Page 3821 - Week 11 - Thursday, 24 November 2022

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Unfortunately, when I raised this a few weeks ago, no-one was interested. No-one thought it was their responsibility—and they are still there, falling apart. They have these big foam buoys—I think they might be called—on the corner of each of the wetland. Some of them have come off and are breaking up and are floating around the lake in bits and pieces.

So the things that are meant to be improving our lake are actually making it worse, because no-one cares about the maintenance. All they care about is the launch of them, the announcements and the photo opportunity, not making sure they are working as designed and not making sure they are maintained. It is appalling. And now we are announcing more and more of these things without any proof that the existing ones are working and without maintaining the existing ones. It is a damning pattern from this government of failing to maintain our water quality assets.

I seek leave to move together the amendments circulated in my name.

Leave granted.

MS LAWDER: I move:

(1) Omit paragraphs (2)(a) to (2)(f), substitute:

“(a) the issue of grass clippings entering our lakes and waterways has been raised on a number of occasions to the relevant Minister and there has been no evidence of any action being taken as a result;

(b)  the Labor Greens Government has invested in a number of water quality assets without supporting evidence that these assets are improving the health of our lakes and waterways;

(c) the Labor Greens Government fails to maintain their water assets, as evidenced by the current decaying floating wetlands spreading debris through Lake Tuggeranong;

(d) the Labor Greens Government fails to measure the impacts of their water assets to see if any improvements have occurred as a result of their installation;

(e) since 2014-15, the Labor Greens Government has failed to publish a comprehensive annual water quality report despite numerous recommendations for them to do so;

(f) the Labor Greens Government has failed to implement clear, realistic water quality targets to measure the results of their water quality efforts; and”

(2) Omit all text after paragraph (3)(a), substitute:

“(b) introduce clear, realistic water quality targets to measure the results of their water quality efforts;

(c) introduce and publish the maintenance schedule of water quality assets to ensure they are properly maintained;

(d) commit to publish a comprehensive annual water quality report;

(e) consult on the Urban Open Space Management Plan through; YourSay, and publish the plan upon completion; and

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