Page 2438 - Week 07 - Thursday, 4 August 2022

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guidelines. I note as well from my own time in the ACT government that one thing that was considered when recruitment was undertaken was to consider whether a department was adequately reflecting the diversity within the ACT community, and I believe that is a healthy approach.

It is good to see tri-partisan support for the intent of what will be an amended motion. As much as we can, I think the Labor-Green and Canberra Liberal parties should be working together to improve the accessibility of services for the CALD community, for their sense of belonging and being accepted. There is much that we gain from the multicultural community, as I am sure all the members of this place have experienced.

So, obviously, I do support the motion, and I move:

Omit paragraph (2), substitute:

“(2) calls on the ACT Government to:

(a) once the new Commonwealth Government diversity collection standards have been finalised, consider any relevant updates to align ACTPS data collection policy and practice with the National standards;

(b) update the currently existing ACT Public Service Recruitment Policy and Guidelines to include best practice guidelines that specifically support the recruitment, retention and promotion of CALD people into and across the ACT Public Service;

(c) consider including in the best practice guidelines:

(i) deidentification of applications;

(ii) unconscious bias and anti-racism training;

(iii) encouragement of applications from people who identify in the CALD community;

(iv) any relevant changes or inclusions gathered from the Commonwealth Government’s recently announced diversity data collection reform;

(d) report back to the Assembly by the August 2023 sitting period on progress; and

(e) review the effectiveness of the new best practice guidelines in the ACT Public Service Recruitment Policy and Guidelines one financial year after implementation.”.

MS CHEYNE (Ginninderra—Assistant Minister for Economic Development, Minister for the Arts, Minister for Business and Better Regulation, Minister for Human Rights and Minister for Multicultural Affairs) (4.35): I move an amendment to Mr Cain’s amendments:

Omit paragraph (2)(d), substitute: “report back to the Assembly by the last sitting week of 2023;”.

The government will be supporting the motion and amendments put today. As Minister for Multicultural Affairs, I certainly welcome the intent of Mr Braddock’s original motion and the collaboration we have had with Mr Braddock’s office as he sought to bring this today—and, indeed, the intent of Mr Cain’s amendments.

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