Page 1854 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 8 June 2022

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Clean air is foundational to ensuring that our communities are liveable for all. While the smoke pollution resulting from wood heaters does not come near the peak particulate pollution levels from the Black Summer fires, it is important that our air quality strategy responds to the fact that many of us, and our neighbours, need clean air every day or suffer serious health consequences, and this is impacted by wood heaters in particular places in our colder months.

I would like to take the opportunity to talk now about some of the work that the ACT government has been doing to address the air quality impacts of wood heaters. In line with the actions detailed in the air quality strategy, a review of the Burn Right Tonight campaign and Wood Heater Replacement Program was recently undertaken. The review included focus groups of general community members, individuals with an existing wood heater and also those who had taken up the Wood Heater Replacement Program offer previously.

Key findings from these in-depth community conversations were that clean air is a source of pride for many Canberrans. The broader community supports government action on air quality, and most would like to see a further reduction in wood fire usage over time. For those motivated to replace their wood heater, the key drivers of removal tended to be the effort and mess associated with a wood heater, as well as a growing appreciation of their impact on the environment. Further, we need to focus our communication efforts in those areas that we know have a higher wood heater ownership, such as areas in Tuggeranong and Belconnen.

As part of the work already happening under the strategy, community conversations and research are underway to assist in shaping improvements to the Wood Heater Replacement Program to increase uptake, including assisting low income households. This motion brought forward by Mr Davis will help to sharpen and focus our efforts in the areas of Canberra that need it most and help to break down some of the barriers that people are experiencing in accessing programs.

As well as clean air, another thing that the ACT Greens have been working away at—patiently, consistently and often out of sight—is a just transition to a zero carbon future and making sure that no-one is left behind. It is important that we look at this from a holistic energy transition perspective, because we need, as a growing city, to move away from expensive, polluting wood and gas heating and towards comfortable, well-insulated homes affordably heated by clean electricity.

I would like to also talk now about the programs currently in place to support people wanting to replace their wood heater with electric heating. For many years the ACT government has run the Wood Heater Replacement Program, which offers rebates for households removing or replacing their wood heater. In addition, the ACT government Sustainable Household Scheme offers zero interest loans of between $2,000 to $15,000 to support eligible ACT households to live more comfortably, reduce emissions and cut their energy costs. This scheme complements the Wood Heater Replacement Program to assist with covering the additional cost of replacing a wood heater with an energy-efficient electric system for eligible households.

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