7 Feb 2023 - 30 Nov 2023 Subject Indexes

Speech Indexes       All years


amdts, amendments; ba, bill agreed to; detail, debated at the detail stage; expst, explanatory statement; m, motion; mfd, motion for disallowance; mnrs, ministerial response; mnst, ministerial statement; mso, motion for the suspension of standing orders; mgc, motion of grave concern; mnc, motion of no confidence; mwc, motion of want of confidence; nm, notice of motion; psm, paper and statement by minister; perexp, personal explanation; prin, debated at the in-principle stage; q, question; qn, question on notice; refcom, reference to committee; wdrl, withdrawal;


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders -

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Agreement 2019-2028, mnst, 597, mnst, 3001

Health services, 1156

National Apology for Forced Adoptions, 10th anniversary, 1028

Our Booris, Our Way, update, mnst, 3952

Reconciliation Week, 1557, mnst, 1459, 1461, 1463, 1465

Stolen Generation, 491

Voice to Parliament, 171m, 1028, 2975m

Voice to Parliament referendum, 3480

Access Canberra -

Services, 1619q, 2384q, 2935q

Website, 4086q

ACT Ambulance Service -

Response times, 3667q, 3835qn

Staffing, 1841q

Staffing and working conditions, update, mnst, 52

ACT Corrective Services -

Update, 1473, mnst, 1466

ACT Disability Strategy -

Listening report, mnst, 1810

ACT Emergency Services Agency -

Operations, 1840q, 1851q

Preparedness, 65q

Volunteers, 3135

Zero emissions breathing apparatus truck, 2509q

Zero emissions vehicles, 1394q

ACT Health -

Chief Health Officer's report

COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, 4124

Update, mnst, 826

Digital Health Record system, 1092q, 1096q, 1103q, 1309q, 3673q

Digital health records, 213q

Directorate performance report, 314m

Elective surgery, 211q

Health infrastructure plan, mnst, 2343, 3885q

Health workforce, 2054m, 2140, 3139q

Update, mnst, 2348

Nurses and midwives, 2639q, 2758q, 2860q

Staff survey, 3887q

ACT Heritage Council -

Independent review, 286m

Independent review, update, mnst, 501

ACT Law Society and Partners -

ACT Law Week, 1262

ACT Local Hospital Network -

Directorate performance report, 315m

ACT Policing -

Gungahlin, 1045, 1049, mnrs, 2218

Online reporting system, 218m

Online reporting system and sexual assault reporting, updates, mnst, 3850

Report by PwC, 2135q

Resourcing, 298q, 331m

Sexual assault reporting, 881m

Staffing, 4089q

ACT Public Service -

Commissioner for Fair Trading, 3889q

ACT Youth Assembly -

2023, mnst, 2901

Active travel -

Car-free day, 4092q

Cyclepaths, 2900, 2916

Ride or Walk to School Week, 3297

Acton -

Proposed fire station, 1949q

Agriculture -

Urban agriculture, 3361m

Alexander Maconochie Centre -

Body scanners, 73q

Independent review, 373qn

Amaroo shops -

Playground, mnrs, 389

Animals -

Canberra Pet Rescue, location, 3455q, 3459q

Cat containment, 3443q

Medical research testing, 3889q

Snakes, 3397, 3399, 772m

Snakes, update, mnst, 3312

Armenia-Azerbaijan -

Conflict, 2073, 2075

Arts -

Canberra Museum and Gallery, 859q, 3526q

Environmental themes, 1347

Festivals and events, 3400

Funding, 3666q, 3786q

MusicACT Music Awards 2023, 4127

Ovations Inaugural Awards 2023, 1342

Asbestos -

Proposed board of inquiry, 3211, 3216

Australia Day -

Events, 140

Honours, mnst, 145

Australian Hotel Association ACT -

Hospitality and Accommodation Awards 2023, 3478

Australian Institute of Sport -

Federal review, 4002q

Location, 3258m, 3275m

Belconnen -

Bus services, 1844q, 1904q, 2760m, 3685m

Margaret Timpson Park (No 28-22), mnrs, 387, 396

Public transport, 3210, 3217, 3218

Bills -

ACT Teacher Quality Institute Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 2918, 3122, ba, 3126

Animal Management and Welfare Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 245, ba, 246

Appropriation Bill 2022-2023 (No 2), prin, 346, 782, ba, 797

Appropriation Bill 2023-2024, prin, 1980, 2170, 2414, refcom, 2184, detail, (ACT Executive) 2741, 2805, (ACT Gambling and Racing Commission) 2806, (ACT Health Directorate) 2426, (ACT Local Hospital Network) 2426, (Canberra Health Services) 2426, (Canberra Institute of Technology) 2733, (Capital Works Reserve) 2806, (Chief Minister, Treasury and Economic Development Directorate) 2445, 2468, (City Renewal Authority) 2738, (Community Services Directorate) 2621, 2689, (Cultural Facilities Corporation) 2738, (Education Directorate) 2414, (Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate) 2712, (Housing ACT) 2704, (Icon Water Limited) 2806, (Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission) 2806, (Justice and Community Safety Directorate) 2557, 2608, (Legal Aid Commission (ACT)) 2738, (Major Projects Canberra) 2607, (Office of the Work Health and Safety Commissioner) 2806, (Public Trustee and Guardian) 2806, (Superannuation Provision Account) 2704, (Total appropriated to territory entities) 2806, (Total appropriations) 2806, (Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate) 2488, 2551, (Treasurer's Advance) 2806, amdts, 2585, ba, 2808

Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2022-2023 (No 2), prin, 346, 797, ba, 798

Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2023-2024, prin, 1989, 2414, 2467, 2551, refcom, 2184, prin, 2808, ba, 2808

Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill 2023, prin, 3875

Background Checking Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 893, detail, 897, ba, 897, amdts, 904

Bail Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 2039, 3794, detail, 3806, ba, 3813, amdts, 3834

Biosecurity Bill 2023, prin, 1188, 3773, detail, 3778, ba, 3778, amdts, 3834

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 3013

Building and Construction Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 2820, 3979, detail, 3983, ba, 3983, amdts, 4042

Building (Swimming Pool Safety) Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 2360, 3718, detail, 3724, ba, 3724, amdts, 3739

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 2246, 3766, ba, 3773

Circular Economy Bill 2023, prin, 2358, 3288, ba, 3296

Civil Law (Sale of Residential Property) Amendment Bill 2021, prin, 2528, 2528m

Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Natural Gas Transition) Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 1887, ba, 1893

Corrections and Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 1720, ba, 1727

Courts Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 1928, 3087, ba, 3091

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 2315, ba, 2322

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 3436

Disability Inclusion Bill 2023, expd, 2452

Discrimination Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 619, detail, 631, ba, 636, amdts, 693

Domestic Violence Agencies (Information Sharing) Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 4066

Education (Early Childhood) Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 3433, 3971, ba, 3979

Electoral Amendment Bill 2021, 2941q, prin, 3163, bill negatived, 3187

Electoral and Road Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 2104, 3478, 3513, detail, 3523, 3570, ba, 3585, amdts, 3597

Electricity Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 358, ba, 363

Financial Management Amendment Bill 2021 (No 2), 1950q, prin, 2113, detail, 2121, ba, 2123, amdts, 2191, 2192

Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 1193, 1248, detail, 1251, ba, 1258

Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2022 [No 2], prin, 2875, bill negatived, 2884

Gaming Machine Act Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 2525

Gaming Machine (Club Refuge) Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 2003, detail, 2012, ba, 2012, amdts, 2078

Government Procurement Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 3758

Guardianship and Management of Property Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 246, detail, 250, amdts, 251

Health Infrastructure Enabling Bill 2023, consideration, 1283m, prin, 1279, 1362, detail, 1440, 1442, ba, 1445, amdts, 1447

Human Rights Commission Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 927, 2013, ba, 2018

Human Rights (Complaints) Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 3016, 3920, detail, 3929, ba, 3929

Human Rights (Healthy Environment) Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 3429

Justice (Age of Criminal Responsibility) Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 1072, 3640, 3657, detail, 3662, 3699, ba, 3718, amdts, 3730

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 (No 2), prin, 1011, ba, 1016

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 1276, 3508, detail, 3513, ba, 3513, amdts, 3596

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2023 (No 2), prin, 3116, 4078, ba, 4082

Liquor Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 3964

Long Service Leave (Portable Schemes) Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 839, ba, 852

Mental Health Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 3120, 3585, detail, 3590, ba, 3592, amdts, 3623

Modern Slavery Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 754

Motor Accident Injuries Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 268, 2018, detail, 2021 ba, 2022, amdts, 2079

Multiculturalism Bill 2022, prin, 347, ba, 358

Nature Conservation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 2921, 2922, 3983, ba, 3988

Parentage (Surrogacy) Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 3505

Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 2281

Dissent from Speaker's ruling, 2458m

Ruling by Speaker, 2457

Period Products and Facilities (Access) Bill 2022, prin, 1780, detail, 1786, ba, 1795, amdts, 1795, 1800, papers, 1854

Planning and Environment Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 168, 1716, detail, 1719, ba, 1720

Planning Bill 2022, prin, 1474, detail, 1557, 1584, 1645, ba, 1676, amdts, 1681

Planning (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2023, prin, 2102, 2835, ba, 2840

Professional Engineers Bill 2022, prin, 685, ba, 692

Property Developers Bill 2023, prin, 4069

Residential Tenancies Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 415, detail, 429, ba, 432, amdts, 494

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 580, ba, 581

Revenue Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 3012, 3761, ba, 3763

Road Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 1709, ba, 1716

Road Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 3966

Sentencing (Drug and Alcohol Treatment Orders) Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 2463, 3384, ba, 3389

Sexual Assault Reform Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 1077, ba, 1083

Statement by minister, 1727

Sexual, Family and Personal Violence Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 3754

Supreme Court Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 1185, 3763, ba, 3766

Transport Canberra and City Services Legislation Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 1933, ba, 1936

Unit Titles Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 510, 1835, ba, 1839

Urban Forest Bill 2022, prin, 1016, ba, 1023, detail, 1024, ba, 1025, amdts, 1031

Urban Forest (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2023, prin, 3322, 3880, ba, 3880

Variation in Sex Characteristics (Restricted Medical Treatment) Bill 2023, prin, 506, 1813, detail, 1829, ba, 1862, amdts, 1900

Victims of Crime Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 2244, 3425, ba, 3429

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 3500

Water Resources Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 828, 1930, ba, 1933

Work Health and Safety Amendment Bill 2022, prin, 2109, detail, 2112, ba, 2113, amdts, 2191

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre -

Headline indicators report, mnst, 1183, mnst, 3858

Blood donation -

Regulations, 3235q

Board of Inquiry -

Criminal Justice System

Funding, 2368q, 2385q, 2457q

Litigation, 2367q

Budget 2022-2023 -

Justice and Community Safety Directorate, corrigendum, 729

Budget 2023-2024 -

Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, 3044q

ACT Policing, 1941q

Active travel, 1952q

Disability services, 2136q, 2139q

Domestic and family violence, 2138q

Fines review, 2028q

Fiscal strategy, 2037q

Health, 2134q

Health infrastructure, 2260q

Health workforce, 1946q

Municipal services, 2133q

Building -

Combustible cladding, update, mnst, 161

Embedded utilities networks, update, mnst, 1919

Master Builders Fidelity Fund, 3785q

Property developer licensing scheme, 1312m

Proposed developer licensing scheme, mnrs, 391, 400

Bushfire preparedness -

Prescribed burning program, mnst, 1909

Bushfires -

20th anniversary commemoration, mnst, 48

Preparedness, 3444q, 3460q

Business -

Alternative business models, update, 2142m

Better Regulation Agenda, update, mnst, 1053

Economic development, 1505q

Economy, 3988q

Night-time economy, 1398q, 1854m

Callum Brae Nature Reserve -

Symonston crematorium, 1356, 1357, mnrs, 2597

Calvary Hospital -

Acquisition, 1196q, 1197q, 1198q, 1202q, 1203q, 1294q, 1295q, 1296q, 1298q, 1300q, 1305q, 1388q, 1393q, 1396q, 1397q, 1399q, 1400q, 1402q, 1488q, 1489q, 1493q, 1495q, 1500q, 1504q, 1521m, 1563q, 1564q, 1608q, 1611q, 1613q, 1632m, 1734q, 1736q, 1745q, 2642q, 2745q, 2749q, 3148q, 3355q, 3361q, 3440, 3936, 4029, 4083q, 4085q

Acquisition, correction to the record, 3091

Theatre fire, mnst, 119

Transition, mnst, 1913

Canberra -

ACT Australian of the Year Awards, 3830

Cost of living, 2293m

Canberra Health Services -

Budget statement, corrigendum, 315m

Cleaners, 2753q

Data security, 433q, 434q, 437q, 438q, 440q, 442q, 531q, 636q, 638q, 641q, 643q, 644q, 646q, 648q, 730q, 732q, 735q, 738q, 748q, 750q, 852q, 853q, 868q, 955q, 958q, 961q, 975q, 1041qn, 1351qn, 1352qn, 1353qn

Data security, statement by minister, 587

Directorate performance report, 315m

Outpatient waiting lists, 1937q, 1939q

Procurement, 1325m

Staffing, 1087q, 1093q, 1309q, 1743q, 3370m

Canberra Hospital -

Acute medical unit, 650q

Cardiology department, 534q, 1352qn

Cardiology services, 652m

Cardiology Unit training accreditation, 2265q, 2516q

Critical services building, 206q

Diagnostic imaging, 3149m

Expansion, 743q, 1609q, 1847q, 1903q

Fetal Medicine Unit accreditation, 532q, 652q

Maternal and Fetal Medicine Unit, 869m

Accreditation, mnst, 4056

MRI machine, 2856q, 2889q

Neurology Unit, 1741q

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit training accreditation, 3671q

Paediatric emergency department, update, mnst, 2094

Paediatric intensive care unit, 3669q, 3836qn

Specialist medical training accreditation, 2536m, mnst, 4056

Training accreditation, 2266q

Canberra Institute of Technology -

Chief executive officer, 290q, 308q, 376qn, 3880q, 4082q

Fee-free courses, 73q, 1494q

Tuggeranong, 2269q, 2252q

Woden campus, mnst, 3102

Canberra Racing Club -

Canberra Community Chest, 3935

Canberra Theatre Centre -

Redevelopment, 1299q

Carers -

ACT Carers Strategy 2018-2028, update, mnst, 3415

Carers Recognition Act implementation, 867q, 976q

National Carers Week, 3304

Casburn, Ms J -

Tribute, 2885

Casey -

Traffic management, 1046, 1049, mnrs, 2225, 3280m

Centenary Hospital for Women and Children -

Early Pregnancy Service, 967q

Fetal Medicine Unit, 1099q, 1100q

Correction to the record, 1163

Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit, 1607q, 1738q, 1739q, 1903q, 2193qn

Staffing, 2640q, 3485q

Charity organisations -

HelpingACT, 367

Chartered Accountants ANZ -

Awards, 4027

Chief Minister -

New Zealand and Fiji trade mission, mnst, 918

Child and youth protection services -

Charter, mnst, 1050

Children and young people -

ACT Children and Young People's Commitment 2015-2025, mnst, 3004

Child and Adolescent Clinical Services Plan 2023-2030, mnst, 3097

Child Development Service, 216q

Childhood healthy eating and active living, mnst, 401

Environment, 2887

Mental health services, 1305q, 1747q, mnst, 3958

Update, mnst, 1178

Next Steps for Our Kids 2022-2030, mnst, 3747

Out of home care, 1842q

Clare Holland House -

Operation, 1389q, 1404q, 1497q

Climate change -

Minister's annual report, mnst, 4063, 4125

Public health, update, mnst, 4052

ClubsACT -

ClubsACT Awards 2023, 3300

Harmonie German Club, Oktoberfest, 3595

Coleman, Ms M AO PSM -

Tribute, 583

Community councils -

Government support, 2451, 3392, 3592, 3672q, 3828, 3990q

Community events -

Skyfire, 3458q

Community organisations -

Venue hire, 3052q

Community sector organisations -

Funding, government response, mnst, 158

Construction industry -

Parental leave, 1025

Coroner -

Coroner's report

Inquest into death of Passenger H, government response, 1311m

Inquest into the death of Christiaan Adriaan Roodt, government response, mnst, 3307

Inquest into the death of Joshua, government response, mnst, 1996

Cost of Living Pressures in the ACT -

Select committee

Membership, 308m

Proposed establishment, 270m

Report, 1265m

Report, government response, 2650m

Courts -

Judicial appointments, mnrs, 14, 23

Judiciary, mnrs, 16, 23

COVID-19 pandemic -

Hospital patient transmission, 371qn

Crean, the Hon Mr S -

Condolence, 2197m

Crime -

Character references use, 3594

Sentencing, mnrs, 18, 23

Sexual assault prevention and response, mnst, 2236, mnst, 2269

Youth, 1948q, 2139q

Cullen, Ms J -

Retirement, statement by Speaker, 1339

Dementia -

Dementia Action Week, 3095

Development -

Block 6 section 88, Gungahlin, mnrs, 916

Bluetts Block, 1944q

Chisholm shops, mnrs, 386

Lawson stage 2, 2748q

Wombat displacement, 3147q

Dhulwa Mental Health Unit -


Final report, government response, mnst, 46

Update, mnst, 1057, mnst, 3110

Safety, 741q, 745q

Disability -

Disability Justice Strategy, annual report 2023, mnst, 3751

Neurodivergence, 2861m

Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, 3137q, mnst, 3316

Disability services -

Abilities Unlimited, 582

Hartley Lifecare, 1338

Docker, Mr R -

Tribute, 3593

Domestic and family violence -

Safer families, mnst, 1454

Drugs -

Pill testing, 4094q

Roadside testing, 299q

Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) Amendment Act 2022 -

Commencement, 3234q, 3236q, 3237q, 3241q, 3242q, 3244q, 3248q, 3250q, 3252q, 3254q, 3391, 3445q, 3446q, 3449q, 3459q, 3533q

Law reform, 2646q

Preparation, 2858q

Proposed delayed commencement, 2654m

Services 2633q

Eakin, Mr R -

Tribute, 3091

Economy -

Budget review, 2026q

Cost of living, 195q

Credit rating, 2631q, 2634q, 2744q, 2745q, 3344q, 3345q, 3903m

Employment, 2383q

Performance, 3890q

Trade with Singapore, 974q

Education -

ACT Training Awards 2023, honours, 3931

Early childhood and care workforce, 3668q

Early childhood education, Whitlam school, 2022q

Funding, 542q

Future of Education equity grants, 540q

Future of Education Ideas Summit 2023, mnst, 3491

Inclusivity, 3392

Learning difficulties, 2184

Literacy, 3461m

NAPLAN, 533q

NAPLAN results, 2370q, 2374q, 2386q

National Skills Agreement, 3253q, mnst, 3308

Public schools, 299q

School funding, 1936q

Specialist schools, 3389

Teachers, 2746q

Electricity Feed-in (Large-scale Renewable Energy Generation) Act 2011 -

Review, government response, 1852m

Emergency services -

Gungahlin, 746q

Thank a First Responder Day, 1849q

Empower DC -

Activism, 1679

Energy -

Electricity grid, 2035q

Environment -

Bees and other pollinators, mnst, 1170

Bushfire smoke and air quality strategy and wood heaters, update, mnst, 3852

C40 Green and Healthy Streets Accelerator, 1138m

Correction to the record, 1310

Canberra Nature Park, 2938q

Climate change, 3394

Feral horses, 1728m, 3126m

Kangaroo management, 1047, mnrs, 2220, 3784q, 3787q, 3837qn

Lakes and waterways, 3999q

Microplastics, 3481

Mount Ainslie Nature Reserve, 1567, 1571, mnrs, 2596

Mount Ainslie Nature Reserve and Callum Brae Nature Reserve, 3392

National Landcare Program 2018-2023, mnst, 724

Pest management, Indian (common) myna, 2214, 2227, mnrs, 3947, 3949

Urban conservation areas, update, mnst, 3487

Varroa mite, 3188

Water quality, mnst, 260

Wood heaters, mnst, 599, 1491q

World Environment Day, mnst, 1805

World Wildlife Day, 830m

Estimates 2023-2024 -

Select committee

Establishment, 604m

Membership, 636m

Evans, Mr J OAM -

Bushwalking, 902

Events -

Canberra Day, 441q

Spilt Milk, 4030

Faith -

BAPS Hindu temple, 3593

Families and Friends for Drug Law Reform -

28th Annual Remembrance Ceremony, 3298

Federal budget -

Funding initiatives, 1896

Federal government -

Infrastructure investment, 2031q

Territory rights, 2843q, 3019m

Financial Management Act -

Budget review 2022-2023, psm, 344

Gambling -

Harm minimisation, 535q

Harm minimisation, update, mnst, 257

Gaming -

Betting operations tax, 2029q

Online gambling and advertising, 2074

Ginninderra electorate -

Westfield Local Heroes, 2323

Ginninderry -

Services, 3996q

Gordon -

Playing fields, 1392q, 1740q

Government -

Business enterprise board appointments, 2144m

Commercial forests, mnst, 2903

Community engagement, 2750q

Delegation to United States and Canada, mnst, 1165

Fuel pricing, 1420m, 3725

Update, mnst, 3637

Health awareness programs, mnst, 3411

Human resources and information management system, 2023q, 2025q, 2123q, 2124q, 2127q, 2130q, 2132q, 2194qn, 2195qn, 2457q, 2508q, 2513q, 4091q, 4139q, 4140q

Infrastructure and services investment, mnst, 30

Intelligent Regulator Project, 3885q, 3892q

Land release, 193q, 218q, 970q, 1839q

Land release program, 3813m

LGBTIQA+ community, 639q

LGBTIQA+ inclusion strategy, 544q

Procurement, 1616q, 2458q, 2510q, 2513q, 2517q, 2645q, 2755q, 2758q, 4088q, 4100m

Procurement, banking, 2131q

Public holiday policy, 305q

Taxation, 3523q, 3524q, 3525q, 3528q

Territory-owned corporations, 649q

Transparency, 3396

Zero emissions vehicles, update, mnst, 920

Grant, Mrs ME AM -

Condolence, 811m

Gungahlin -

Australian public service, 1401q

Community facilities, 2267q, 3187

Economic development, 1621m

Indoor sports facilities, 214q

Multicultural event venue, 901

Multipurpose centre, 543q

Roads, 3210, 3215

Hawker -

Community Repair Cafe, 3190

Hawker Men's Shed -

Hawker repair cafe, 1029

Hazzard, the Hon Mr B -

Retirement, 806

Health -

ACT health system, 1112m

Bulk-billing, 2156m

Cancer research centre, 293q

Chronic pain, 2808

Community health centres, 2742q

Dental services, 3356q, 3459q

Digital Health Record, mnst, 923, 2850q

Eating disorders support services, update, mnst, 3318

Elective surgery waiting times, 3782q

Endoscopies and colonoscopies, 208q, 217q, 374qn

Garran Surge Centre, 537q

Gynaecology oncology, 463m, 475

Hydrotherapy, 2857q

Maternity services, 78m, mnrs, 815

Maternity services and gynaecology oncology, update, mnst, 3627

Men's Health Week, 1895

Menstruation and menopause support, update, mnst, 3406

Neurofibromatosis, 1263

Nurse-led walk-in centres, 3238q, 3351q

Perinatal Wellbeing Centre, 3398

Stillbirth, 364

Transgender, gender diverse and non-binary patients, 2504q

Health services -

Workplace culture review, update, mnst, 589

Heritage -

Bass Gardens Park, 492

Heritage Festival 2023, 1159

High-risk weather season -

Summary 2022-23, mnst, 720

Preparedness, mnst, 2907, 2914

Homelessness -

Commissioning process, mnst, 155

Government funding, 3347q

Homelessness services sector -

Procurement, 3674q

Horwitz, Ms T -

Death, 368

Hospitals -

Cardiology services, 2852q, 3485q

Emergency department waiting times, 75q, 203q, 217q, 316m, 371qn, 1084q, 3350q

Endoscopies and colonoscopies, 759m

Gastroenterology and hepatology waiting times, 1085q

Outpatient and emergency department waiting times, update, mnst, 1274

Outpatient waiting times, 3353q, 3361q

Housing -

ACT Housing Strategy, mnst, 3950

Affordability, mnrs, 10

Debt to Commonwealth, 1938q

Demand, 2189

Homelessness, 197q

Housing choices, 3788q

National cabinet, 2268q

Rental affordability, 1866m, 1942q

Rental relief fund, 292q

Short-term rentals, 991m, 3039q

Housing ACT -

Application and assessment project update, mnst, 1994

Asset stock, 199q, 217q, 856q, 2024q, 2038q, 2194qn

Developments, 4091q, 4139q

Energy efficiency, 4017m

Growing and Renewing Public Housing Program, mnst, 4051

Maintenance, 3832

Vacant properties, 2927q

Vacant property, 496, mnrs, 1568

Waiting lists, 201q

Human rights -

Anti-protest legislation, 1446

Inspector of Correctional Services -

Healthy prison review, government response, mnst, 2085

Israel-Gaza -

Crisis, 4040

Jacka -

Land release, 2936q

Jarramlee Nature Reserve -

Remediation project, mnst, 824

Justice -

Age of criminal responsibility, 452q

Alcohol and other drugs sentencing list, 2846q

Board of Inquiry into the Criminal Justice System report, mnst, 2230, mnst, 2232, 2841q

Fines, 490

Restorative, 2042m

Update, mnst, 3847

Sentencing, 1160

Sexual assault, 2327, 4111m

Justice and Community Safety Directorate -

2022-2023 budget review, corrigendum, 729

Kellow, Mrs M OAM -

Tribute, 3828

Kerin, the Hon Mr J AO -

Death, 898

Kingdom of Tonga -

National Day of the Kingdom of Tonga, 3725

King's birthday honours -

Ginninderra recipients, 2075, 2188

Kingsford-Smith School -

Safety, 2930q

Kippax -

Crime, 970q, 3143q, 3839, 3840, 3844

Parking, 3041q, 3195q

Kippax Fair -

Parking, 304q, mnrs, 390

Lake Tuggeranong -

Foreshore upgrade, 2848q

Water quality, 733q

Water quality, government response, 2944m

Lakes and waterways -

ACT inland waterways, safety, update, mnst, 3408

Land Development Agency -

Project financing, 1207q

Legal Aid ACT -

Data security, mnst, 1571

Legislation -

Climate impact analysis, 2311m

Voluntary assisted dying, 3047q, 3354q

Voluntary assisted dying, consultation, mnst, 404

Legislative Assembly -

Absence of Clerk, 1905

Announcement of member to fill casual vacancy, 3945

Answers to questions on notice

Questions 1098 and 1108, 1103

Questions 1127, 1129 and 1131, 1102

Questions 1139, 1140, 1176 and 1179, 1954

Questions 1139 and 1176, 2038

Question 1160, 1954, 1989

Question 1212, 1953

Question 1397, 4005qn, 4098qn

Assembly business notice No 1, wdrl, 3753

Christmas greetings, 4127, 4128


Administration and Procedure, 413, 1060m, 2467m, 3321

Amendment to resolution, 3869m

Cost of Living Pressures in the ACT

Membership, 308m

Proposed establishment, 270m

Report, 1265m

Report, government response, 2650m

Economy and Gender and Economic Equality, 136m, 952m, 1922m, 2240m, 2824m, 2916, 3873

Education and Community Inclusion, 263m, 458m, refcom, 606m, 1043m, 1293, 2241, 3754

Report, government response, mnst, 1705

Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity, 138, 408m, 462m, 1071, 2241, 2600m, 3230, 3231

Estimates 2023-2024, 2208m

Establishment, 604m

Membership, 636m

Report, government response, 2278m

Health and Community Wellbeing, 1011, 1044m, 1062m, 1294, 1310, 1927, 2241, 2917, 3873

Justice and Community Safety, 6m, 7, 138m, 168, 377m, 409m, 414, 729, mnst, 822, refcom, 931m, 977m, 1065m, 2108m, 2203m, 2239m, 2240m, 2243, 2279m, 2328, 2601, 2824m, 2884, 3422, 3423, 3499, 3863m, 3869m

Justice and Community Safety (scrutiny role), 135, 407, 1059, 1357, 1578, 1921, 2239, 2600, 2916, 3230, 3870, 3870m

Membership, 4065m

Planning, Transport and City Services, 1m, 139, 410m, 411m, 462m, refcom, 945m, refcom, 951m, 953, 1107m, 1291, refcom, 2230m, 2244, 2830m, 2831, 2832, 2833, 2834, 3424, refcom, 3219m, 3874, refcom, 4073m

Promotion of committee work, statement by Speaker, 1453

Public Accounts, refcom, 347m, 378m, 379m, 412m, 413m, 619, 729, refcom, 758m, 1071m, 1290m, 1358, 1905m, 2244, 3233, 3234

Correction to the record, 463

Statement by member, 1358

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023

Establishment, 3495m

Membership, 3537m


Code of conduct, 3945, 3963m, 4040

Independent review, 3860m

Statement by Speaker, 3860, 4045

Executive business, discharge of order of the day, 1813m


"Buying votes", 191, 253

"Clown", 445, 445

"Complete lack of ethics", 3210, wdrl, 3210

"Conned", 2611

"Deliberately rigging the property market", 3210, wdrl, 3210

"Dictator", 1287, 1355

"Dictatorship", 2994

Dissent from Speaker's ruling, 2971m

"Dodgy", 3210, wdrl, 3210

"Fossil fuel-captured", 3210, wdrl, 3210

"Gaslighting", 3905, wdrl, 3946

"Grubby", 1285

"… has to rely on hefty donations from private developers to prop him up", 2971, wdrl, 2972

"… have described retention bonuses as a race to the bottom", 3382, wdrl, 3384

"Lies", 2636, 2741

"Misleading", 2190, 2190, 4089, wdrl, 4097

"Porkies", 2613

"Scaremongering", 1775

"Senator Cash, with the public support of the leader of the Liberal Party, threatens to undermine our autonomy once again", 3035, wdrl, 3035

"Shut up", 2366, 2367

"Sociopathic", 3210, wdrl, 3210

"Sociopathic politicians", 3171, 3175

"Suck it up, Princess", 1288, 1289

"That is not true", 2613

"The Canberra Liberals have voted against the bill", 851

"The minister for urban sprawl", 3789, wdrl, 3789

"The Speaker loves the Greens", 3516, wdrl, 3516

Unparliamentary, 218

Ruling by Speaker, 1355, 2713, 2811, 3209, 3946, 4096

Statement by Acting Speaker, 377

Statement by Speaker, 253


Leave of absence

All members, 4065m

Barr, Mr A, 2811m, 2893m

Berry, Ms Y, 463m

Braddock, Mr A, 3846m, 4005m, 4050m

Burch, Ms J, 462m

Cain, Mr P, 546m, 587m

Cheyne, Ms T, 3794m

Clay, Ms J, 546m, 587m, 3001m, 3097m

Cocks, Mr E, 1454m, 1621m, 3536m, 3675m, 3743m

Davidson, Ms E, 2808m, 2811m

Davis, Mr J, 3487m

Hanson, Mr J, 3846m

Lawder, Ms N, 1905m, 3097m

Lee, Ms E, 589m, 715m, 980m

Statement by Speaker, 715

Milligan, Mr J, 546m, 1621m, 4050m

Orr, Ms S, 1163m

Paterson, Dr M, 1854m

Pettersson, Mr M, 1454m, 1621m, 3487m

Rattenbury, Mr S, 218m, 3097m

Steel, Mr C, 1854m

Named, 1499

Oath or affirmation of allegiance, 3945

Resignation of member, statement by Speaker, 3839

Minister for Homelessness and Housing Services, conduct, statement by minister, 1062

Ministerial arrangements, 193, 432, 1488, 1734, 1839, 2924, 3133, 3441, 3778, 4082

Ministerial statements

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Agreement 2019-2028, mnst, 597, mnst, 3001

Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, Our Booris, Our Way, update, mnst, 3952

ACT Ambulance Service, staffing and working conditions, update, mnst, 52

ACT Carers Strategy 2018-2028, update, mnst, 3415

ACT Corrective Services, update, mnst, 1466

ACT Health

Chief Health Officer report, update, mnst, 826

Health infrastructure plan, mnst, 2343

Health workforce, update, mnst, 2348

ACT Heritage Council, independent review, update, mnst, 501

ACT inland waterways, safety, update, mnst, 3408

ACT Policing, online reporting system and sexual assault reporting, updates, mnst, 3850

ACT Women's Plan 2016-2026, mnst, 2813

ACT Youth Assembly, mnst, 2901

Animals, snakes, update, mnst, 3312

Australia Day, honours, mnst, 145

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, headline indicators report, mnst, 1183, mnst, 3858


Combustible cladding, update, mnst, 161

Embedded utilities networks, update, mnst, 1919

Bushfire preparedness, prescribed burning program, mnst, 1909

Bushfires, 20th anniversary commemoration, mnst, 48

Business, Better Regulation Agenda, update, mnst, 1053

Calvary Hospital

Theatre fire, mnst, 119

Transition, mnst, 1913

Canberra Hospital

Maternal and Fetal Medicine Unit accreditation and specialist medical training accreditation, update, mnst, 4056

Paediatric emergency department, update, mnst, 2094

Canberra Institute of Technology, Woden campus, mnst, 3102

Chief Minister, New Zealand and Fiji trade mission, mnst, 918

Child and youth protection services, charter, mnst, 1050

Children and young people

ACT Children and Young People's Commitment 2015-2025, mnst, 3004

Child and Adolescent Clinical Services Plan 2023-2030, mnst, 3097

Childhood healthy eating and active living, mnst, 401

Mental health services, mnst, 1178, mnst, 3958

Next Steps for Our Kids 2022-2030, mnst, 3747

Climate change

Minister's annual report, mnst, 4063

Public health, update, mnst, 4052

Community sector organisations, funding, government response, mnst, 158

Coroner's report

Inquest into the death of Joshua, government response, mnst, 1996

Inquest into the death of Christiaan Adriaan Roodt, government response, mnst, 3307

Crime, sexual assault prevention and response, mnst, 2236, mnst, 2269

Dhulwa Mental Health Unit, inquiry

Final report, government response, mnst, 46

Update, mnst, 1057, mnst, 3110


ACT Disability Strategy, listening report, mnst, 1810

Disability Justice Strategy, annual report 2023, mnst, 3751

Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability, mnst, 3316

Domestic and family violence, safer families, mnst, 1454

Education, National Skills Agreement, mnst, 3308


Bees and other pollinators, mnst, 1170

Bushfire smoke and air quality strategy and wood heaters, update, mnst, 3852

National Landcare Program 2018-2023, mnst, 724

Urban conservation areas, update, mnst, 3487

Water quality, mnst, 260

Wood heaters, mnst, 599

World Environment Day, mnst, 1805

Gambling, harm minimisation, update, mnst, 257


Commercial forests, mnst, 2903

Delegation to United States and Canada, mnst, 1165

Fuel pricing, update, mnst, 3637

Health awareness programs, mnst, 3411

Infrastructure and services investment, mnst, 30

Zero emissions vehicles, update, mnst, 920


Digital Health Record, update, mnst, 923

Eating disorders support services, update, mnst, 3318

Maternity services and gynaecology oncology, update, mnst, 3627

Menstruation and menopause support, update, mnst, 3406

Health services, workplace culture review, update, mnst, 589

High-risk weather season

Preparedness, mnst, 2907

Summary 2022-23, mnst, 720

Homelessness, commissioning process, mnst, 155

Hospitals, outpatient and emergency department waiting times, update, mnst, 1274

Housing, ACT Housing Strategy, mnst, 3950

Housing ACT

Application and assessment project update, mnst, 1994

Growing and Renewing Public Housing Program, mnst, 4051

Inspector of Correctional Services, Healthy prison review, government response, mnst, 2085

Jarramlee Nature Reserve, remediation project, mnst, 824


Board of Inquiry into the Criminal Justice System report, mnst, 2230, mnst, 2232

Restorative, update, mnst, 3847

Legal Aid ACT, data security, mnst, 1571

Legislation, voluntary assisted dying, consultation, mnst, 404

Mental health, workforce strategy, mnst, 3856

National Disability Insurance Scheme, policy reform, update, mnst, 164

National Multicultural Festival 2023, mnst, 497

Planning, Age-Friendly City Plan, update, mnst, 1173

Procurement, reform program, mnst, 3106

Public commemoration, public place names, update, mnst, 150

Public housing, renewal program, mnst, 2337

Reconciliation Week 2023, mnst, 1459

Rental ombudsman, proposed establishment, update, mnst, 3219


Emissions reductions, update, mnst, 129

Maintenance, update, mnst, 152

Seniors, International Day of Older Persons 2023, mnst, 3113

Sport and recreation, dryland ovals, update, mnst, 717

Standing Committee on Justice and Community Safety, government response, mnst, 822

Steffen, Professor W, condolence, mnst, 253

Stromlo Forest Park, mountain biking, update, mnst, 2355

Swimming pools, access, mnst, 3403

Transport Canberra

Bus fleet, mnst, 3225

Bus network, update, mnst, 124

Zero Emission Transition Plan, mnst, 1574

Vietnam War, 50th anniversary, mnst, 2339

Voluntary assisted dying, listening report, mnst, 2099

War Widows Day 2023, mnst, 3419

Women, status of women and girls in the ACT, mnst, 816

Work health and safety, silica dust, mnst, 1991

Youth, ACT Youth Week, mnst, 1164

Out-of-order petitions

Cyclepaths, 2900, 2916

Grove Retirement Village, traffic management, 1049

Health, maternity services, 27

Lyons Early Childhood School, transport, 2226

Papers, 75, 308, 347, 455, 456, 652, 752, 977, 1103, 1310, 1404, 1620, 1852, 1954, 2141, 2270, 2271, 2387, 2522, 2649, 2861, 2944, 3149, 3254, 3255, 3288m, 3460, 3477m, 3537, 3570m, 3793, 3827m, 3893, 3894, 3920m, 4098, 4124m

Points of order, 57, 59, 63, 64, 71, 194, 196, 198, 199, 200, 204, 205, 206, 209, 213, 291, 292, 302, 304, 433, 434, 437, 438, 443, 444, 445, 449, 451, 477, 531, 532, 543, 560, 637, 643, 644, 647, 682, 709, 732, 733, 749, 751, 853, 856, 863, 866, 955, 956, 957, 962, 963, 971, 1088, 1089, 1093, 1097, 1154, 1202, 1204, 1255, 1256, 1285, 1288, 1298, 1301, 1302, 1361, 1390, 1391, 1396, 1398, 1494, 1498, 1609, 1610, 1618, 1735, 1742, 1775, 1778, 1779, 1840, 1841, 1941, 1943, 2023, 2025, 2029, 2034, 2039, 2124, 2126, 2127, 2128, 2252, 2253, 2254, 2258, 2264, 2367, 2370, 2371, 2372, 2380, 2461, 2499, 2508, 2511, 2520, 2611, 2636, 2656, 2742, 2751, 2752, 2755, 2759, 2799, 2843, 2844, 2845, 2851, 2853, 2928, 2971, 3028, 3035, 3040, 3050, 3082, 3083, 3084, 3145, 3251, 3346, 3360, 3383, 3384, 3447, 3451, 3458, 3494, 3495, 3528, 3533, 3567, 3586, 3664, 3665, 3670, 3671, 3696, 3782, 3784, 3882, 3919, 3932, 3936, 3989, 3997, 4089, 4075, 4088

Points of order, ruling by Acting Speaker, 495

Private members' business, 3494, ruling by Speaker, 3536

Privilege, statement by Speaker, 2517

Questions without notice

Number of questions, 454

Statement by Speaker, 3307

Sitting pattern 2024, 3228m

Standing orders

Review, 3321

Standing order 22, 715

Standing order 47, 851

Standing order 52, 892, ruling by Speaker, 3938

Standing order 54, 1355, 3209, 3946

Standing order 55, 1355, 1777, 3209, 3946

Standing order 56, 3209, 3946

Standing order 59, 1089

Standing order 81A, 695

Standing order 111, 3753

Standing order 113A, 454

Standing order 114, 1618

Standing order 117(b)(vi), 3307

Standing order 117(c)(iii), 2942

Standing order 136, 3495, 3536

Standing order 147A, 3083

Standing order 170, 2458

Standing order 172, 2917, 2918

Standing order 174, 1283, 2917, 2918, 4073

Standing order 174(d), 3863

Standing order 175, 1283, 2917, 2918

Standing order 179, 2458

Standing order 192, 1360

Standing order 201A, 2458

Standing order 213A, 286, 504, 505

Standing order 216, 2916

Standing order 223, 4065

Standing order 241, 1362

Standing order 253A, 2209

Standing order 275, 2458

Standing order 276, 2517

Standing order 279, 2518

Suspension, mso, 290, mso, 343, mso, 1345, mso, 1440, mso, 1921, mso, 2518, mso, 2601, mso, 2917, mso, 2921, mso, 2971, wdrl, 2972, mso, 3258, mso, 3860, mso, 3870

Sub judice convention, statement by Speaker, 1565

Valedictories, 3930, 3933, 3939, 3940, 3942, 4028, 4030, 4033, 4034, 4035, 4036, 4039, 4128, 4130, 4132, 4134, 4135, 4136

Visitors, 814, 1077, 3657, 4024, 4027

Warnings, 1289, 1302, 1392, 1491, 2265, 2521, 3243

Legislative Assembly (Petitions) -

ACT Policing, Gungahlin (No 6-23), 1045, 1049, mnrs, 2218

Amaroo shops, playground (No 35-22), mnrs, 389

Asbestos, proposed board of inquiry (No 18-23), 3211, 3216


Margaret Timpson Park (No 28-22), 396, mnrs, 387

Public transport (No 23-23), 3210, 3217, 3218

Building, proposed developer licensing scheme (Nos 29-22 and 37-22), mnrs, 391, 400

Callum Brae Nature Reserve, Symonston crematorium (No 13-23), 1356, 1357, mnrs, 2597

Casey, traffic management (No 7-23), 1046, 1049, mnrs, 2225


Judicial appointments (No 23-22), mnrs, 14, 23

Judiciary (No 24-22), mnrs, 16, 23

Crime, sentencing (No 25-22), mnrs, 18, 23


Block 6 section 88, Gungahlin (No 26-22), mnrs, 916

Chisholm shops (No 32-22), mnrs, 386


Kangaroo management (No 10-23), 1047, mnrs, 2220

Mount Ainslie Nature Reserve (Nos 12-23 and 16-23), 1567, 1571, mnrs, 2596

Pest management, Indian (common) myna (No 17-23), 2214, 2227, mnrs, 3947

Gungahlin, roads (No 15-23), 3210, 3215

Health, maternity services (Nos 42-22 and 1-23), 9, 27, mnrs, 815

Housing, affordability (No 6-22), mnrs, 10

Housing ACT, vacant property (No 9-23), 496, mnrs, 1568


Crime (No 21-23), 3839

Crime (No 30-23), 3840

Crime (Nos 21-23 and 30-23), 3844

Kippax Fair, parking (No 39-22), mnrs, 390

Lyons Early Childhood School, transport (No 14-23), 2216, refcom, 2230m, mnrs, 3841

Motor vehicles, licence plates (No 19-23), 3213, 3214, 3217

Municipal services, Casey (No 3-23), 380, 397, mnrs, 1801

Ngunnawal Oval, lighting (No 25-23), 2812, mnrs, 3840

Out-of-order petitions

Grove Retirement Village, traffic management, 1049

Health, maternity services, 27

Lyons Early Childhood School, transport, 2226

Parking, public ovals (No 4-23), 2215, 2229, mnrs, 4045

Parkrun, Point Hut Pond (No 20-23), 3625, 3626

Richardson shops, leasing (No 31-22), mnrs, 384


Gribble and Hibberson streets intersection (No 11-23), 2336, 2337, mnrs, 3842

Harrison (No 40-22), 715, mnrs, 1569

Harrison (No 41-22), 383, 399, mnrs, 1908

Schools, Monash Primary School Oval (No 27-22), 381, mnrs, 1803

Seniors, retirement villages (Nos 38-22 and 08-23), 383, 397, mnrs, 1907

Shepherds Lookout, Brontë Haskins tribute (No 33-22), mnrs, 22, 27

Stromlo Forest Park, car park (No 30-22), mnrs, 21, 28

Transport, ANU bus services (No 2-23), 380, 396, 398, mnrs, 1804


Bradfield Street, Downer (Nos 20-22 and 36-22), mnrs, 393

Scullin tree hollows (No 22-23), 3743

Scullin tree hollows (No 28-23), 3745

Tuggeranong, skate park (No 34-22), 8, 24, mnrs, 1048

Waste, proposed waste to energy incinerator site (No 12-22), mnrs,12


Arts facilities (No 5-23), 2217, 2227, 2229

Arts facilities (No 26-23), 2899, 2901

Arts facilities (Nos 5-23 and 26-23), mnrs, 3843

Legislative Assembly (Votes) -

Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, Voice to Parliament

That the amendment be agreed to, 192

That the motion be agreed to, 2999

ACT Health, health workforce

That the amendment be agreed to, 2072

ACT Planning System Review and Reform Project, independent review

That the amendment be agreed to, 1419

ACT Policing

Online reporting system

That the amendment be agreed to, 232


That Mr Hanson's amendment to Mr Gentleman's amendment to Mr Hanson's motion be agreed to, 343

Appropriation Bill 2022-2023 (No 2),

That this bill be agreed to in principle, 797

Appropriation Bill 2023-2024

That the amendment be agreed to, 2583

That this bill be agreed to, 2807

Australian Institute of Sport, location

That the motion be agreed, 3275

Belconnen, bus services,

That the amendment be agreed to, 2772, 2781

That the motion, as amended, be agreed to, 2782

Calvary Hospital, acquisition

That the amendment be agreed to, 1535, 1645

Canberra, cost of living

That the amendment be agreed to, 2311

Canberra Health Services


That the amendment be agreed to, 1337


That the amendment be agreed to, 3384

Canberra Hospital

Cardiology services

That the motion be agreed to, 673

Diagnostic imaging

That the amendment be agreed to, 3163

Maternal and Fetal Medicine Unit

That the amendment be agreed to, 881

Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Natural Gas Transition) Amendment Bill 2022

That this bill be agreed to in principle, 1893

Cost of Living Pressures in the ACT, select committee, proposed establishment

That Ms Lee's amendment to paragraph (4) of Mr Braddock's amendment be agreed to, 285

Discrimination Amendment Bill 2022

That Ms Lee's amendment No 4 be agreed to, 634

That proposed new clause 3A be agreed to, 634

Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) Amendment Act 2022

That the motion be agreed to, 2781

Economy, credit rating

That the amendment be agreed to, 3920

Education and Community Inclusion, reference

That the motion be agreed to, 619

Electoral Amendment Bill 2021

That this bill be agreed to in principle, 3187

Electoral and Road Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

That Mr Braddock's amendment No 10 be agreed to, 3580

That the amendment be agreed to, 3574, 3584

Environment, C40 Green and Healthy Streets Accelerator

That the amendment be agreed to, 1155

Federal government, territory rights

That Mr Barr's amendments to Ms Lee's proposed amendment, as amended, be agreed to, 3086

That Ms Lee's amendment No 1 to Mr Barr's proposed amendments to Ms Lee's proposed amendment be agreed to, 3085

That the question be divided, 3082m

That the question be now put, 3084m

Financial Management Amendment Bill 2021 (No 2)

That the amendments be agreed to, 2122

Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2022

That clause 12 be agreed to, 1257

Freedom of Information Amendment Bill 2022 [No 2]

That this bill be agreed to in principle, 2884


Land release program

That the motion be agreed to, 3827


That the amendment be agreed to, 4111


ACT health system

That the motion be agreed to, 1137

Gynaecology oncology

That the amendment be agreed to, 478

Maternity services

That the amendment be agreed to, 98

Health Infrastructure Enabling Bill 2023


That the motion be agreed to, 1290

That the amendments be agreed to, 1445

That the bill, as a whole, as amended, be agreed to, 1445

That this bill be agreed to in principle, 1439


Emergency department waiting times

That the amendment be agreed to, 330

Endoscopies and colonoscopies

That the amendment be agreed to, 771


Rental affordability

That the amendments be agreed to, 1886

Short-term rentals

That Mr Parton's amendment to Mr Davis's amended motion be agreed to, 1001

Justice (Age of Criminal Responsibility) Legislation Amendment Bill 2023

That Mr Braddock's amendment No 4 be agreed to, 3714

That this bill, as amended, be agreed to, 3718

Justice and Community Safety


That the motion be agreed to, 944

Reporting date amendment

That the amendment be agreed to, 3868

Legislative Assembly

Standing orders, suspension

That the motion be agreed to, 1441

That Mr Hanson be suspended from the service of the Assembly, 1500

Light rail

Stage 2

That the amendment be agreed to, 119, 3066

Stage 2, traffic disruption

That the motion be agreed to, 569

Stage 2B

That the amendment be agreed to, 1970

Mental health, federal funding

That the amendment be agreed to, 244

Minister for Health


That the motion be agreed to, 805

Motion of want of confidence

That the motion be agreed to, 714

Motor vehicles, government policies

That Ms Orr's amendment to Mr Parton's amendment to Mr Steel's amendment be agreed to, 1779

Multicultural affairs, community facilities

That the amendment be agreed to, 3080

Municipal services


That the amendment be agreed to, 2975


That the amendment be agreed to, 3570

Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2023

That the Speaker's ruling in relation to Payroll Tax Amendment Bill 2023 be dissented from, 2463

Planning, RZ1 changes

That the motion be agreed to, 4017

Planning Bill 2022

That the bill, as amended, be agreed to, 1676

Planning, Transport and City Services


That the debate be adjourned, 952

That the amendment be agreed to, 4078

Rental ombudsman, proposed establishment

That the amendment be agreed to, 1248

Residential Tenancies Legislation Amendment Bill 2022

That the bill, as a whole, as amended, be agreed to, 432

Roads, maintenance

That the motion be agreed to, 991

Standing orders, suspension

That the motion be agreed to, 2603


General practice clinics

That the amendment be agreed to, 2805

General practice clinics, payroll tax waivers

That the amendment be agreed to, 1224

Variation in Sex Characteristics (Restricted Medical Treatment) Bill 2023

That Ms Castley's amendment No 2 be agreed to, 1832

That Ms Castley's amendments Nos 3 and 4 be agreed to, 1833

That Ms Castley's amendment No 6 be agreed to, 1835

LGBTIQA+ community -

Capital Queers, 809

Libraries ACT -

Civic Library, 3790q

Light rail -

Auckland stop work order, 4127

Green track, 2256q

Stage 2, 98m, 2512q, 3055m

Stage 2

Construction costs, 857q

Traffic disruption, 546m

Stage 2A, 960q, 1089q, 3883q, 4140q

Stage 2B, 965q, 1957m, 3781q, 3882q, 3892q

Sydney patronage, 4128

Lyons Early Childhood School -

Transport, 2216, 2226, refcom, 2230m, mnrs, 3841

Margaret Hendry School -

Safety, 2932q

Staff, 856q

Marillanca, Mr V -

Motion of condolence, 3199m

Medal of the Order of Australia -

Honours, 3191

Mental health -

Alcohol and other drug use disorders, 3483

Federal funding, 233m

Mental Health Advisory Council, 747q, 869q

Workforce strategy, 1304q, 1563q, mnst, 3856

Mental health facilities -

Security, 3358q, 3663q, 3665q, 3835qn, 4140q

Mental health services -

Gungahlin, 3359q

Mico, Mr D OAM -

Condolence, 2893m

Minister for Health -

Conduct, 772, 798m

Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) Amendment Act 2022, 2257q, 2262q, 2264q, 2269q

Minister for Homelessness and Housing Services -

Conduct, 973q

Conduct, statement by minister, 1062

Minister for Mental Health -

Conduct, 56q, 57q, 59q, 62q, 63q, 67q, 69q, 71q, 72q, 291q

Motion of want of confidence, mwc, 695m

Minister for Transport and City Services -

Management, 2506q

Molonglo River -

Bridge, 645q, 3042q

Molonglo Valley -

Playing fields, 2940q

Poker-machine free zone, 1259

Moore, Ms K -

Tribute, 2449

Morrison, Mr I -

Death, 900

Motor vehicles -

Anniversary of first Australian car, 4027

Government policies, 1749m

Licence plates, 3213, 3214, 3217

Registration, 1951q

Multicultural affairs -

ACT Community Action Group, 3827

ACT Multicultural Awards 2023, 2515q

Ahmadiyya Muslim community peace symposium, 3930

Canberra Malayalees Association, 2073

Community events, 692

Community facilities, 3067m

Diversity and acceptance, 673m

Events, 1560

International Day for People of African Descent, 2528m

Migrant and refugee support programs, 3727

Speaker's new citizens welcome night, 3389

Multicultural communities -

Afghani refugees, 1348

Canberra Sarbojonin Puja and Cultural Association, 3482

Telugu community, Ugadi festival, 1260

Multicultural events -

Africa Day, 1794

African Australian Council ACT, 3093

Multiculturalism -

Anti-racism, 3249q, 3302, 3929, 4098

Municipal services -

Casey, 380, 397, mnrs, 1801

Customer satisfaction survey, 3779q, 3838qn

Fix My Street, 3050q, 3196q

Footpaths, 1303q, 3053q, 3196q, 3725, 3992q

Garden City cycle route, 2855q

Lighting, 1746q

Maintenance, 2951m

Monash shops, 2129q

Mowing, 3297

Ngunnawal Oval, lighting, 2812, mnrs, 3840

Play spaces, 959q, 972q, 975q, 1041qn, 1094q

Spending, 3551m

Streetlighting, 864q, 1970m

Murrumbidgee electorate -

Sport and recreational facilities, 369

National Disability Insurance Scheme -

Federal budget impact, 1260

Federal funding, 1677

Policy reform, update, mnst, 164

National Multicultural Festival -

25th anniversary, 306q

2023, mnst, 497

2023, attendance, 1308q

2024, 3141q

Awards recipient, 4028

Funding, 2126q

National Women's Rugby League -

Canberra Raiders, 1560

Natural disasters -

Morocco and Libya, 2999

Neate, Mr G AM -

Condolence, 2331m

North Canberra Hospital -

Workplace culture, 4003q, 4097q

Occupational violence -

Emergency responders, 1200q

Organ and tissue donation -

Donor Heroes' Night, 1161

Gift of Life Annual Walk, 487

Orroral Valley -

Reopening, 1503q

Parking -

Public ovals, 2215, 2229, mnrs, 4045, 4050

Parkrun -

Point Hut Pond, 3625, 3626

Parks and conservation -

Fire trails, 3441q, 3442q, 3675m

Nature reserves, 3538m

Rangers, 2378q

Urban rangers, 3352q, 3485q

Pharmacies -

Dispensing of medication, 3994q

Planning -

ACT Planning System Review and Reform Project, 640q, 809, 861q, 976q, 1041qn, 1091q

Age-Friendly City Plan, update, mnst, 1173

District strategies, 2848q, 2849q, 2860q, 2890q, 3140q, 3141q, 3142q

Entertainment precincts, 740q

Exhibition Park, 447q

Gungahlin cinema, 2283m

Independent review, 1407m

Infill target, 2259q, 4093q

Land release program, 3789q

National Capital Authority, 2453

Parking, 301q, 2752q

Planning and development system, 2631q, 2644q, 2648q

Planning Bill 2022, 1617q, 1618q, 1679

Proposed governance arrangements, 303q

RZ1 changes, 2751q, 2845q, 3451q, 4005m

Territory Plan, 1208q

Territory Plan 2023, 2601, 2603m

Thoroughbred Park, 1307q

Procurement -

Reform program, mnst, 3106

Public and social housing -

Construction, 3349q

Funding, 3882q, 3991q

Refugees, 3357q

Public commemoration -

Public place names, update, mnst, 150

Public housing -

Asset stock, 2382q, 2388m

Calwell, 2942q

Debt to commonwealth, 1296q

Energy efficiency, 3993q

Lowanna Street, 3998q, 4140q

Maintenance, 4000q

Mandatory relocation of tenants, 2380q

Renewal program, mnst, 2337

Safety, 2379q

Public land -

Usage, 3144q

Racing industry -

Canberra Racing Club, 367

Rental ombudsman -

Proposed establishment, 1225m

Proposed establishment, update, mnst, 3219

Retirement villages -

Dispute resolution, government response, 2949m

Richardson shops -

Leasing, mnrs, 384

Rising Tide -

Environmental activism, 3931

Roads -

Emissions reductions, update, mnst, 129

Gribble and Hibberson streets intersection, 2336, 2337, mnrs, 3842

Harrison, 383, 399, 715, mnrs, 1569, mnrs, 1908

Jamison, 3454q

Kaleen, 3456q

Maintenance, 202q, 969q, 980m, 1353qn, 3043q, 3195q

Maintenance, update, mnst, 152

Monaro Highway, 3245q

Safety, 4095q

Ryan, Ms J -

Death, 1894

Ryan, Ms M -

Death, 1894

Saunders, Ms B -

Tribute, 3831

Schools -

Canteen facility, 2400m

Children and young people with disability, 2502q, 2517q

Infrastructure, 2375q

Language programs, 2368q

Meals in Schools pilot program, 854q

Monash Primary School Oval, 381, mnrs, 1803

Performance, 2933q

Safety, 3529q, 3530q, 3531q, 3835qn

Staff welfare, 443q, 450q, 538q, 541q, 3529q, 3530q, 3531q, 3835qn

Staff workload, 448q

Staffing, 297q

Teachers, government response, 312m

Toilets, 3396

Scott, Mr G -

Tribute, 1341

Scouts ACT -

Activities, 1898

Seniors -

ACT Seniors Card, 865q, 976q

ACT Seniors Spring Expo, 3592

Council on the Ageing ACT, Senior Awards 2023, 3297

International Day of Older Persons 2023, mnst, 3113

Retirement villages, 383, 397, mnrs, 1907

Retirement villages, dispute resolution, 569m

Shea, Aunty A OAM -

Condolence, 905m

Shepherds Lookout -

Brontë Haskins tribute, mnrs, 22, 488, 581

Small business -

Food trucks, 1793

Network One, 3477

Restaurants, 3477

Smith, Sir D KCVO AO -

Tribute, 2448

Sport and recreation -

Achilles Running Club, 1345

Belco Bowl Jam 2023, 897

Dryland ovals, update, mnst, 717

FIFA Women's World Cup, 2842q

Fossil fuel company advertising, 4031

Golf, 2186

Grants, 2854q

International events, 2925q, 3037q, 3038q, 3195q, 3881q

Kambah playing fields, 3046q, 3196q

Skate parks, 1559

Swimming pools, 863q, 1844q, 1851q, 1904q, 2756q

Swimming pools, access, mnst, 3403

Throsby Home of Football, 861q

Staley, Mr T AO -

Death, 1678

Steffen, Professor W -

Condolence, mnst, 253

Stromlo Forest Park -

Car park, mnrs, 21

Development, 67q

Mountain biking, update, mnst, 2355

Suburban infrastructure -

Projects, 2372q

Sustainable Household Scheme -

Electric bikes and motorbikes, 1395q, 1404q

Taxation -

General practice clinics, 2250q, 2251q, 2252q, 2254q, 2365q, 2499q, 2501q, 2503q, 2635q, 2636q, 2741q, 2782m, 3133q, 3134q, 3348q, 3779q

Payroll tax waivers, 1209m

Payroll tax waivers, government response, 2523m

GST revenue, 435q

Revenue, 1846q

Road user charges, 3534q

Taylor Mr RC AM -

Tribute, 1346

Teachers -

Conditions and entitlements, 1613q, 1620q

Territory Plan 2023 -

Interim, 3323m, 3792q

Territory rights -

Voluntary assisted dying, 60q

Tobler, Ms A -

Tribute, 1028

Tourism -

Floriade, 3054q

International flights, 1101q

Transport -

Active travel, 1204q, 1507m

Update, 2270

ANU bus services, 380, 396, 398, mnrs, 1804

Bus services, 209q

Bus services, government response, 78m

Canberra-Sydney rail services, 3894m

Electric buses, 446q

Electric scooters, 1086q

London Circuit, 2647q

Ticketing, 438q

Traffic management, 1744q

Tuggeranong bus services, 3146q

Transport Canberra -

Bus fleet, mnst, 3225

Bus network, update, mnst, 124

Bus patronage, 2511q

Bus services, 2032q

Bus shelters, 1199q, 1309q

Bus timetables, 295q, 375qn

Buses, 374qn

Electric buses, 3452q, 3453q, 3532q

Female bus drivers, 1501q

Ticketing, 3884q

Zero Emission Transition Plan, mnst, 1574

Zero emissions fleet, 1403q

Transport Canberra and City Services Directorate -

Claims unit, 1848q

Directorate performance report, 310m

Trees -

Bradfield Street, Downer, mnrs, 393

Planting, 1097q, 1343

Scullin tree hollows, 3743, 3745, 3746

Tree Week, 1157

Urban canopy, 1206q, 4004q

Urban species selection, 963q

Trevitt, Ms S -

Tribute, 2324, 2326

Tuggeranong -

Community health centre, 2928q

Skate park, 8, 24, 58q, mnrs, 1048

Sporting facilities, 2926q, 2939q

Türkiye and Syria -

Natural disaster, 143

Urban Open Space Land Management Plan -

Draft, 2949m

Ginninderra Catchment Group, 2514q

Vaping products -

Nicotine, 1736q

Veterans -

Invictus Australia, 1026

Invictus Games 2023, 3190

Vietnam War -

50th anniversary, mnst, 2339

Voluntary assisted dying -

Listening report, mnst, 2099

War Widows Day -

Recognition, 1998m

War Widows Day 2023, mnst, 3419

Waramanga -

Street names, 2681m

Waste -

ACT Materials Recovery Facility, 301q

Circular economy, 1614q, 2638q

Management, 862q

Product stewardship, 2643q, 2889q, 3247q

Proposed waste to energy incinerator site, mnrs,12, 365

Water -

Lower Molonglo Water Quality Control Centre, wastewater treatment, 2030q

Waterhouse, Mrs D OAM -

Tribute, 3944

Welfare and charity organisations -

Roundabout Canberra, 1158

West Belconnen Junior Rugby League FC -

50th anniversary, 3094

West, Dr D PSM -

Motion of condolence, 2589m

Weston Creek -

Infrastructure, 749q

Whitlam -

Land release, 194q

Williams Ms M -

Tribute, 2326

Woden -

Arts facilities, 2217, 2227, 2229, 2899, mnrs, 3843

Women -

ACT Women's Plan 2016-2026, mnst, 2813, 3534q

Altitude Awards, 807

Canberra Women in Business Awards 2023, 3728

Equal participation, 141

Grants, 2376q

International Women's Day, 514m

Menstruation and menopause, 479m

NATA Women Inspiration Network, 3390

She Shapes History walking tour, 3192

Status of women and girls in the ACT, mnst, 816

Violence, 3935

Work health and safety -

Psychosocial hazards, 2757q

Silica dust, 737q, 1845q, mnst, 1991, 3390

WorkSafe ACT, 3448q

World Day for Safety and Health at Work and Workers' Memorial Day, 1578m

Yerrabi electorate -

Community engagement and events, 363

Community events, 1339

Yerrabi Pond -

Lighting, 2034q

Parking, 3049q, 3197q

Youth -

ACT Youth Week, mnst, 1164

Political engagement, 4037

Voting rights, 1344

Work experience, 2185, 3298, 3303, 4133

Work experience and internship programs, 4033