Page 1614 - Week 05 - Thursday, 2 June 2022

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(ii) identifying the risk profile of private buildings, including private residential apartment buildings potentially with cladding; and

(iii) collaboration with other jurisdictions to identify the appropriate level of support to offer private building owners needing to identify their risk level from potentially combustible cladding, and take action to address that risk;

(d) owners corporations are responsible for ensuring their buildings are safe for residents and visitors;

(e) immediately following the 2020 ACT election results, the ACT Government announced we would implement financial support for owners corporations to test any potentially combustible cladding on their building, and that access to low interest loans will be provided to assist with meeting the costs of any required remediation of high risk potentially combustible cladding on their buildings;

(f) in July 2021, the ACT Government opened up the first phase of financial assistance for owners corporations, consisting of rebates to support the cost of testing for potentially high risk combustible cladding, and through Major Projects Canberra has been working productively with owners and strata managers to ensure all potentially eligible building owners are aware of the scheme and how to access it. This rebate for testing is open until 21 July 2022;

(g) in April 2022, the Government announced that phase two of the scheme–a concessional loan scheme would be opened in mid-2022 and provided detailed information regarding eligibility, likely interest rates and other key parameters;

(h)  rectification of potential combustible cladding is exempt from development approvals and therefore not subject to Development Approval fees, and Building Approval fees can be included in the concessional loan amount; and

(i)  the ACT Government aims to see all buildings in the ACT with potentially combustible cladding that is rated as high or moderate risk rectified to low risk. This will be achieved to buildings owned and controlled by ACT Government by the end of the 2022 calendar year. The ACT Government’s support and assistance for the owners of private apartment buildings is targeted to ensure the same outcome for private affected buildings; and

(2) calls on the ACT Government to:

(a) publish the finalised details, including eligibility and terms, of the remediation loan scheme and the loan provider once the procurement process, currently in its final stages, is completed;

(b) continue to work with owners corporations and strata managers to ensure that they are managing risks associated with potentially combustible cladding on their buildings; and

(c) continue to support the process of building owners ensuring they have appropriate building approvals in place through building certification processes.”

I offer an apology for the late circulation of the amendment. As the standing minister, I did make a snafu on that one, and I apologise to colleagues for that. Let me quickly

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