Page 3505 - Week 10 - Thursday, 20 October 2022

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Proposed new clause 12B

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12BNew section 205B


205BReview of amendments related to personal use of certain drugs etc

(1) The Minister must review the operation of the amendments of this Act made by the Drugs of Dependence (Personal Use) Amendment Act 2021 as soon as practicable after the end of their 2nd year of operation.

(2) The Minister must present a report of the review to the Legislative Assembly within 6 months after the day the review is started.

(3) This section expires 4 years after the day it commences.


Clause 13

Page 7, line 1—

omit clause 13, substitute

13Dictionary, new definition of small quantity


small quantity, for a drug of dependence or a prohibited substance, means a quantity of the drug or substance that is not more than the quantity prescribed by regulation.


Proposed new part 3

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Part 3Drugs of Dependence Regulation 2009

14New section 3A


3AOffence notice penalty—Act, s 171A (3) (c) (i)

The prescribed penalty is $100.

15New section 6


6Small quantity—Act, dict, def small quantity

(1) For the Act—

(a) the small quantity mentioned in table 6.1, column 3 for a drug of dependence mentioned in column 2, whether in pure form or a mixture containing the drug, is prescribed; and

(b) the small quantity mentioned in table 6.2, column 3 for a prohibited substance mentioned in column 2, other than items 5 and 6, whether in pure form or a mixture containing the substance, is prescribed; and

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