Page 2127 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 2 August 2022

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To these schools and organisations, I also say thank you. Although the equity to access program has ended, the ACT government continues to provide world-leading access for people to receive their COVID-19 vaccinations at the Access and Sensory Clinic in Weston Creek.

The Access and Sensory clinic offers COVID-19 vaccinations to people who experience barriers to mainstream vaccination services due to a range of factors including disability or a mental health condition. If you know someone who may be eligible to receive a free COVID-19 vaccination, or indeed a free flu vaccination, from the Access and Sensory Clinic, please encourage them to contact the bookings team on 5124 3999, during business hours, to arrange an appointment.

Mr Assistant Speaker, Canberra Health Services has also continued its specialist vaccination clinic to ensure that people who are at high risk for allergic reaction to vaccines, a vaccine ingredient, or who have a medical history of concern, are able to be vaccinated. Patients who believe they may be eligible should speak with their GP regarding a referral to this clinic.

Mr Assistant Speaker, I would also like to take the opportunity to encourage Canberrans to come forward to receive their influenza vaccination. Influenza vaccines are particularly important this year, being the first year we have seen a significant number of flu cases since 2019.

The most recent data shows that the ACT has already seen one peak of influenza cases this year. However, the traditional flu season extends until October, so I urge Canberrans to remain vigilant against a possible second wave. The ACT government recognises that cost can be a barrier to vaccination for some members of the community. From 6 June, the Access and Sensory Clinic has provided free influenza vaccinations to concession card holders and people with a disability or mental health conditions.

Influenza can be deadly. The ACT has already received around 1,900 confirmed reports of influenza from laboratories this year. I strongly encourage Canberrans to protect themselves, their families and their community by making arrangements with their primary care provider for vaccination or making a booking with the Access and Sensory Clinic if that is applicable for their situation.

The Australian Health Protection Principal Committee (AHPPC) has been reviewing its current recommendations and statements in relation to COVID-19. On 10 June, AHPPC provided updated advice about the wearing of masks in airport settings, concluding that it is no longer proportionate to mandate mask use in airports. Following this advice, the Chief Health Officer removed the requirement for face masks to be worn in the Canberra airport terminal, with effect from 11.59 pm on 17 June 2022.

Despite this change, I remind Canberrans that face masks are still mandatory in the following circumstances: for household contacts 12 years and older in any indoor setting that is not their own home; on public transport, including a public bus, light rail vehicle, taxi, rideshare vehicle, hire car or demand responsive service vehicle;

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