Page 2464 - Week 07 - Thursday, 4 August 2022

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The fact is that the global pandemic is far from over and we have more work to do. While some of us are relaxing on the weekend with friends, there are many Canberrans who need to physically isolate to protect their health. With the height of the winter months now upon us, it is imperative that we continue to support all Canberrans through continued public health and safety measures to reduce transmission and protect those most at risk.

Epidemiological data for the ACT predicts high daily case numbers throughout this winter. Seeing case numbers in the hundreds and regularly over a thousand per day can feel incongruous with being able to go to work or school every day or visit a supermarket without wearing a face mask. During the more than two years COVID-19 has impacted and disrupted life across the globe, we have learnt that those who are most at risk during waves and in general are those experiencing vulnerabilities with underlying health conditions.

Here in the capital, navigating the impact has been particularly complex for older Canberrans, people with disability or chronic health conditions, and carers. With case numbers increasing, the subsequent effect on our community and community sector organisations providing essential health, care and wellbeing services and coordination means that we must act to support those who are also supporting our most at risk.

In this regard, the ACT government remains committed to reducing the spread of COVID as well as seasonal influenza, through the provision of personal protective equipment, such as masks and hand sanitiser, and the distribution of rapid antigen tests. Knowing that the people coming into your home to provide care are COVID-free gives those most at risk the reassurance that they need to continue accessing services that keep them well and able to engage in their regular activities.

Our program of distribution of vital PPE and RATs on demand during the winter months means that disability and in-home aged-care workers, people with self-managed NDIS plans, frontline service workers in our community sector and youth detention centre and prison staff have ready access to important safety measures in protecting our community. Indeed, to date, our government has been at the forefront of PPE supply to support community organisations and Canberrans. When the previous federal government programs to provide RATs and PPE left out the vast majority of disability support and in-home aged care-workers as well as frontline workers in services such as homelessness and domestic violence crisis services, the ACT government was there to ensure continuity of access to this vital testing tool.

The ACT scheme was developed as a cross-ACT government initiative, with policy responsibility led by ACT Health and the Community Services Directorate supporting logistics and distribution. In March 2022, the scheme was expanded to include ACT government funded community organisations unable to access RATs through other sources, to maintain essential services by managing potential exposures, consistent with health advice. For the period 4 February to 30 June 2022, I am proud to say, a total of 284 applications were received, resulting in the provision of more than 69,000 RATs. Additionally, for the period 1 July 2021 to 30 June 2022, a total of 127 applications for PPE were approved, resulting in extensive distribution of hand sanitiser, masks and other material aid to the community sector.

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