6 Feb 2024 - 16 May 2024 Speech Indexes

Subject Indexes       All years


amdts, amendments; ba, bill agreed to; detail, debated at the detail stage; expst, explanatory statement; m, motion; mfd, motion for disallowance; mnrs, ministerial response; mnst, ministerial statement; mso, motion for the suspension of standing orders; mgc, motion of grave concern; mnc, motion of no confidence; mwc, motion of want of confidence; nm, notice of motion; psm, paper and statement by minister; perexp, personal explanation; prin, debated at the in-principle stage; q, question; qn, question on notice; refcom, reference to committee; wdrl, withdrawal;



Legislative Assembly

Committees, Estimates 2024-2025, select committee, membership, 818

Papers, 867m

BARR, Mr A -

ACT Policing

City Police Station, 223q

Gungahlin, 343q, 346q

Woden Police Station, 347q

ACT Public Service, Public Sector Management Standards, 229q

Appropriation Bill 2023-2024 (No 2), prin, 273, 431

Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2023 2024 (No 2), prin, 275, 433

Australian Capital Territory, population, 649q

Australian Institute of Sport, funding, 933q

Canberra, cost of living, 187

Canberra Institute of Technology, chief executive officer, 228q

Chief Minister, conduct, 636q

Climate change, gas, 934q

Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Membership) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 520

Cotter Dam, maintenance, 146q, 280q


Cost-of-living, 344q, 1038q, 1038q

Education market, 540q

Employment, 442q

Performance, 438q, 644q, 929q

Tourism, 446q, 656q

Gaughan, Deputy Commissioner Neil APM, retirement, mnst, 299


Community engagement, 160q

Infrastructure and services investment, mnst, 26

Infrastructure investment, 361

Infrastructure plan, 144q

Investments, 168, 181

Responses to questions on notice, 1149q

Services, 930q

Taxation, 52q

Transparency, 933q


Debt to Commonwealth, 1037q


Federal funding, 1047q

Proposed stadium and convention centre, federal government, 931q, 1034q, 1036q, 1135q

Legislative Assembly


Estimates, 2024-2025, Select Committee, 1015

Public Accounts, refcom, 275m

Ministerial arrangements, 332, 433, 538, 636, 1033

Number of members, 550q

Points of order, 648

Standing orders

Standing order 174, 275

Standing order 175, 275

Standing order 176, 275

Suspension, 640

Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 623

Light rail

Economic analysis, 332q, 334q, 336q, 338q, 434q, 435q, 436q, 539q, 541q

Federal funding, 1034q

Stage 2, 934q, 1217q

Stage 2B, 229q

New South Wales, Bondi Junction attack, mnst, 897

Police, Ambulance and Clinician Early Response program, funding, 63q

Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1012

Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 683

Sport and recreation, Canberra United FC, 649q

Taxation, general practice clinics, 53q, 54q, 143q

University of Canberra Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 417, 631

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1175


Advisory councils, remuneration, 942q

Appropriation Bill 2023-2024 (No 2), prin, 429

Building, construction industry, 881q

Canberra, cost of living, 199

Canberra Institute of Technology, chief executive officer, 749q

Children and young people, ACT Youth Week, mnst, 999

Development, CSIRO Ginninderra site, 639q

Domestic Violence Agencies (Information Sharing) Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 985


Early childhood, 744q

Future of Education Equity Fund, 63q, 276

School Improvement Framework, 445q

Support, 55q

Education Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 625

Education and Care Services National Law (ACT) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 718

Gordon, playing fields, 837q


Land release, 440q, 593q

Skilled migration, 589q

Hawker, playing fields, 1151q, 1154q

Health, menstruation and menopause support, 381


Affordable Home Purchase Scheme, 437q, 439q, 593q, 652q, 653q, 654q

Affordable housing project fund, 339q

Jacka, 943q

Rental affordability, 1046q

Housing ACT

Maintenance, 58q, 441q, 589q, 1041q, 1042q, 1155q

Vacant properties, 1043q

Legislative Assembly

Ministerial arrangements, 745, 822

Points of order, 55, 644, 757, 932

Minister for Sport and Recreation, correspondence, 235q, 590q

Period Products and Facilities (Access) Act, implementation, 232q


Belconnen town centre school, 1075

Gungahlin town centre, 646q, 881q

Public housing, asset sales, 649q

Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 693


Belconnen town centre school, 1075

Literacy and numeracy, 1140q, 1142q

Meals for students, 827q

Monash Primary School, 1143q

Parent portal, 747q, 882q

Physical activities and excursions policies, post-implementation review, mnst, 297

Safety, 745q, 746q

Straithnairn, 443q, 746q

Supports for students with disability, mnst, 405, 410

Teachers, 543q, 544q

Sport and recreation

Canberra United FC, 751q, 709

Facilities, 1044q

Swimming pools, 1137q, 1155q

Suburban Land Agency, funding, 550q

Tuggeranong, Canberra Arena development, 757q

Vaping products, nicotine, 477

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1182

Women, status of women and girls in the ACT, mnst, 397


ACT public service, Public Sector Management Standards, 228q

Agriculture, urban agriculture, update, 915

Appropriation Bill 2023-2024 (No 2), prin, 428

Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2023-2024 (No 2), prin, 433

Cemeteries and Crematoria Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 743

Coroner's report, drownings in ACT rivers, government response, 110

Crime, knife related violence, 1168

Education, School Improvement Framework, 445q

Gaughan, Deputy Commissioner Neil APM, retirement, 305


Investments, 163m, 179, 180, 182, 1091

Mugga Lane and Mitchell recycling depots procurement, 345q

Responses to questions on notice, 1149q

Skilled migration, 65q

Gungahlin, Joint Emergency Services Centre, 758q

High-risk weather season, summary, 710

Housing, rental affordability, 832q

Human Rights Commission (Child Safe Standards) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1084

Israel, World Central Kitchen, 702

Justice, child sexual abuse, 6, 24, 890

Kambah, 50th anniversary, 236q

Lakes and waterways, safety, 146q

Legislative Assembly


Administration and Procedure, 923m

Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity, 921

Estimates 2024-2025, Select committee, 1016

Appointment, 804

Justice and Community Safety, 43, 383, 988

Standing Committees, reference, 1126

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, 309m

Number of members, 550q

Papers, Justice and Community Safety Standing Committee, report 22, government response, 977

Standing orders, suspension, 643

Light rail, stage, 2, 938q

Maribyrnong Primary School, travel links, 1097, 1098

Migration, permanent residents, 1044q

Multicultural affairs

Persian and Iranian communities, 489

Ramadan iftar, 390

National Multicultural Festival

Palestinian community, 486

2024 festival, 606


Gungahlin town centre, 646q

Hawker shops, 751q

Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1012

Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 692


Maribyrnong Primary School, travel links, 1097, 1098

Meals for students, 823q

Sport and recreation, Canberra United FC, 652q

Thoroughbred Park, development, 57q

Transport Canberra, south-side bus services, 271

Trees, urban canopy, 444q

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1186

Waste, food and garden organics, 1141q

Women, women’s rights in Iran, 877

Work, Future of the working week inquiry, government response, 107

Workplace Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 814

Yerrabi Pond, lighting, 942q


Legislative Assembly, committees, Administration and Procedure, 41, 923, 924

Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 416, prin, 1013

Richardson, shops, 885, 993

CAIN, Mr P -

ACT Policing

City Police Station, 224q

Gungahlin, 343q

Resourcing, 227q

Appropriation Bill 2023-2024 (No 2), prin, 420

Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2023-2024 (No 2), prin, 432

Attorney-General, conduct, 755q, 756q, 825q

Australia Day, celebrations, 109

Belconnen electorate, small business, 389


Construction industry, 645q

Regulatory impact, 675, 1062

Business, government support, 463

Canberra Institute of Technology, chief executive officer, 228q

Chief Minister, conduct, 637q

Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1018

Commercial agents, licensing scheme, 558


Knife related violence, 1161, 1172

Woden, 885

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 730

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 818

Crimes (Sentencing) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1158

Development, CSIRO Ginninderra site, 639q, 828q

Domestic and family violence, coercive control, 954

Economy, performance, 929q

Environment, Ginninderry conservation corridor, 872


BAPS Hindu temple, 577

Ramadan and iftar, 578

Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 100

Ginninderra electorate

Community events, 876

Wests Lions Rugby Club, 1090


Conduct, 547q

Human resources and information management system, 39, 149q, 151q, 233q

Infrastructure investment, 371

Services, 931q

Taxation, 52q

Transparency, 933q

Government Procurement Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 135

Gungahlin, Joint Emergency Services Centre, 836q


General practitioners, 785

Nurse-led walk-in centres, 856


Hawker Community Repair Cafe, 482

Playing fields, 1151q, 1215

Shops, development, 1091

Housing, Affordable Home Purchase Scheme, 438q, 440q, 653q, 654q, 655q

Housing ACT

Maintenance, 441q

Waiting lists, 990

Legislative Assembly


Justice and Community Safety, 42m, 315m, 316m, 323, 325, 616m, 622, 925

Justice and Community Safety (scrutiny), 41, 317, 620, 922

Language, "cooking the books", 420, wdrl, 420

Members, conduct, 68

Parliamentary and Governing Agreement, 824q

Points of order, 225, 548, 774, 1086

Warnings, 142

Light rail, economic analysis, 539q, 542q

Multicultural affairs

Federation of Indian Associations of ACT Inc., 396

Ramadan, 792

Yom HaShoah, 988

Municipal services, Charnwood shops, 702

National Multicultural Festival, 606


Belconnen town centre school, 1078

Majura Valley, 160q

Public housing, asset sales, 649q


Belconnen town centre school, 1078

Kingsford Smith, 703

Literacy and numeracy, 1142q

Strathnairn, 443q, 750q

Sport and recreation, swimming pools, 1137q

Suburban Land Agency

Elm Grove Homestead, 789

Funding, 549q

Transport Canberra

Bus fleet, 656q, 770

Fares, 863

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1188

Woden, crime, 885


ACT Health, Digital Health Record system, 57q, 231q

ACT Policing, Woden Police Station, 347q

ACT State Emergency Service, Gungahlin, 1146q

Agriculture, urban agriculture, update, 914

Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill 2023, prin, 506

Attorney-General, conduct, 756q, 757q

Building industry, regulatory impact, 674, 1064

Business, government support, 450m, 463

Canberra Hospital, diagnostic imaging, update, 415

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 221

Domestic and family violence, coercive control, 948m, 966

Domestic Violence Agencies (Information Sharing) Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 980

Economy, cost of living, 1038q

Government, infrastructure investment, 369


Community health assets, 939q

Endoscopy services, 647q

General practitioners, 777m, 787

North Canberra Hospital, 1147q

Nurse-led walk-in centres, 847


Emergency department waiting times, 59q, 81m, 92

North Canberra Hospital, 1147q

Human Rights Commission (Child Safe Standards) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1081

Legislative Assembly

Committees, Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, 310

Points of order, 159, 231, 648, 935, 949, 1149

Light rail, economic analysis, 435q, 437q

Liquor Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 384

Liquor (Night-Time Economy) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 737

Mental health, facility security, 831q, 831q, 833q

Minister for Business, consultation, 751q

Planning, Majura Valley, 159q

Police, Ambulance and Clinician Early Response Program, funding, 562m, 571

Rural Fire Services, location, 65q


Parent portal, 748q

Strathnairn, 750q

Teachers, 542q, 544q

Taxation, general practice clinics, 53q, 54q, 143q, 292

Vaping products, nicotine, 471

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1181


Access Canberra, traffic infringement notices, 1215

Animals, dog parks, 1150q

Appropriation Bill 2023-2024 (No 2), prin, 426

Armstrong, Mr Bruce, tribute, mnst, 1104

Arts, the Hon Ms S Ryan AO, public sculpture, 237q

Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill 2023, prin, 514

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 49, detail, 523

Building industry, regulatory impact, 670, 680

Business, government support, 458

Calwell shops, maintenance, 602

Canberra, events, 483

Cemeteries and Crematoria Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 418, 743

City Services, staffing, 148q

Commercial agents, licensing scheme, 557

Community organisations, Belconnen Lions Club, 576

Florey shops, parking, 1101

Government, Mugga Lane and Mitchell recycling depots procurement, 341q, 345q, 347q, 350q

Green Shed, The, operational change 295

Halligan, Ms Marion AM, tribute, mnst, 1104

High-risk weather season, summary, 715

Kambah, 50th anniversary, 236q

Legislative Assembly


"Are you illiterate?", 675, wdrl, 678

Unparliamentary, wdrl, 796

Papers, 354, 554, 978

Papers, Select Committee on the Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023 report, government response, 978

Points of order, 663

Standing orders

Standing order 47, 680, 774

Standing order 55, 682

Light rail, stage 2B, 348q, 827q

Liquor Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 386

Liquor (Night-Time Economy) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 501, 739, detail, 742

Macgregor, play space, 209, mnrs, 887

Marriage, ceremonies, 973

Molonglo Valley, library, 759q

Motor vehicles, licence plates, mnrs, 14

Municipal services

Acknowledgement, 491

Evatt shops, 234q

Tree removal, 276

National Multicultural Festival 2024, 607

Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1012


Gundaroo Drive, 1153q

Tralee, mnrs, 994, 998

Seniors, Pets and Positive Ageing Inc., 582

Transport, active travel, update, 121

Transport Canberra

Accessibility of buses, 280q

Acknowledgment, 873

Bus fleet, 655q, 752q, 766

Bus services, 342q

Fares, 859

Transport Canberra and City Services, acknowledgement, 873

Trees, urban canopy, 444q, 594q

Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 807

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1209


Food and garden organics, 1141q

Styrofoam, 551q

Yerrabi Pond, lighting, 942q, 944q

CLAY, Ms J -

Advisory councils, remuneration, 943q

Appropriation Bill 2023-2024 (No 2), prin, 424

Armstrong, Mr Bruce, tribute, 1110

Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill 2023, prin, 511

Business, government support, 462

Carbon emissions, reduction, 790


CSIRO Ginninderra site, 638q

Thoroughbred Park, 56q, 825q

Environment, ACT State of the environment report 2023, 578

Environment Protection (Fossil Fuel Company Advertising) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 76


Community engagement, 160q

Land release, 440q

Mugga Lane and Mitchell recycling depots procurement, 341q, 346q, 347q, 350q

Green Shed, The, operational changes, 291

Halligan, Ms Marion AM, tribute, 1110

Housing, rental affordability, 837q

Lakes and waterways, safety, 147q

Legislative Assembly


Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity, 917

Health and Community Wellbeing, 126, 317m, 324, 616m

Planning, Transport and City Services, 40m, 218, 318m, 416m, 609m, 618m, 807

Papers, Justice and Community Safety Standing Committee, report 22, government response, 976

Standing order 174, 40, 41, 218

Light rail

Benefits realisation report, 910

Stage 2, 259, 937q

Liquor (Night-Time Economy) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 739

Maribyrnong Primary School, travel links, 1098

Municipal services, Evatt shops, 234q


Belconnen town centre school, 1068m, 1080

Call-in powers, 546q

Call-in powers, blocks 11 and 12 section 1 Denman Prospect and block 8 section 2 Denman Prospect, 573

Denman Prospect, 1040q

Gungahlin town centre, 646q

Hawker shops, 750q

Macgregor, 155q

Stromlo and Denman Prospect, 1040q

Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024, 577, prin, 245, 697


Belconnen town centre school, 1068m, 1080

Maribyrnong Primary School, travel links, 1098

Sport and recreation, facilities, 1044q

Transport, active travel, update, 120

Transport Canberra

Bus fleet, 35, 764

Fares, 865

South-side bus services, 268


Scullin tree hollows, 25

Urban canopy, 444q

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1203


Food and garden organics, 1141q

Styrofoam, 552q


ACT Health, Digital Health Record system, 58q


Building industry, regulatory impact, 678, 1066, 1145q

Canberra, cost of living, 199

Crime, Woden, 889

Domestic and family violence, coercive control, 965

Florey shops, parking, 1102

Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 101

Government, human resources and information management system, 151q, 152q

Health, general practitioners, 783

Hospitals, emergency department waiting times, 61q

Housing, rental affordability, 1046q

Housing ACT, vacant properties, 1043q

Legislative Assembly


Public Accounts, 44, 925

Standing Committees, reference, 1125

Points of order, 678, 776, 830, 832, 833, 839, 1126, 1127

Standing order 55, 1127

Light rail, stage 2B, 827q

Liquor (Night-Time Economy) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 736

Marriage, ceremonies, 971

Mental health facilities, security, 829q, 831q, 832q

Minister for Business, consultation, 752q

Planning, Mawson group centre, 1095

Police, Ambulance and Clinician Early Response program, funding, 63q

Taxation, general practice clinics, 54q

Transport Canberra

Bus fleet, 753q, 941q

Fares, 868

Tuggeranong, Canberra Arena development, 758q

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1184

Woden, crime, 889

Workplace Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 814


ACT Disability Strategy 2024-2033, 800

Appropriation Bill 2023-2024 (No 2), prin, 425

Canberra, cost of living, 196, 989

Children and young people, justice, 210

Crime, Woden, 892

Crimes (Sentence Administration) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 813

Dhulwa Adult Mental Health Unit, update, mnst, 213

Domestic and family violence

Coercive control, 952

Resource funding, 1094

Domestic Violence Agencies (Information Sharing) Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 982

Gambling, harm minimisation, 879

Gaughan, Deputy Commissioner Neil APM, retirement, 305

Government, investments, 175


General practitioners, 784

Nurse-led walk-in centres, 853

High-risk weather season, summary, 717

Hospitals, emergency department waiting times, 90

Justice, reinvestment, 1002

Legislative Assembly


Standing Committees, reference, 1124

Liquor Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 385

Mental health

Dhulwa Adult Mental Health Unit, update, mnst, 213

Facility security, 829q, 831q, 832q,

United Kingdom study tour, mnst, 124

New South Wales, Bondi Junction attack, 898

Planning, Age Friendly City Plan, update, mnst, 1111

Police, Ambulance and Clinician Early Response Program, funding, 564

Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 694

Schools, supports for students with disability, 408

Sport and recreation, Royals Juniors Rugby College, 703

Vaping products, nicotine, 474, 838q

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1199

Woden, crime, 892

Women, status of women and girls in the ACT, 403


Legislative Assembly, papers, 105m, 325m


ACT Ambulance Service, staffing, 161q

ACT Policing

City Police Station, 223q

Gungahlin, 591q

Resourcing, 161q, 227q, 589q

Woden Police Station, 592q

ACT State Emergency Service, Gungahlin, 1145q

Crime, knife related violence, 1163

Gungahlin, Joint Emergency Services Centre, 758q, 835q, 841q

High-risk weather season, summary, mnst, 710

Kippax, crime, mnrs, 287

Legislative Assembly


Estimates 2024-2025, Select committee, membership, 822m

Membership, 45m

Standing Committees, reference, 1120

Papers, 69, 240, 658, 843, 945, 1048, 1156

Points of order, 142, 776, 823, 833

Standing orders

Standing order 223, 45m

Suspension, mso, 46

Minister for Business, consultation, 752q

National Multicultural Festival 2024, mnst, 603

Rural Fire Services, location, 64q, 279q

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1185

Workplace Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 219, 816


ACT Policing, Woden Police Station, 347q

Legislative Assembly, points of order, 334, 549

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1203


Faith, BAPS Hindu temple, 395

Florey, Florey shops, parking, 1098, 1099

Fraser, restaurants, 580

Green Shed, The, operational change, 295

Hawker Community Repair Cafe, 488


General practitioners, 786

Nurse-led walk-in centres, 855

Higgins, footpaths, 993, 997

Housing ACT, tenancy conditions, 789

Legislative Assembly

Answers to questions on notice, Questions 1315 and 1519, 351

Standing order 118A, 351

Macgregor, play space, 207, 208

Macquarie, playground, 887, 894

Multicultural affairs

Australia Day celebrations, 278

Events, 788

Federation of Indian Associations of ACT Inc., 482

Municipal services

Play spaces, maintenance, 389

Tree removal, 275

Schools, St John the Apostle Primary School fete, 577

Scullin, playground, 275

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1207

Women, Canberra Women in Business awards, 395


ACT Health, Digital Health Record system, 232q

Attorney-General, Order to table documents, 841m, 846

Biosecurity Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 631

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2023, detail, 524

Business, government support, 455

Calwell shops, maintenance, 596, 599

Calwell shops, maintenance, correction to the record, 622

Cemeteries and Crematoria Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 743

Climate change, gas, 935q

Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Membership) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 519

Cotter Dam, maintenance, 146q

Domestic Violence Agencies (Information Sharing) Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 983

Energy, gas, 935q

Fadden Hills Pond, Clean Up Australia Day, 490

Gordon, playing fields, 838q

Government, human resources and information management system, 234q


Community health assets, 940q

Endoscopy services, 648q

Menstruation and menopause support, 378

Housing, homelessness, 62q

Housing ACT, maintenance, 59q

Legislative Assembly


Administration and Procedure, 42m

Estimates 2024-2025, Select committee, 1014m

Appointment, 803m, 804

Language, “We can have lies, damned lies, and Mr Barr’s statistics.”, 642, wdrl, 642

Points of order, 60, 344, 766, 1155

Standing orders

Standing order 55, 775

Standing order 114, 344

Standing order 118, 60

Standing order 118A, 352

Standing order 213A(a), 841

suspension, 641

New South Wales, Bondi Junction attack, 899

Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1011


Monash Primary School, 1144q

Safety, 746q, 747q

Strathnairn, 443q

Transport Canberra

Bus fleet, 157q

Bus services, 343q

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1208


Canberra Women in Business awards, 392

Fearless Women mentor program, 277

National Association of Women in Construction ACT awards, 203

LEE, Ms E -

ACT Policing, City Police Station, 222q

Australian Institute of Sport, funding, 933q

Attorney-General, conduct, 824q

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 47

Building industry, regulatory impact, 1059

Canberra Institute of Technology, chief executive officer, 227q, 749q

Canberra, cost of living, 183m, 201

Chief Minister

Attempted motion of censure, mc, 639

Conduct, 636q

Climate change, gas, 934q

Cotter Dam, maintenance, 145q

Crime, knife related violence, 1170

Crimes (Sentencing) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1159

Domestic and family violence, coercive control, 963


Cost of living, 1037q

Performance, 928q

Education, Future of Education Equity Fund, 64q

Energy, gas, 943q

Gaughan, Deputy Commissioner Neil APM, retirement, 303


Infrastructure investment, 356m, 373

Infrastructure plan, 144q

Investments, 171

Services, 930q

Taxation, 52q

Transparency, 932q

Housing, debt to Commonwealth, 1036q

Legislative Assembly

Language, “dodgy tax”, 932, wdrl, 932

Parliamentary and Governing Agreement, 822q

Points of order, 54, 144, 157, 224, 228, 230, 334, 335, 337, 338, 638, 679, 681, 684, 930, 931, 935, 1136, 1143, 1149

Standing orders

Standing order 117, 54, 157, 228, 230

Standing orders, suspension, mso, 639

Light rail

Economic analysis, 332q, 333q, 336q, 337q

Federal funding, 1033q

Stage, 2, 934q

Public housing, asset stock, 643q


Belconnen town centre school, 1073

literacy and numeracy, 1139q, 1141q, 1141q

Parent portal, 747q

Safety, 745q, 746q

Telopea Park, 285, 294

Sport and recreation, swimming pools, 1137q

Taxation, general practice clinics, 53q, 143q, 283, 289

Transport Canberra, fares, 866

University of Canberra Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 630

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1172

Watson, crime, 595, 597


ACT Policing

City Police Station, 223q

Gungahlin, 343q, 346q

Resourcing, 160q, 226q

Woden Police Station, 347q

ACT State Emergency Service, Gungahlin, 1145q

Building industry, regulatory impact, 669

Canberra Institute of Technology, chief executive officer, 749q

Crime, knife related violence, 1167

Government, infrastructure plan, 145q

Gungahlin, Joint Emergency Services Centre, 835q

Legislative Assembly


Standing Committees, reference, 1116m, 1129

Economy and Gender and Economic Equality, 44, 317m, 621

Minister for Sport and Recreation, correspondence, 235q

Police, Ambulance and Clinician Early Response program, funding, 62q

Rural Fire Services, location, 64q

Transport Canberra, accessibility of buses, 159q

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1199


Advisory councils, remuneration, 942q

Animals, dog parks, 1150q

Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 47, detail, 521

Children and young people, ACT Youth Week, 1001

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 221

Development, Thoroughbred Park, 826q


Future of Education Equity Fund, 63q

School Improvement Framework, 445q


Community engagement, 160q

Land release, 441q

Mugga Lane and Mitchell recycling depots procurement, 347q

Skilled migration, 65q

Gungahlin, Joint Emergency Services Centre, 759q

Health, menstruation and menopause support, 379

Human Rights Commission (Child Safe Standards) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1083

Kambah, 50th anniversary, 235q

Legislative Assembly

Members, inaugural speech, 1

Number of members, 551q

LGBTIQA+ community, IDAHOBIT Day, 1214

Marriage, ceremonies, 971

Migration, permanent residents, 1045q

Municipal services, Evatt shops, 235q


Belconnen town centre school, 1077

Denman Prospect, 1040q

Macgregor, 155q

Stromlo and Denman Prospect, 1040q

Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 689

Richardson, shops, 892


Belconnen town centre school, 1077

Meals for students, 827q

Sport and recreation

Canberra United FC, 651q, 707

Facilities, 1043q

Tuggeranong, Canberra Arena development, 757q

University of Canberra Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 630

Vaping products, nicotine, 466m, 480

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1183

Waste, styrofoam, 551q

Women, status of women and girls in the ACT, 403

ORR, Ms S -

Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body, 153q

Arts, the Hon Ms S Ryan AO, public sculpture, 238q

Australian Capital Territory, population, 649q

Biosecurity Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 632

Canberra Hospital, Critical Services Building, 66q

Canberra Institute of Technology, funding, 225q

City Services, staffing, 149q

Disability, Disability Strategy and First Action Plan, 833q

Disability Inclusion Bill 2024, prin, 241


Cost-of-living, 344q

Education market, 539q

Employment, 442q

Tourism, 446q, 656q


Early childhood, 749q

Support, 55q

Employment, four-day work week, 873

Gambling, harm minimisation, 829q


Health workforce, 553q

Menstruation and menopause support, 375m, 382

nurse-led walk-in centres, 843m, 852

Housing, affordable housing project fund, 340q

Legislative Assembly


Estimates 2024-2025, Select committee, appointment, 804

Planning, Transport and City Services, 612

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, 309m

Planning, urban boundary, 753q

Roads, Gundaroo Drive, 1153q

Sport and recreation, Canberra United Football team, support, 709

Vocational education and training, Canberra Institute of Technology, 1147q

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1209

Women, International Women’s Day, 483

Work, Future of the working week inquiry, government response, 108

Yerrabi electorate, events, 791


ACT Policing, resourcing, 161q


Construction industry, 646q

Construction industry, regulatory impact, 1048m, 1067, 1144q

Embedded utilities networks, update, 113

Building industry, regulatory impact, 666

Business, government support, 454

Calwell shops, maintenance, 600

Development, CSIRO Ginninderra site, 828q

Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 97

Gordon, playing fields, 837q


Conduct, 549q

Infrastructure investment, 368

Greenland, Ms K, tribute, 580


Affordable Home Purchase Scheme, 437q, 439q, 652q, 653q, 654q

Debt to Commonwealth, 1037q

Homelessness, 61q

Rental affordability, 1045q

Housing ACT

Asset sales, 648q

Maintenance, 58q, 441q, 891, 886, 1040q, 1041q

Vacant properties, 1043q

Legislative Assembly

Committees, Planning, Transport and City Services, 322, 610

Interparliamentary relations, Republic of Kiribati, 239

Language, “It is a blatant lie”, 762

Points of order, 441, 548, 650, 756

Light rail

Benefits realisation report, 909

Economic analysis, 333q, 336q, 337q, 339q, 434q, 435q, 436q, 538q, 541q

Federal funding, 1034q

Stage 2, 250m, 260, 261, 934q

Stage 2B, 229q, 826q

Public housing, asset sales, 648q

Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 688

Richardson, shops, 891

Road Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 1023

Roads, Tralee, 7, 25


Monash Primary School, 1143q

Teachers, 543q, 544q

Suburban Land Agency, funding, 550q

Transport Canberra

Accessibility of buses, 158q

Bus fleet, 34, 156q, 655q, 752q, 761m, 772, 940q

Bus services, 342q

Fares, 857m, 869

South-side bus services, 262m, 271

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1194


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders, ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body, 154q

ACT Ambulance Service, staffing, 161q


Dog parks, 1151q

Snakes, 284, 485

Appropriation Bill 2023-2024 (No 2), prin, 424

Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill 2023, prin, 508

Australian Capital Territory, population, 649q

Canberra Hospital, Critical Services Building, 66q, 1139q

Canberra Institute of Technology, funding, 226q

Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1019

Coombs, Ruth Park playground, 286, 293

Crime, knife related violence, 1170

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 732

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 819

Crimes (Sentencing) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 447, prin, 1160


Cost-of-living, 345q, 1039q

Education market, 540q

Performance, 438q, 644q

Tourism, 446q

Education, support, 56q

Gambling, gambling harm, 391

Gambling, harm minimisation, 828q, 878

Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 102

Housing, Jacka, 943q

Infrastructure, federal funding, 1046q

Justice, sentencing, 545q

Legislative Assembly


Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity, 216, 217, 615m, 718, 916m

Justice and Community Safety, 499m

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, 313

Interparliamentary relations, Republic of Kiribati, 239

Out-of-order petition, active travel, Stirling, bus stop access, 209

Points of order, 420, 840

Light rail

Economic analysis, 436q

Stage 2B, 230q, 348q

Molonglo Valley, library, 759q

National Multicultural Festival 2024, 605

Period Products and Facilities (Access) Act, implementation, 232q


Call-in powers, 547q

Call-in powers, blocks 11 and 12 section 1 Denman Prospect and block 8 section 2 Denman Prospect, 575

North Curtin, 936q

Urban boundary, 755q

Road Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 1024

Vaping products, nicotine, 476, 840q

Vocational education and training, Canberra Institute of Technology, 1146q

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1203

Workplace Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 815


ACT Ambulance Service, staffing, 162q

Arts, the Hon Ms Susan Ryan AO, public sculpture, 237q

Building industry, regulatory impact, 667

Canberra Hospital, Critical Services Building, 1137q

City Services, staffing, 148q

Commercial agents, licensing scheme, 555m, 561

Disability, Disability Strategy and First Action Plan, 834q


Cost of living, 1038q

Employment, 442q

Performance, 439q, 644q

Tourism, 657q

Education, early childhood, 748q

Government, investments, 173

Health, health workforce, 552q


Affordable housing project fund, 339q

Jacka, 943q

Infrastructure, federal funding, 1047q

Justice, sentencing, 546q

Legislative Assembly


Education and Community Inclusion, 126, 215, 498m, 614m, 921m, 924

Public Accounts, 316m, 323m, 326

Points of order, 434, 839

Light rail, stage 2B, 349q

Marriage, ceremonies, 969m, 975

Molonglo Valley, library, 760q

Period Products and Facilities (Access) Act, implementation, 233q

Planning, north Curtin, 937q

Roads, Gundaroo Drive, 1154q

Vaping products, nicotine, 472, 838q

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1200


Appropriation Bill 2023-2024 (No 2), prin, 423


conduct, 755q, 756q, 825q

Order to table documents, 841, 842

Canberra, cost of living, 191

Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 129, prin, 1020

Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Membership) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 220, 520

Commercial agents, licensing scheme, 559

Crime, knife related violence, 1165

Crimes (Disclosure) Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 721

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 733

Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 127, prin, 820

Crimes (Sentencing) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1157

Domestic and family violence, coercive control, 961

Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Act 2008, review, mnst, 410

Gambling, harm minimisation, 828q

Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 94, detail, 104

Gaming Machine (Compulsory Surrender) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 499


Infrastructure investment, 366

Investments, 177

Housing and Consumer Affairs Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 628

Housing, rental affordability, 836q


Child sexual abuse, mnrs, 888

Reinvestment, mnst, 1002

Sentencing, 545q

Justice and Community Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1016

Legislative Assembly

Committees, Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity, 872

Parliamentary and Governing Agreement, 824q

Points of order, 549, 776, 1127, 1128

Monitoring of Places of Detention Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1130

New South Wales, Bondi Junction attack, 898

Police, Ambulance and Clinician Early Response Program, funding, 569

Public housing, asset stock, 643q

Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 695

Ukraine, armed conflict, 875

Road Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 1025

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1178


Armstrong, Mr Bruce, tribute, 1111

Halligan, Ms Marion AM, tribute, 1111

Legislative Assembly

Broadcasting, 497m

Committees, membership, 45

Interparliamentary relations, Republic of Kiribati, 239

Language, unparliamentary, ruling by Speaker, 795

Papers, 68, 273m, 353, 554, 572m, 657, 702m, 843, 944, 976m

Standing orders

Standing order 22, 283

Standing order 54, 795

Standing order 55, 795

Standing order 57, 795

Standing order 114, 823

Standing order 118A, 390

Standing order 223, 45

Visitors, 56, 66, 333, 412

Warnings, 142

Women, National Association of Women in Construction ACT awards, 204


Belconnen, public transport, mnrs, 17

Building industry, regulatory impact, 1056

Canberra Institute of Technology, chief executive officer, 882q

Canberra Institute of Technology, funding, 225q

Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 100


Human resources and information management system, mnst, 36, 150q, 151q, 234q

Procurement, update, mnst, 1102

Skilled migration, 65q

Gungahlin, roads, mnrs, 8

Halligan, Ms Marion AM, tribute, 1109

Light rail

Benefits realisation report, mnst, 905

Stage 2, 254, 937q

Migration, permanent residents, 1044q

Parkrun, Point Hut Pond, mnrs, 15


Denman Prospect, 1040q, 1217q

Macgregor, 155q, 279q

Majura Valley, 159q

North Curtin, 936q

Stromlo and Denman Prospect, 1040q, 1217q

Road Safety Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 1027

Thoroughbred Park, development, 57q

Transport, active travel, update, mnst, 116

Transport Canberra

Accessibility of buses, 158q

Bus fleet, mnst, 32, 156q, 882q, 941q, 1217q

South-side bus services, 266

Trees, Scullin tree hollows, mnrs, 18

Vocational education and training, Canberra Institute of Technology, 1146q

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1197


Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders

ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body, 153q

Our Booris, Our Way, update, mnst, 900

ACT Disability Strategy 2024-2033, mnst, 796

ACT Health, Digital Health Record system, 57q, 231q, 280q, 281q

Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill 2023, prin, 515

Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, review, government response, mnst, 493

Building, construction industry, 645q

Canberra Hospital

Cardiology services, correction to the record, 871

Critical Services Building, 66q, 1137q

Diagnostic imaging, update, mnst, 412

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2024 (No 2), prin, 327

Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 45, 222

Children and young people, justice, mnst, 213


CSIRO Ginninderra site, 638q, 828q

Thoroughbred Park, 825q

Disability, Disability Strategy and First Action Plan, 833q

Down syndrome, World Down Syndrome Day, 488


Community health assets, 939q, 944q

Endoscopy services, 647q

General practitioners, 779

Health workforce, 552q

Nurse-led walk-in centres, 851

Health (Improved Abortion Access) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 724


Canberra Hospital, Critical Services Building, 1137q

Emergency department waiting times, 60q, 85

North Canberra Hospital, 1148q, 1149q

Human Rights Commission (Child Safe Standards) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 330, prin, 1088

North Canberra Hospital, workplace culture, 279q

O'Donoghue, Dr L AC CBE DSG, tribute, 204

Palliative care, funding, mnst, 1007


Call-in powers, 546q

Hawker shops, 751q

Planning and Environment Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 727, prin, 1030

Police, Ambulance and Clinician Early Response Program, funding, 567

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1189

Watson, crime, 601


ACT Heritage, inquiry, government response, mnst, 306

Agriculture, urban agriculture, update, mnst, 912

Animals, kangaroo management, 1092

Asbestos, proposed board of inquiry, mnrs, 10

Biosecurity Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 132, 633


Building and construction industry, regulatory impact, 664, 1052, 1144q

Canberra, cost of living, 195

Coroner's report, drownings in ACT rivers, government response, 105


ACT State of the environment report 2023, mnst, 494

Kangaroo management, 1092

Environment Protection Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 926


Conduct, 548q

Investments, 174

Heritage, Canberra and Region Heritage Festival, 991

Heritage Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 809

Housing, homelessness, 61q

Lakes and waterways, safety, 147q

Nature Conservation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 811


Call-in powers, blocks 11 and 12 section 1 Denman Prospect and block 8 section 2 Denman Prospect, 572

Urban boundary, 753q

Planning and Environment Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 1030

Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 686

Watson, crime, 599

Women, International Women’s Day, 393

Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, prin, 1195