Page 3039 - Week 09 - Thursday, 13 October 2022

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assets that we have by upgrading the existing facilities, many of which are ageing and need a bit of TLC.

We know that many Canberra families enjoy our local playgrounds, and the government is delivering on the commitment that we made at the election to build a new destination-style playground and recreation park for the inner north, at Watson, to cater for a range of age groups. It will be co-located with the Academy of Interactive Entertainment in Watson. I know the community is very eager to see this destination play space delivered close to other community facilities in the area.

In addition, the budget provides investments for improvements to the Charnwood group centre, with upgraded pavements, landscaping and new furniture, creating a safer and more accessible environment for visitors and businesses in the precinct. The preliminary designs have recently been shared with the local community, with construction expected to commence next year. Again, it is not a particularly shiny upgrade; it is just maintenance that we do need to some of our ageing assets, including our local shops. It is really important work and our government is investing in it.

Public space upgrades at our local shops in Kaleen are due for completion very soon. Construction work is also ongoing at Duffy and Campbell local shops, with consultation on upgrades at Cooleman Court’s main street, Brierly Street, in Weston, and Kippax group centre recently undertaken with the local communities. These designs will now be finalised, ahead of construction commencing next year.

The government is also jointly funding the replacement of three ageing timber bridges at Umbagong District Park, with Commonwealth support, following their closure in early 2021 due to safety concerns that were identified. Following community feedback, a new lookout will be built at one of the bridges. We are currently preparing procurement documentation, with construction activities planned to commence later this year, weather permitting.

The budget also commits funding to undertake a community co-design process for a new library and community facility to deliver our election commitment to the growing Molonglo Valley area. This process will provide an opportunity for the community in the Molonglo Valley to determine their priorities for the future facility, along with a range of other community facilities currently being developed in the region. These works will continue to support local jobs and businesses across Canberra, and also deliver on our commitments to Canberrans. By involving the community in our planning, we are ensuring that the infrastructure that we deliver meets the changing needs of local communities.

We are continuing to move projects through the planning system. A new green waste processing facility and landscape depot will be built in west Belconnen to replace the existing facility on Parkwood Road in Holt. This facility will reduce the amount of material sent to landfill and promote more beneficial re-use through composting of both commercial and residential green waste.

Given that a key priority of this government is to increase safety for all road users, we have also committed through the budget to upgrading five intersections to improve safety and add better connections for active travel. These intersection upgrades

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