Page 2376 - Week 07 - Thursday, 4 August 2022

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Most recently, the ACT government legislated to improve access to safe and legal abortions. The Health Act has been changed to allow specially trained GPs and telehealth services to prescribe medical abortion medications, and specially trained pharmacists to dispense these medications. These changes promote a person’s choice in determining where and how they access safe abortions.

I am happy to inform members of the Assembly and the broader community that, in this year’s budget, ACT Labor is continuing to deliver for women and has made a commitment to significantly reduce the up-front cost of abortion in the ACT. Minister Stephen-Smith and I announced this morning that we are delivering on that promise that we made and took to the 2020 election. Our commitment will improve affordability and access for both medical and surgical abortions, making both services free for people seeking an abortion up to 16 weeks in the ACT, and we will provide funding for long-acting, reversible contraceptives at the time of an abortion.

We also committed funding for a communications package which will improve accessibility for abortion services. This will make a significant difference for women and people with a uterus who need to access an abortion here in the ACT.

Sadly, in America, the Supreme Court decision will have a disproportionate impact on women and people and put them at a disadvantage. This will particularly include victims of domestic and family violence, sexual violence, people from multicultural communities, people living with a disability, LGBTIQA+ communities, as well as people living well below the poverty line. It may also mean that states that will be able to continue to provide an abortion will need to provide this service to women from across the country.

The breaking of hearts across the world was deeply felt here in Australia, including in the ACT, with this move by the Supreme Court, which is why I joined with thousands of others in Civic and rallied in solidarity. It sparked global protests, and we joined people in countries around the world to express our opposition to this undoing of these human rights.

In addition to rallies of support, I have written to advocates and experts in the United States expressing my strong solidarity with their cause, and acknowledging their commitment to and work for human and abortion rights. I present the following papers:

Abortion rights in the USA—Expression of solidarity—

Copy of letter from the Minister for Women to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, NARAL Pro-Choice America, and American Civil Liberties Union, undated.

Copy of letter from the Deputy Chief Minister to the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, undated.

I have also tabled a letter to Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, expressing the ACT government’s solidarity with women and people who can become pregnant and support for upholding their right
to choose.

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