Page 2542 - Week 07 - Monday, 15 August 2022

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13. Refreshing the Performance Framework to support our people with role clarity and performance development.

14. Implementing an Awards and Recognition Program, including an annual CEO awards ceremony.

15. Factsheets and a manager toolkit to guide how to best resolve workplace issues.

16. Refreshing manager training to build capability so managers effectively resolve workplace issues and complaints.

17. Continuing the Workplace Resolution and Support Service.

18. Pilot evidence-based civility program.

19. Refreshing of the Respect, Equity and Diversity Contact Officers (REDCO) network.

20. Implementing improvement in complaints and grievance processes.

21. Implementing Speaking up for Safety (SUFS) and Promoting Professional Accountability Program (PPA).

22. Develop workforce action plans and staff networks to support inclusion in-line with the Inclusion Roadmap.

23. Continuing to evaluate our people’s views on being consulted on decisions that impact them through the Workplace Culture Survey 2021.

24. Continuing to evaluate team behaviours and cohesion in the Workplace Culture Survey 2021.

Initiatives still progressing:

1. Leadership Strategy.

2. Promoting Professional Accountability.

3. Improving recruitment practices to make them more inclusive.

4. Establishing a team business planning process, where teams identify their objectives and how they support the goals of CHS.

5. Education on delegations for managers within induction.

There are no initiatives yet to commence.

2) The lifespan of the Strategy is 2020-2022, however many of the initiatives will continue as business as usual.

3) Yes.


a) The FOCIS Strategy was funded as part of the $12 million 2019-20 ACT Budget

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