Page 1566 - Week 05 - Thursday, 2 June 2022

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Life as a politician and raising a family is extremely difficult, and to see Giulia Jones juggling her work and family commitments has been quite refreshing for me, as a full-time mum, to know that I could do both. I just want to say to Giulia’s family: thank you so much for lending your mum to those here in the Assembly, her local constituents, as well as all of Canberra. You have sacrificed your time with your mum in order for her to come out and serve the people of Canberra, your neighbours, your school friends and your school friends’ parents. That is magnificent and it is very much a courageous and humble moment from the kids to be able to see that. I know that there is no other service in this world that a parent could offer to their kids than to fulfil their own dreams. I know that Giulia Jones is fulfilling her dream from now onwards into the future and I know that her family will be there to support her.

As I watched you deliver your valedictory, Giulia, I saw the reaction from the people in the gallery, and how tearful they were when you brought forward the draft. I could not help but shed tears as well, because what she portrayed today was for the constituent or the frontline worker. I am sorry, but I was watching her reaction to Mrs Jones’s speech, and she was crying. That is a reflection of how much Giulia Jones has put herself forward and sacrificed her time to make sure that constituents’ needs are met, that their voices are heard, that they have a place here and that somebody is listening. Giulia Jones is doing that for them.

I can honestly say that the work that you have done today, Giulia, with regard to the frontline workers is echoing across Canberra for the many people that you have served in the past. Some people may think that becoming a politician is the ultimate goal in one’s career, but I can honestly say that it is not; there is more to life than being a politician. I know full well that Giulia Jones has used the last couple of years in this chamber as a platform to propel her to something greater. I know that God has something in store for her in the future, and I am super excited to find out what that is. I know that He has her best interests at heart and her family’s best interests at heart, and I know that great things will come along for you in the near future. I am super excited to see where that will lead you and your family. So, from the bottom of my heart and soul, I thank you for your friendship and I thank you for your mentorship throughout the many years. You are a great example of everything. Thank you.

MR PARTON (Brindabella) (11.29), by leave: I promise I will be brief. I want to congratulate Mrs Jones for getting so deep into her valedictory speech before shedding the first tear, because I reckon if SportsBet had run a market on the point at which the waterworks would start, the favourite would have been the first 10 minutes! It would have been a dollar to two. So I think she did exceptionally well.

So many people have spoken about the passion of Giulia Jones today. Can I say that Italians and Colombians are very similar in the way that they go about many things in life. I am married to a Colombian; I understand Mrs Jones more than most people in this place. I think Yvette really nailed it when she talked about the fact that Mrs Jones wears her heart on her sleeve, and that you always know where she is coming from, you always know what her position is, and you always feel that passion.

I would just reflect that, with respect to today’s discussion, we are having it pretty much as friends. We do not often do that, and if we all wore our hearts on our

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