Page 1666 - Week 05 - Thursday, 2 June 2022

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Organisation Name

Service Funded

Funding amount approx. p.a.

Year discontinued

Reason discontinued

Capital Health Network

headspace low intensity service


June 2021

Commonwealth funded program.

A 2016 ACT Labor election commitment to provide funding to reduce headspace waiting times resulted in this time limited 4 year funding agreement.

Mental Health Community Coalition

Recovery College


June 2021

2 year (+6 month extension) trial completed and evaluation being reviewed to inform future budget bids

Organisation Name

Service Funded


amount approx. p.a.

Year discontinued

Reason discontinued

Brian Hennessy Rehabilitation Centre – The University of Canberra Hospital opened with the rehabilitation unit opening.




University of Canberra Hospital opened with rehabilitation services transferring to the new hospital

3) The ACT Government provides a wide range of funding and support for mental health services operated by non-government organisations across the ACT. The list and details of these services for 2021-22 are covered in the table below. The service types listed in the table match the descriptive categories defined by the Australian Institute for Health and Welfare for mental health community services.

The ACT Government also receives funding from the Commonwealth that it directly applies to fund non-government services in the community, such as the Youth Aware of Mental Health education program and the MindMap Youth Portal. However, these programs are not covered below because they stem from Commonwealth funding.

Organisation Name

Mental Health Service

Mental Health Service Type


A Gender Agenda

Mental Health Program

Mental Health Promotion


ACT Disability Aged and Carer Advocacy Service (ADACAS)

Mental Health Program

Individual Advocacy


ACT Mental Health Consumers Network

Peak Body

Sector Development and Representation


Australian National University

ACT Carer and Consumer Mental Health Research Unit (ACACIA)

Education and Training


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