Page 3465 - Week 10 - Thursday, 20 October 2022

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I appreciate that some of the things that were included in the master plan that was consulted on back then are not necessarily a priority for some members of our mountain bike community, in particular, who just love going up and down the trails at Stromlo Forest Park, but they are important to deliver on the vision that was set out in the master plan to meet the needs of all the user groups at Stromlo into the future.

The master plan identified, in particular, that parking was an issue at Stromlo and that there was an identified need for a surfaced all-weather car park that could support all users of the park year round. In the 2021-22 budget the government made a deliberate decision to invest in improving the car park, as identified in the master plan. This was to address work, health and safety issues but also to generate additional capacity out of the car park to increase the number of parking spots, which happens when you formalise a car park, and to make sure that it is possible to establish the village green in the future, which is going to be a fantastic space for major events that occur at Stromlo Forest Park.

Since we made the decision to fund that project, the team at Stromlo Forest Park has been engaging extensively with user groups, local residents and the community on the project. This includes engaging with the Stromlo Stakeholder Consultative Committee, the Weston Creek Community Council, the Canberra off-road cycling group and a wide range of community partners. Indeed, two forums occurred, in September and October, which were attended by around 100 people, both in person and online.

I know that a number of those groups who are involved, particularly the consultative committee, are very supportive of a similar model that currently applies out at the Arboretum, where parking fees are used. That revenue goes directly back in to support the Arboretum. They are supportive of a similar model applying at Stromlo if pay parking is introduced at the Stromlo Forest Park. The government has not made a decision to introduce pay parking but will certainly consider that into the future, and the opportunities that they have identified that that revenue could go into tracks and trails at Stromlo Forest Park, which I know is a focus of our mountain biking community out there.

We know that there are a diverse range of user groups and individuals at Stromlo Forest Park. We do need to acknowledge the feedback from some members of the community, despite the wide range that are already represented on the consultative committee, that they would like to be part of that stakeholder group.

I am really pleased today to bring forward an amendment to Ms Clay’s motion to start to include some of those other groups into that stakeholder consultative committee so that we can get them involved with the future opportunities to enhance Stromlo Forest Park and include their views as we go through implementing the master plan.

We cannot include every individual in that particular stakeholder group, but we will certainly try, when we can, to engage the broader community. There are opportunities for individuals to have their say as well and to give feedback and share their ideas, particularly through the single point email:

Stromlo Forest Park is an important site for all Canberrans and I recognise the importance that it has for so many different uses. I also encourage people who do

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