Page 3623 - Week 11 - Tuesday, 22 November 2022

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patterns of growth over the seasons. Climate change can make it more difficult for some species of plant to thrive in certain areas, affecting food supplies for the bees. Native bees in Australia are particularly vulnerable to loss of habitat as some species only feed on one or two different types of plants. We are a government that takes climate change seriously and we actively work to combat our impact on the environment. This motion will bring attention to our bee and pollinator populations, which will further protect an often overlooked aspect of our environment. This motion ensures our future generations will enjoy the same environment that everyone in this chamber has enjoyed in the bush capital over the years.

As a change of tone, World Bee Day falls on 20 May each year. World Bee Day raises awareness of the essential role bees and other pollinators play in keeping people and our planet healthy. World Bee Day coincides with the birthday of Anton Jansa, who in the 18th century pioneered modern beekeeping techniques in his native Slovenia and praised the bees for their ability to work hard while requiring little to no attention. Ms Orr has chosen to make the reporting deadline for her motion to fall on World Bee Day next year as the decline of our pollinators is a serious issue and one the ACT government can work towards to be better ready to prevent.

In conclusion, it is clear that Ms Orr is introducing this motion to the Assembly today to support our honeybee and native bee populations. The ACT has another opportunity to show the other states and territories how it is done. In this instance, how we as a community can be better aware of our bees and pollinators and to be ready to protect our pollinators from any threats that arise. It is no secret there are numerous threats to our bee and pollinator population. As mentioned these threats are vast and serious and range from biosecurity threats, human farming practices to climate change. While we may not be able to control every threat our bees or pollinators face, we certainly can better understand our population numbers and ensure Canberrans are educated on their significance and contribution to our lives. The spread of the varroa mite that is threatening parts of regional New South Wales should be a good wake up call for all of us.

It is so very clear how important our bees and other pollinators are to our biodiversity. There are many industries that rely on the bee population to pollinate their crops and produce developed from bees wax and other bee products contribute greatly to Australia’s economy. It is for this reason that I commend Ms Orr’s motion to the Assembly and look forward to reading all about pollinator populations and how we can work to protect them in 2023. Thank you.

MS LAWDER (Brindabella) (3.17): I thank Ms Orr for bringing the motion today and Dr Paterson for presenting it on her behalf. Bees truly are miraculous creatures, Mr Assistant Speaker.

According to all known laws of aviation, there is no way that a bee should be able to fly. Its wings are too small to get its fat little body off the ground. The bee, of course, flies anyway, because bees don’t care what humans think is impossible.

This is actually an opening quote from The Bee Movie and a fitting start to my speech today. One of the many wonderful things about living in Canberra is that we have

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