Page 3166 - Week 10 - Tuesday, 18 October 2022

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Recognising this, I will conclude by advising that before the end of the year, I will be releasing a statement of expectations relating to the registrar’s functions. This is a notifiable instrument made in consultation with the registrar and requires the registrar to report in 12 months in response to that statement. I will be updating the Assembly in due course.

I present the following paper:

Shoring Collapse at Dickson on 11 October 2022—Ministerial statement, 18 October 2022.

I move:

That the Assembly take note of the paper.

MS VASSAROTTI (Kurrajong—Minister for the Environment, Minister for Heritage, Minister for Homelessness and Housing Services and Minister for Sustainable Building and Construction) (10.21): I thank Minister Cheyne for providing the Assembly with an update on the very serious construction site incident in Dickson last week. Canberrans are rightly concerned to see such incidents. As Minister Cheyne has just outlined, the ACT government has a regulatory system in place to respond to incidents such as these, led by the very capable staff in Access Canberra.

I would like to make some brief remarks as the Minister for Sustainable Building and Construction about the policy reform in my portfolio to improve the building quality in the ACT. Over a number of years we have been progressively implementing significant building reform. Minister Cheyne has outlined some of the outcomes of this as well as the increased resources. It has been very positive to work with Minister Cheyne.

In the second phase of work, we have considered recommendations from the Shergold-Weir Building Confidence report and the Legislative Assembly Standing Committee on Economic Development and Tourism Inquiry into Building Quality and are progressing initiatives intended to give even greater assurance and protection for the community and make those working in the building and construction industry accountable for their actions.

As the incoming Minister for Sustainable Building and Construction, I inherited three key reforms awaiting action that I believe are crucial to lifting building quality standards and community confidence. I am working to ensure they are delivered as fast as possible. These reforms are supported as priority projects by a range of stakeholders including unions and professional building peak bodies. I will briefly touch on the three reforms, which are: the registration of professional engineers, developer regulation and a public certification service.

In relation to engineer registration the ACT government is working to finalise legislation for the introduction of a registration scheme for professional engineers. Consultation with the community and the industry on the proposed registration scheme has recently concluded. Legislation for the Engineer Registration Scheme is on track to be introduced to the Assembly in November this year. This will ensure that

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