6 Feb 2024 - 11 Apr 2024 Subject Indexes
amdts, amendments; ba, bill agreed to; detail, debated at the detail stage; expst, explanatory statement; m, motion; mfd, motion for disallowance; mnrs, ministerial response; mnst, ministerial statement; mso, motion for the suspension of standing orders; mgc, motion of grave concern; mnc, motion of no confidence; mwc, motion of want of confidence; nm, notice of motion; psm, paper and statement by minister; perexp, personal explanation; prin, debated at the in-principle stage; q, question; qn, question on notice; refcom, reference to committee; wdrl, withdrawal;
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | ( | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y |
Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders -
ACT Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Elected Body, 153q
ACT Ambulance Service -
Staffing, 161q
ACT Health -
ACT Heritage -
Inquiry, government response, mnst, 306
ACT Policing -
ACT Public Service -
Public Sector Management Standards, 228q
Animals -
Arts -
Ryan, the Hon Ms S AO, public sculpture, 237q
Asbestos -
Proposed board of inquiry, mnrs, 10
Attorney-General -
Australia Day -
Celebrations, 109
Australian Capital Territory -
Population, 649q
Belconnen -
Public transport, mnrs, 17
Belconnen electorate -
Small business, 389
Bills -
Appropriation Bill 2023-2024 (No 2), prin, 273, 420, ba, 432
Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2023 2024 (No 2), prin, 274, 432, ba, 433
Assisted Reproductive Technology Bill 2023, prin, 506, ba, 519
Biosecurity Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 132, 631, ba, 636
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 47, detail, 52, 521, ba, 538, amdts, 584
Cemeteries and Crematoria Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 418, prin, 743, ba, 744
Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 45, 221, ba, 222
Children and Young People Amendment Bill 2024 (No 2), prin, 326
Civil Law (Wrongs) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 129
Climate Change and Greenhouse Gas Reduction (Membership) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 220, 519, ba, 520
Crimes (Disclosure) Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 721
Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 730, ba, 736
Crimes Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 127, prin, 818, ba, 822
Crimes (Sentence Administration) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 813
Crimes (Sentencing) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 447
Disability Inclusion Bill 2024, prin, 241
Education Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 625
Education and Care Services National Law (ACT) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 718
Environment Protection (Fossil Fuel Company Advertising) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 76
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 94, detail, 104, ba, 105, amdts, 111
Gaming Machine (Compulsory Surrender) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 499
Government Procurement Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 135
Health (Improved Abortion Access) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 724
Heritage Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 809
Housing and Consumer Affairs Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 627
Human Rights Commission (Child Safe Standards) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 330
Independent Competition and Regulatory Commission Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 622
Liquor Amendment Bill 2023, prin, 384, ba, 389
Liquor (Night-Time Economy) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 501, prin, 736, detail, 742, ba, 743, amdts, 794
Nature Conservation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 811
Planning and Environment Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 727
Remuneration Tribunal Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 416
Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024, 577, prin, 245, 683
University of Canberra Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 417, 630, ba, 631
Victims of Crime (Financial Assistance) Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 807
Workplace Legislation Amendment Bill 2024, prin, 219, 814, ba, 818
Bimberi Youth Justice Centre -
Review, government response, mnst, 493
Building -
Building industry -
Business -
Government support, 450m
Calwell shops -
Canberra -
Canberra Hospital -
Canberra Institute of Technology -
Carbon emissions -
Reduction, 790
Chief Minister -
Children and young people -
Justice, mnst, 210
City Services -
Staffing, 148q
Commercial agents -
Licensing scheme, 555m
Community organisations -
Belconnen Lions Club, 576
Coombs -
Coroner -
Cotter Dam -
Development -
Dhulwa Adult Mental Health Unit -
Update, mnst, 213
Disability -
Down syndrome -
World Down Syndrome Day, 488
Economy -
Education -
Early childhood, 748q
Future of Education Equity Fund, 63q, 276
School Improvement Framework, 445q
Support, 55q
Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Act 2008 -
Review, mnst, 410
Employment -
Four-day work week, 873
Environment -
Estimates 2024-2025 -
Fadden Hills Pond -
Clean Up Australia Day, 490
Faith -
Fraser -
Restaurants, 580
Gambling -
Gaughan, Deputy Commissioner Neil APM -
Retirement, mnst, 299
Ginninderra Electorate -
Community events, 876
Gordon -
Playing fields, 837q
Government -
Community engagement, 160q
Conduct, 547q
Human resources and information management system, mnst, 36, 149q, 151q, 233q
Infrastructure and services investment, mnst, 26
Infrastructure investment, 356m
Infrastructure plan, 144q
Investments, 163m
Mugga Lane and Mitchell recycling depots procurement, 341q, 345q, 347q, 350q
Taxation, 52q
Greenland, Ms K -
Tribute, 580
(THE) Green Shed -
Gungahlin -
Hawker -
Health -
Endoscopy services, 647q
General practitioners, 776m
Health workforce, 552q
Menstruation and menopause support, 375m
Nurse-led walk-in centres, 843m
High-risk weather season -
Summary, mnst, 710
Hospitals -
Housing -
Affordable Home Purchase Scheme, 437q, 439q, 593q, 652q
Rental affordability, 836q
Affordable housing project fund, 339q
Homelessness, 61q
Housing ACT -
Israel -
World Central Kitchen, 702
Justice -
Kambah -
50th anniversary, 235q
Kippax -
Crime, mnrs, 287
Lakes and waterways -
Safety, 146q
Legislative Assembly -
Answers to questions on notice, questions 1315 and 1519, 351
Broadcasting, 497m
Administration and Procedure, 41m, 42m
Economy and Gender and Economic Equality, 44, 317m, 621
Education and Community Inclusion, 126, 215, 498m, 614m
Environment, Climate Change and Biodiversity, 216, 217, 615m, 718, 872
Estimates 2024-2025, select committee
Appointment, 803m
Membership, 822m
Health and Community Wellbeing, 126, 317m, 324, 616m
Justice and Community Safety, 42m, 43, 315m, 316m, 323, 325, 383, 499m, 616m, 622
Justice and Community Safety (scrutiny), 41, 317, 620
Membership, 45m
Planning, Transport and City Services, 40m, 218, 318m, 322, 416m, 609m, 618m, 807
Public Accounts, 44, refcom, 275m, 316m, 323m, 326
Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023, 309m
Interparliamentary relations, Republic of Kiribati, 239
"Are you illiterate? ", 675, wdrl, 678
"Cooking the books", 420, wdrl, 420
"It is a blatant lie", 762
Unparliamentary, ruling by Speaker, 795, wdrl, 796
"We can have lies, damned lies, and Mr Barr’s statistics.", 642, wdrl, 642
Conduct, 68
Nuttall, Miss L, inaugural speech, 1
Leave of absence
Barr, Mr A, 707m
Gentleman, Mr M, 283m
Milligan, Mr J, 499m
Pettersson, Mr P, 1m
Steel, Mr C, 283m
Ministerial arrangements, 332, 433, 538, 636, 745, 822
Ministerial statements
ACT Disability Strategy 2024-2033, mnst, 796
ACT Heritage, inquiry, government response, mnst, 306
Bimberi Youth Justice Centre, review, government response, mnst, 493
Building, embedded utilities networks, update, mnst, 113
Canberra Hospital, diagnostic imaging, update, mnst, 412
Children and young people, justice, mnst, 210
Dhulwa Adult Mental Health Unit, update, mnst, 213
Electricity Feed-in (Renewable Energy Premium) Act 2008, review, mnst, 410
Environment, State of the Environment report, mnst, 494
Gaughan, Deputy Commissioner Neil APM, retirement, mnst, 299
Human resources and information management system, mnst, 36
Infrastructure and services investment, mnst, 26
High-risk weather season, summary, mnst, 710
Mental health, United Kingdom study tour, mnst, 124
National Multicultural Festival 2024, mnst, 603
Physical activities and excursions policies, post-implementation review, mnst, 297
Supports for students with disability, mnst, 405
Transport, active travel, update, mnst, 116
Transport Canberra, bus fleet, mnst, 32
Women, status of women and girls in the ACT, mnst, 397
Number of members, 550q
Out-of-order petitions
Active travel, Stirling, bus stop access, 209
Telopea Park School, 294
Watson, crime, 597
Papers, 68, 105m, 240, 273m, 353, 354, 382m, 554, 572m, 657, 658, 702m, 843, 871m
Parliamentary and Governing Agreement, 822q, 824q
Points of order, 54, 55, 60, 142, 144, 157, 159, 224, 225, 228, 230, 231, 334, 335, 337, 338, 344, 420, 434, 441, 548, 549, 638, 643, 644, 648, 650, 678, 679, 681, 683, 684, 756, 757, 774, 776, 823, 824, 830, 832, 833, 839, 840
Standing orders
Standing order 22, 283
Standing order 54, 795
Standing order 55, 679, 775, 795
Standing order 117, 54, 157, 228, 230
Standing order 118, 60
Standing order 118A, 351, 352, 390
Standing orders 174, 40, 41, 218, 275
Standing order 175, 275
Standing order 176, 275
Standing order 213A(a), 841
Standing order 223, 45m
Warnings, 142
Legislative Assembly (Petitions) -
Animals, snakes (No 5-24), 284
Asbestos, proposed board of inquiry (No 18-23), mnrs, 10
Belconnen, public transport (No 23-23), mnrs, 17
Calwell shops, maintenance (Nos 7-24 and 13-24), 596, 599, 602
Coombs, Ruth Park playground (No 1-24), 286, 293
Gungahlin, roads (No 15-23), mnrs, 8
Justice, child sexual abuse (No 27-23), 6, 24
Kippax, crime (No 21-23), mnrs, 287
Macgregor, play space (No 3-24), 207, 208
Motor vehicles, licence plates (No 19-23), mnrs, 14
Out-of-order petitions
Active travel, Stirling, bus stop access, 209
Telopea Park School, 294
Watson, crime, 597
Parkrun, Point Hut Pond (No 20-23), mnrs, 15
Roads, Tralee (No 31-23), 7, 25
Schools, Telopea Park (No 4-24), 285
Taxation, general practice clinics (No 24-23), 283, 289, 292
Trees, Scullin tree hollows (Nos 22-23 and 28-23), mnrs, 18, 25
Legislative Assembly (Votes) -
Appropriation Bill 2023-2024 (No 2)
That this bill be agreed to in principle, 432
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Amendment Bill 2023
That amendment No 1 be agreed to, 524
That amendment No 10 be agreed to, 536
That amendment No 5 be agreed to, 532
That clause 2, as amended, be agreed to, 524
That clause 10 be agreed to, 527
That clause 11 be agreed to, 528
That clause 12 be agreed to, 529
That clause 15, as amended, be agreed to, 532
That clause 18 be agreed to, 533
That clause 19 be agreed to, 534
That clause 21, as amended, be agreed to, 536
That proposed new clause 11A be agreed to, 527
That proposed new clauses 12A and 12B be agreed to, 530
That proposed new clause 14A be agreed to, 531
That proposed new clauses 18A to 18D be agreed to, 534
That proposed new clause 19A be agreed to, 535
That the bill, as amended, be agreed to, 538
Building industry, regulatory impact
That the amendment be agreed to, 683
Business, government support
That the amendment be agreed to, 465
Canberra, cost of living
That the amendment be agreed to, 203
Estimates 2024-2025, select committee, appointment
That the amendment be agreed to, 806
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2023
That this bill, as amended, be agreed to, 105
Government, infrastructure investment
That the amendment be agreed to, 375
Government, investments
That Mr Barr's amendment No 1 be agreed to, 180
That Mr Barr's amendment No 3 be agreed to, 182
That Mr Braddock's amendment to Mr Barr's proposed amendment No 1 be agreed to, 180
That the motion, as amended, be agreed to, 183
General practitioners
That the motion be agreed to, 788
Nurse-led walk-in centres
That the amendment be agreed to, 857
Hospitals, emergency department waiting times
That the amendment be agreed to, 94
Legislative Assembly, standing orders, suspension
That so much of the standing orders be suspended as would prevent Ms Lee from moving a motion of censure in the Treasurer, 638
Light rail, stage 2
That Mr Parton's amendments to Mr Steel's proposed amendment be agreed to, 261
Police, Ambulance and Clinician Early Response Program, funding
That the amendment be agreed to, 572
Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2024
That this bill be agreed to in principle, 702
Transport Canberra
Bus fleet
That the amendment be agreed to, 775
That the amendment be agreed to, 871
South-side bus services
That the motion be agreed to, 272
Light rail -
Macgregor -
Mental health -
Minister for Business -
Consultation, 751q
Minister for Sport and Recreation -
Molonglo Valley -
Library, 759q
Motor vehicles -
Licence plates, mnrs, 14
Multicultural affairs -
Australia Day celebrations, 278
Events, 788
Federation of Indian Associations of ACT Inc., 396, 482
Persian and Iranian communities, 489
Ramadan, 792
Ramadan iftar cancellation, 390
Municipal services -
National Multicultural FestivaL -
North Canberra Hospital -
Workplace culture, 279q
O'Donoghue, Dr L AC CBE DSG -
Tribute, 204
Parkrun -
Point Hut Pond, mnrs, 15
Period Products and Facilities (Access) Act -
Implementation, 232q
Planning -
Call-in powers, 546q
Call-in powers, blocks 11 and 12 Section 1 Denman Prospect and Block 8 Section 2 Denman Prospect, 572
Gungahlin town centre, 646q, 881q
Hawker shops, 750q
Majura Valley, 159q
Urban boundary, 753q
Police, Ambulance and Clinician Early Response program -
Public housing -
Roads -
Rural Fire Services -
Schools -
Kingsford Smith, 703
Meals for students, 827q
Physical activities and excursions policies, post-implementation review, mnst, 297
St John the Apostle Primary School fete, 577
Strathnairn, 750q
Supports for students with disability, mnst, 405
Scullin -
Playground, 275
Seniors -
Pets and Positive Ageing Inc., 582
Sport and recreation -
Suburban Land Agency -
Taxation -
Transport -
Active travel, update, mnst, 116
Transport Canberra -
Accessibility of buses, 158q, 280q
Acknowledgement, 873
Bus fleet, mnst, 32, 156q, 55q, 752q, 761m, 882q
Bus services, 342q
Fares, 857m
South-side bus services, 262m
Transport Canberra and City Services -
Acknowledgement, 873
Trees -
Tuggeranong -
Canberra Arena development, 757q
Ukraine -
Armed conflict, 875
Vaping products -
Voluntary Assisted Dying Bill 2023 -
Select committee, report, 309m
Waste -
Styrofoam, 551q
Watson -
Women -
Fearless Women mentor program, 277
National Association of Women in Construction ACT awards, 203
Women’s rights in Iran, 877
Work -
Future of the working week inquiry, government response, 107
Yerrabi electorate -
Events, 791