Page 3339 - Week 10 - Wednesday, 19 October 2022

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Minister Vassarotti said words to the effect that this is not about a cruel government saying you cannot have separate houses. Minister, that may not be your intent, but it is the impact of the policies that this government has brought about. Home prices and rents have skyrocketed in Canberra, especially for homes with backyards, because that is what people want. During the COVID pandemic, if you were lucky enough to have a safe, private outside space to enjoy, you were equipped with a valuable protective factor to help you withstand the pressures of lockdown. Some members opposite even highlighted on social media how lucky they were to have private outdoor space to help endure the lockdown. The Canberra Liberals and I believe that it should not just be the lucky or the privileged in Canberra who can afford to buy or rent a home.

The current ACT Labor-Greens government, in spite of their stated aspiration, not only have set low numbers for release in the Indicative Land Release Program but have fallen short of their own low bar. Their performance is a real disappointment, with real impacts for many people that I hear from. People across Canberra deserve certainty and clarity on the availability of land in the ACT. For the thousands of Canberrans who have missed out in previous ballots, the introduction of an inventory of serviced land will give them some clarity. This motion would give Canberra buyers a somewhat more transparent view of what is happening with the land release program in the ACT.

For most families, the purchase of a home is one of the biggest transactions of their lives. The whole process can be extremely stressful. The lack of up-to-date information and lack of actual properties to buy only adds stress for many families. If people had the information called for in this motion, the process—again, one of the biggest transactions of their lives—would be made less stressful. Adding transparency to the government release of land has to be a good and helpful idea, especially given the amount of control this government has over land release in the ACT.

The release of new land directly impacts those looking at purchasing a new home for their family. It also has an impact on the many Canberrans and Canberra families who rent in Canberra. I believe everyone, whether buying or renting, ought to be able to afford a home and should be able to choose the type of dwelling that they lease or purchase. The land release program may only play a small role in the total property market each year, but it represents a very large proportion of the growth in properties available each year; therefore, it has a big impact on supply.

I have no doubt that Labor and the Greens will continue to try and blame other people for this problem. They point to national trends. They might blame investors; they might even try and blame the federal government. But the fact is that none of this is new. It was predictable, and the government has failed to make any meaningful dent in housing affordability.

After more than 20 years, this government owns the problem. It is not good enough that the government is big on ambitions, like a home for all, and so terrible on delivery. This government has left the ACT without enough homes for the number of people who live here. This motion sets out important, practical measures to begin to address the housing affordability failures of this government. This motion is important for everyone worrying about the possibilities of finding a home for their future, for everyone struggling with Canberra’s housing market. I can assure you that,

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