Page 3076 - Week 09 - Thursday, 13 October 2022

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relationship between income support payments and poverty; and mechanisms to address and reduce poverty.

I urge all members of this chamber to consider this motion and provide our most vulnerable Canberrans with the necessary recognition and support to tackle the issue of poverty that impacts their lives. I brought this motion forward today with a genuine belief that an independent inquiry will produce much needed insight and outcomes with respect to the effects of poverty in the ACT, and that this will provide a greater number of pathways—with directionality for future government responses—to tackle the issue that affects so many Canberrans.

Each of us in this place is privileged to make decisions on behalf of, and for, the community. If we cannot prioritise the needs of some of the most vulnerable members of our community then we have failed. Let us not continue to fail these Canberrans. Let today be the day that Labor and the Greens accept that more can be done to support Canberrans living in poverty. I ask for their support. I commend my motion to the Assembly.

MR BARR (Kurrajong—Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Climate Action, Minister for Economic Development and Minister for Tourism) (3.38): I move the following amendment:

Omit all text after “That this Assembly”, substitute:

“(1) notes that:

(a) 16-22 October 2022 is Anti-Poverty Week;

(b) poverty is an issue across Australia, requiring a collaborative approach across the Commonwealth, State and Territory governments;

(c) low-income levels and a lack of employment opportunities are major contributors to poverty;

(d) overall, Canberrans enjoy a high standard of living, with access to free quality health care and education, and well-planned and delivered infrastructure; and

(e) unemployment in the ACT is currently very low;

(2) notes that the ACT Government is:

(a) investing in the ACT’s health system to ensure Canberrans have increased access to free high-quality public health care when and where they need it, including:

(i) the Canberra Hospital expansion;

(ii) planning for a new northside hospital; and

(iii) expanding the ACT’s network of nurse-led walk-in health centres and community health centres;

(b) investing in good quality public education, including building new schools and upgrading existing schools; and supporting families experiencing disadvantage with their education expenses through the Future of Education Equity Fund;

(c) implementing policies to accelerate the delivery of additional affordable rental dwellings, including through the promotion of the Build-to-Rent

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