Page 2114 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 2 August 2022

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Observers walk approximately 44 km of transects per nature reserve with the aim of achieving a coefficient of variation around the mean abundance estimate of <20%. Surveys are undertaken in the early morning, when kangaroos are evenly dispersed across the grazing landscape and are most likely to be detected from survey lines, over approximately 11 days. Surveys are not conducted in strong wind, heavy fog, or rain.

Methods for counting kangaroos are described in the Eastern Grey Kangaroo: Controlled Native Species Management Plan (2017) (EGK:CNSMP) and in a recent peer reviewed publication available at: /doi/10.1111/emr.12485.

Kurahaupo Consulting independently reviewed the kangaroo population count methods, count results, the method for determining the number of kangaroos to cull in the ACT , and the science behind the relevant parts of the 2010 Kangaroo Management Plan (the key policy driver at the time). The review endorsed the ACT Government’s counting methods and culling advice.

The ACT Government does not support a moratorium on kangaroo culling

The ACT Government’s kangaroo management policy and programs are based on scientific knowledge supported by ongoing research, appropriate regulation and monitoring and national codes of practice. Ongoing improvement and review have been, and will continue to be, a key feature in the development of kangaroo management policy and the implementation of management programs in the ACT.

The ACT Government has been extremely transparent in the science behind the kangaroo management program, the lengths that it goes to with respect to animal welfare issues and the community perceptions to kangaroo management. I would direct members of the Assembly and the public to the Directorates webpage ( urban-wildlife/kangaroos).

An overview of the key review processes include:

2010 – The ACT Kangaroo Management Plan was released. This plan provides principles, objectives and policies relating to kangaroo management in the ACT. Its explanations include over 400 references including approximately 125 peer reviewed science journals and 155 books or book chapters, most of which have been peer reviewed.

The conservation cull has been challenged in the ACAT three times: 2012 (did not go to hearing), 2013 and 2014 (reported in Animal Liberation ACT v Conservator of Flora and Fauna (Administrative Review) [2014] ACAT 35). Additionally, the cull of eastern grey kangaroos on Defence land was challenged in 2009. All four challenges were unsuccessful and the ACAT held that the conservation cull on both Territory and Defence land was valid.

2014 – Kurahaupo Consulting independently reviewed the kangaroo population count methods, count results, the method for determining the number of kangaroos to cull in the ACT, and the science behind the

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