Page 1979 - Week 06 - Thursday, 9 June 2022

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(c)  under the election policy announced by the former Australian Government, planning decisions and consultations about the CSIRO Ginninderra site would have remained with the Commonwealth Government, with no guarantee of, or control over, good quality, affordable, environmental or community outcomes informed by engagement with Canberrans;

(d)  the ACT Government’s commitments on affordable housing, housing supply, and environmentally sustainable development, including the 70 percent infill target, represent a vision for a sustainable, connected and liveable city, and the ACT’s existing housing stock at 30 June 2021 comprised of approximately 115 000 single dwellings and 63 000 of all other types including apartments, townhouses and semi-detached dwellings;

(e)  the ACT Government is developing a robust planning framework and is experienced, through the Suburban Land Agency, at delivering new suburbs in line with its commitments and ensuring that those suburbs are environmentally sustainable, liveable, and offer the services that Canberrans need and the amenities they want;

(f)  the ACT Government has publicly recognised the importance of thorough community consultation on any future development at the greenfield CSIRO Ginninderra site, to ensure that environmental values are preserved, infrastructure and transport needs are met and the concerns of all Canberrans are heard and reflected in any future development on the site; and

(g) any future development, and decision about the types of housing, including affordable housing, and the environmental importance of the site should be informed by detailed consultation and planning work by the ACT Government; and

(2)  calls on the Chief Minister and Minister for Housing and Suburban Development to jointly write to the Federal Minister for Finance, Senator the Hon Katy Gallagher, to seek her support for the transfer of the 243 hectare CSIRO Ginninderra site to the ACT Government as soon as possible for the purpose of release for housing; and

(3) calls on the ACT Government to commit to ensuring that if it acquires the CSIRO Ginninderra site, a thorough consultation with the community will occur and any decisions about the relevant environmental factors, affordable and public housing priorities, related infrastructure and housing types ultimately delivered be informed by that consultation.”.

MS CLAY (Ginninderra) (4.05): I am really happy to rise to talk to Ms Lee’s motion and Minister Berry’s amendment today. This is an important topic. It covers housing affordability, and it also covers our duties to environmental protection and climate change. It is worth spending a bit of time and talking through what we are looking at here. We have heard quite a lot about CSIRO Ginninderra in the last few months, as part of the pre-election campaigning. It is important to me, as the ACT Greens spokesperson for planning, but it is also crucial because it is in my electorate and it affects every single person in Belconnen.

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