Page 3186 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 18 October 2022

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For carers to have an easy-to-use resource which outlines several ways that they can take rest and recovery in their day-to-day activities is a simple yet effective way we can support carers. As we know, the rest and recovery that comes from respite is critical to everyone in our community, but even more for more carers who are consistently putting the needs of others before themselves. The money over the four years is designed to implement the carers strategy, and I understand that this includes resources for the implementation of the Carers Recognition Act, which has symmetry with the carers strategy.

I would have liked to see additional dedicated funding for implementation of the Carers Recognition Act in this budget; however, I look forward to seeing the act implemented by the ACT public service directorates and other caring and carer support agencies with guidance from the community services sector, and to see the strategy and the act and everything that has been done to improve the wellbeing of carers implemented in the ACT. We know this is important work and that it will be welcomed by many, many people.

MR CAIN (Ginninderra) (11.33): I want to speak briefly and then touch on some of the appropriation measures with respect to the multicultural and CALD communities in Canberra. Firstly, I want to express my deep appreciation for those communities’ commitments to provide our city and our society with the expression of their cultures—their art, food and dance—and their invitation to others to participate in those events and ceremonies. These communities form a growing part of our population and a make growing contribution to our skilled workforce. We see them express strong altruism and a sense of service to the community—and may they be applauded and encouraged in that.

I also want to acknowledge something that perhaps does not get spoken of very often. To leave your country of birth—your country of origin—and come to somewhere new and different requires a real sense of adventurousness and risk-taking. When people arrive in our community we see, as a general pattern, a real commitment to contribute and to advance their own interest, of course, but with a real spirit of altruism to reach out to others and to provide services and encouragement.

Though it is my delight to be in this role of shadow minister for multicultural affairs, during estimates some things did disappoint me about this government’s approach and a lack of support for this community. There was confusion about the funding for the National Multicultural Festival. The minister was unable to really answer my questions about the very small team and the breakdown of the funding profile. I was disappointed, again, about the lack of a feasibility study into the multicultural centre. This growing community in our city deserves growing support and acknowledgement, and I can certainly tell you that the Canberra Liberals are all on board with that agenda.

MS CHEYNE (Ginninderra—Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Business and Better Regulation, Minister for Human Rights and Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (11.35): The ACT government continues to take a holistic view of the provision of funding to support the inclusion and participation of Canberra’s growing and increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse community. I think I can speak on behalf of all of us in this place when I say

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