Page 3194 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 18 October 2022

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So the question for them is: were they planning on backflipping on their commitment to support light rail, or are they going to announce something else? What is the position of the Canberra Liberals on light rail? Do they want to betray the people of the south side and back away from their support for the project? Or is it just a continuation of the flip-flopping position of the Canberra Liberals that they took to the election, with the then shadow transport spokesperson, Candice Burch, saying that they supported the Belconnen route and then Alistair Coe stomping on that and saying, “No we support Woden”? Are they now backing away from it—with the same old Canberra Liberals, under Elizabeth Lee, not supporting light rail? The only people who are questioning the delivery of light rail are the Canberra Liberals in their flip-flopping position on this project and whether they actually support mass transit in our city.

In this budget, we are continuing to get on with our major projects, including the new CIT campus, with an additional $31.2 million to continue the delivery and design of the new campus in Woden, and also the associated Woden public transport interchange. Our investments in the new campus will provide enhancements to the project in response to community feedback during consultation. This includes an improved weather protection canopy, linking the CIT campus with the public transport interchange, and improve architectural and urban realm integration, landscaping and shelter design in the new interchange.

This transformational project will deliver an education environment that serves 6,500 CIT students and staff every year, as well as integrated public transport connections and a new foyer to support vulnerable students who are also engaging in studying or training. The project is a major catalyst for regeneration in the Woden Town Centre. The new CIT campus will deliver smart learning settings, state-of-the art simulated learning environments, commercial kitchens and hands-on training opportunities to help students to achieve their full potential in areas that are currently located at CIT Reid but also others in the future as well. There is extra space there for CIT to evolve over time. Those current areas are business, cyber, IT, creative industries, hospitality and tourism. As well as delivering those state-of-the-art learning and teaching spaces, the new CIT campus will create a whole new activating precinct in Woden. Parts of the campus will be open to the public, and shared spaces will showcase the courses available at CIT.

Just recently we welcomed the beginning of construction on a temporary interchange so that the former interchange can be demolished. I am sure many people will welcome that. Construction will now be able to begin on the new campus following the demolishment of the old interchange. I am looking forward to this construction work progressing and delivering this important project for Woden, which has also been supported in the budget.

This budget provides continued funding and investment in major construction projects that transform our city, deliver on our important election commitments and also deliver jobs to our city.

So, as we reach the middle of this parliamentary term, Canberrans can see the work that is underway on major projects like the hospital, like the new CIT campus and bus

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