Page 2812 - Week 09 - Tuesday, 11 October 2022

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MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Hanson, please!

MR BARR: What we have just witnessed perhaps means that I am being a little naive in hoping there might be the possibility of three parties in this place being able to work together on these issues. I hold out that hope and I know the Attorney-General, together with other ministers in the government who are pursuing particular areas of response within their portfolio responsibilities, remains willing to engage with the opposition in order to achieve an outcome for the community. It will not be helped by snide interjections. On this issue, Mr Hanson, lay down your weapons and try and find a solution.

Mr Hanson: The solution is ready to use.

MADAM SPEAKER: Mr Hanson, I have said it a number of times—no more!

MR BARR: We try, Madam Speaker, but you see what we are up against.

MS LEE (Kurrajong—Leader of the Opposition) (10.52): The Attorney-General has failed the Canberra community and must resign. If he does not, the Chief Minister must put the Canberra community first and sack him. Earlier this year, the McLuckie family lost their son Matthew in a tragedy that shocked our city. Tom, Sarah and Amanda: my heart goes out to you.

The loss of a child is every parent’s gravest nightmare, and to lose a child in such a way is utterly devastating. Matthew’s family described him as kind-hearted and generous, caring, funny, witty, clever, humble:

His best friend was his younger brother Joseph, who he just adored and he was so proud of him. He loved his family, doing workouts in the home gym, and was a hardworking student … He preferred to stay in the background and listen to people, rather than being front and centre. He grew into a big man who gave the best hugs. He was well-liked by just about everyone that met him … Our family are absolutely heartbroken with Matthew’s death. We cannot describe in words the pain of losing our son in such a senseless and absolutely avoidable accident. He was a young man, coming home from work, to a home where he was loved, with his dinner waiting for him in the fridge. Everyone who knew our lovely young man has been devastated by his loss, his future being robbed from him so needlessly. He had so much more to give, so much love to share.

This is an unbelievably devastating loss for Matthew’s family, his friends and for the community, who will never know the promise of his life. I extend my sincerest condolences to Matthew McLuckie’s family and friends, and to so many of the families of our victims who are with us this morning.

The Canberra community was deeply shocked and devastated at the death of Matthew. Many in the community vowed it must never again happen and that no other Canberra family should experience such a tragedy. Yet, heartbreakingly, only over the weekend we heard the news of the death of two teenage girls, only 14 and 15, as a result of another motor vehicle accident, a vehicle driven by a 16-year-old boy. This has

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