Page 3171 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 18 October 2022

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Domestic Violence Crisis Service as well as Canberra Rape Crisis Service to meet the demands for emergency hotel accommodation, case management and fund a range of support options.

In response to the Listen. Take Action to Prevent, Believe and Heal report, this budget commits the following funding: over $580,000 to undertake a review of agencies and statutory bodies which will identify where further investment and changes need to be made to address victim survivors needs; $1 million to develop a long terms strategy for the prevention of sexual violence and to change behaviours, as well as $1.4 million to implement independent sexual violence advisors to provide expert advocacy system navigation and links to services and supports to victim-survivors. Consistent with recommendation one of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program report the government has committed $1.4 million over four years to establish structured and ongoing consultation with victim survivors of sexual assault. Lastly, $4.3 million over four years to establish a multidisciplinary centre to co-locate a broad range of specialist sexual violence response services to provide best practice responses to meet the needs of victim survivors.

Madam Speaker, in my portfolio of Minister for Women and Minister for the Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence the government will continue to prioritise and undertake a range of grant opportunities and specialist programs and work across government to ensure that we promote and achieve our gender equity agenda.

I also want to briefly comment on the launch of the national plan yesterday by the federal government, which our strategies in the ACT feed into, and soon to be developed, an action plan for the first five years to implement that national plan in the country’s response to domestic and family violence. This has been the clearest and most measurable approach by the federal government in working with states and territories to develop a plan to address this longstanding issue that nobody has ever been able to resolve and we have a plan to resolve this within a generation. We recognise that is aspirational and there is a long way to go before we get there. However, every state and territory including the federal government have committed themselves to the national plan. Working together, in particular to ensure the voices of people who have lived experience with domestic and family violence have a say and their voices are heard and well embedded within the national plan, and the action plans following.

Madam Speaker, we will continue to work with the community services organisations that provide supports for people who are impacted by violence, whether sexual or domestic and family violence, to ensure they have the funding they need to respond to people in our community impacted. We know in the ACT we have a chance to be really mobile in the way that we respond to this, learning and listening and talking to each other about the different kinds of innovative models and approaches we can include in our response. This is a complex issue. It requires a committed and complex response. That is why you will see our funding in the ACT budget going to a range of different services and organisations, as well as innovation, to ensure we cut across all of the different areas we need to in responding to domestic and family violence and sexual assaults and violence in the ACT.

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