Page 1554 - Week 05 - Thursday, 2 June 2022

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but I’m not a girl.” Thanks, Nicole. You helped this parliament with the hard change from majority macho to majority women. It has not always been plain sailing.

Mr Parton, ever the comedian, but Mark has a heart like no other; a very open human—sometimes too open. But no-one can make a minister stress like him when they hear the words, “Mark has made a video about you again.” Keep shining a light, Mark. I deeply appreciate Mark pointing out that those of us rather attached to the traditional definition of marriage were not all bigots. That means a lot during a time that was hard for many here.

Mr Milligan, often misunderstood; James has a big heart and is always open to a chat. He does not pretend that people are perfect and is willing to see what needs to change. James helped me a lot, many years ago, when we were both just starting out. I spent many days sitting on his couch discussing the finer details of design of product. His tenacity has kept him here; he just keeps on going. Keep on going, James; you have earnt your place here.

Mrs Kikkert, you have given so much to be here. You have looked roaring lions in the mouth and refused to give up on your calling. As a mum, and as a representative of those who do not have a voice, I meant it when I said that people need you here. You, my friend, I would choose to have nearby me if I were ever to fall off a cliff. You do not seek glory or fame, but to serve, and that is the highest honour of all. Well done, faithful sister.

Ms Castley, once you asked me, “Could I do it? Could I be an MLA?” I said, “Of course, you could be, and why should it be someone else?” You keep doing you. You are an asset to your city and your community. For all of the nights we sat together going over the finer points of federal Liberal policy and media management, you are worth it, my friend.

Finally, Mr Cain, no-one can outwork you in event attendance. I have it on good authority that you have already been to four million events this year! Keep going, Peter. Like Forrest Gump, keep on going; you will make your mark here.

To the Clerk’s office, the attendants, the Clerk, Hansard, the committee office, library, IT and HR—I know it is not a comprehensive list—but thank you all. I have never believed that my staff should have to clock in and clock out like factory workers. The time sheets in this parliament are pretty demeaning to the professionals who work here. No other parliament has them. In my experience—and I have worked in three other state parliaments—they should go.

Despite all of that, thank you to the people who have worked for me over the last decade, despite the demands of this team calling. I thank my current staff: Daniel Tedeschi, Sean O’Dea, Ciaran O’Dea, David Turnbull, Elli Williams, Daniel Weight, and Mina Zaki. I thank my previous staff: Peter Hosking, Nathan Mullins, Martin Ross, Marianne Chaston, Josh Bryant, Gus McManus, Danielle Young, Amber Gale, Samantha Young, Kacey Lam, Gerrard Williams, Greg Hosking, James Richards, Brendan O’Dea, Paul Monagle, Liam Develin, Zoe Bingley, Susannah Edwards, Richard Howard, Louise English, Gillian Belcher, Isabella Dunne, Emma Growling,

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