground there that is bordered by a logging track and a pine plantation. Along that logging track, I am told, are innumerable Aboriginal artefacts - in fact hundreds of them, I am told by an archaeologist. On the other side of the thicket of that area are the remains of a colonial cottage, and it would require an excavation to get some archaeological evidence from there. But I understand also that there is a grave of a baby that was buried there.

Across the track from there is an arboretum and, as I understand, many of these were planted in the early days of Canberra. That particular area is currently being logged for pine trees and it will require some form of protection too. That is not to say that the logging ought not go ahead. We have to find a way to allow that sort of logging to go ahead and for archaeologists and others who are interested in our heritage that goes back, in this case, 20,000 years to look after those particular areas.

I think one of the reasons that this was put forward originally as a matter of public importance was to do with the decision on Barton It is very interesting that the Liberal Party should bring it forward as a matter of public importance after the house in Barton has been pulled down, and it worries me greatly that a concerted action on that was not taken. It is a credit to the Liberal Party, to Mr Kaine and to my leader Mr Collaery that they signed a letter to the Minister who was at that stage responsible for territories, Mr Holding, asking him to protect that house. Of course, when the Chief Minister was asked to sign that letter she refused. We are aware of what went on after that.

I think part of the reason for that is the lack of understanding of what streetscape is about. I mentioned that earlier today, and I will probably mention it a few times later. I understand the Chief Minister was a member of the ACT Heritage Committee at a time when I was arguing, with the Reid Residents Association, that a particular situation of dual occupancy should not be allowed to go ahead in a heritage area. The reason for that is that it is like a strategic bombing of a place. One on its own is not a critical factor but as soon as we start to allow them to hit the area the area itself is destroyed.

So to think that something listed on a heritage listing can be then completely safe is not exactly true. I heartily endorse the Chief Minister's suggestion that we need an ACT heritage register. I think it is an excellent idea. I am given heart today by the fact that the people whom we have heard speak today are working towards heritage legislation and protecting this environment in which we live, to make

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