Page 1812 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 8 June 2022

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We recently completed an expression of interest process for the design and construction phase of the project, with a tender for these works to be released in coming months and award of the contract planned early next year. When we started these works in February, I was pleased to announce that we also have the preliminary designs available for upgrades at the intersections of Isabella Drive, Mugga Lane, Tralee Street and Sheppard Street.

Two more flyovers are being designed at Isabella Drive and at the Hume mid-blocks at Mugga Lane, Tralee Street and Sheppard Street, improving access to the Hume industrial precinct. Engagement is continuing with local stakeholders and businesses as we progress the design work for these upgrades. These Monaro Highway works will create around 700 jobs, providing a continuous pipeline of work for both our local design consultancies and construction contractors as we progress through the multiple stages of this project.

Many Tuggeranong residents, like myself, will tell you about the need to complete the full duplication of Athllon Drive, not only at the Tuggeranong end but also in Phillip. Its completion will make travelling to Woden and on to the city safer and faster for Tuggeranong residents. It is a key part of the ACT government’s plan to create and protect local jobs by delivering the infrastructure our growing city needs. I acknowledge that, as a government, we have been thinking and talking about this one for a while, which is why I am really pleased to now see these works moving ahead.

We will be duplicating a total of three kilometres of road, from Shea Street to Melrose Drive in the north, and from Sulwood Drive to Drakeford Drive in the south, between Kambah and Wanniassa. This will include new intersections, a bus priority lane and new bus stops, new shared paths and a new pedestrian and cyclist underpass beneath Sulwood Drive. These works will ensure that this key transport corridor is a great option for commuters, whether they use public transport, cycle or drive a private vehicle.

People on the south side would also be aware that there is an ongoing discussion about future extensions to light rail, including a proposed connection to Mawson. This proposal primarily impacts on the northern section of Athllon Drive and planning is continuing with Major Projects Canberra ahead of the progression of the stage 2B detailed design.

In the meantime, we have decided to progress the southern section between Sulwood Drive and Drakeford Drive separately so that we can get on with this important project. A tender for the detailed design phase is expected to be released soon. The Australian government recently committed $46.7 million to the project, and we welcome that contribution to a project that is already in the pipeline that we have already committed to. We expect to commence the detailed design phase later this year, which will take approximately 18 months to complete before commencement of construction in around 2024.

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